The LaBarge Volunteer Fire Department consists of dedicated men and women, who selflessly volunteer their time to help our community and surrounding areas when tragedy strikes. 

The Fire Department puts on several fundraising events annually. They BBQ during the annual Easter Egg Hunt, DoLittle Car Show, and various other events, all for donation only!! 

These men and women put their own lives at risk to save others. They are not only our firefighters, but also our first responders. The department responds to various locations in and outside of town. Our volunteers cover the largest responding area, including Lincoln, Sublette, and Sweetwater counties.  

The LaBarge Fire Department goes above and beyond to include the kids in and around our community in any and all activities they put on. The volunteers celebrate Fire Prevention Week at the LaBarge Elementary School. They teach the kids what to do incase of a fire and how they can prevent fires. The children are very interactive with our firefighters, and love the demonstrations that they are put through. The department gives out "goodie bags" to each child and staff member at the end of their presentation. 

The Department also puts on the annual Fourth of July fireworks display.