Town of LaBarge Codes






1.05.010 Description of Corporate Seal


1.10.010 Authority to Specify the Conduct of Elections

1.10.020 Conduct of Elections

1.10.030 Terms of Office


1.15.010 Regular Meetings

1.15.020 Meetings, Generally

1.15.030 Call for Special Meeting

1.15.040 Regular and Special Meetings: Record

1.15.050 Duties of Clerk as to Journal

1.15.060 Adjournment of Meeting to a Subsequent Date

1.15.070 Executive Session

1.15.080 Council Meetings: Quorum

1.15.090 Attendance of Clerk and Officer on Duty

1.15.100 Committees

1.15.110 Disruption of Public Meeting


1.20.010 Parliamentary Procedure to Be Used

1.20.020 Presiding Officer

1.20.030 Duties and Privileges of Presiding Officer

1.20.040 Call to Order and Order of Business

1.20.050 Priority of Business

1.20.060 Motion and Resolutions

1.20.070 Order of Motions

1.20.080 Division of Question

1.20.090 Ayes and Nays

1.20.100 Motion for “Previous Question”

1.20.110 Different Sums and Times Proposed: Order of Vote

1.20.120 Procedure Before Council Member Speaks

1.20.130 Procedure During the Putting of the Question

1.20.140 No Private Conversations

1.20.150 Member Called to Order

1.20.160 Adjournment

1.20.170 Amendment of Rules


1.25.010 Ad Hoc Committees

1.25.020 Special Committees

1.25.030 Committee Reports


1.30.010 Passage of Ordinances


1.30.020 Repeal of Ordinances

1.30.030 Repeal of Ordinance Repealing Former Ordinance

1.30.040 Plural Words and Male Gender Used in Ordinances




2.05.010 Appointed Town Officers

2.05.020 Salaries of Town Officers

2.05.030 Bonds Required for Officers

2.05.040 Oath

2.05.050 Duties

2.10 MAYOR 12

2.10.010 Powers and Duties


2.15.010 Definition

2.15.020 Duties and Powers

2.20 TOWN CLERK 13

2.20.010 Duties


2.25.010 Duties


2.30.010 Duties


2.40.010 Duties


2.45.010 Duties


2.50.010 Duties


2.55.010 Duties




3.05.010 Criteria for Consideration

3.05.020 Application Fee

3.05.030 Reimbursement of Expenses

3.05.040 Applicant Financial Information

3.05.050 Marketability of Bonds

3.05.060 Determination of Town


3.05.070 Liability of Town and Bond Purchaser

3.05.080 Limitation of Inducement Resolution


3.10.010 Returned Checks

3.10.015 Use of Collection Agency

3.10.020 Non-exclusive Remedy




4.05.010 Classes of Crimes, Violations

4.05.020 Requirements of Culpability


4.10.010 Disorderly Conduct

4.10.020 Permitting Disorderly Establishment

4.10.030 Discharging of Firearms or Firecrackers

4.10.035 Selling of Firecrackers or Explosives

4.10.040 Concealed Weapons

4.10.045 Brandishing a Deadly Weapon

4.10.050 Disturbing the Peace

4.10.060 Criminal Provocation

4.10.070 Disturbance of Lawful Assembly

4.10.080 Unlawful Assembly

4.10.090 Impersonation of a Police Officer

4.10.100 Interference with a Police Officer

4.10.110 Interference with Town Employees

4.10.120 False Calls

4.10.130 Interfering with Fire Alarm System

4.10.140 Interfering with Fire Hydrants, Water Mains, etc.

4.10.150 Erection of Dangerous Fences

4.10.160 Curfew

4.10.170 Engine Compression Brake Use Prohibited

4.10.180 Illegal Sale of a Lottery Ticket


4.15.010 Assault

4.15.020 Assault and Battery

4.15.030 Domestic Abuse

4.15.040 Stalking


4.20.010 Throwing of Objects Prohibited

4.20.020 Destruction of Property

4.20.030 Interference with Safety Device

4.20.040 Destruction of Lawfully Posted Papers

4.20.050 Defrauding Vending Machine, Coin Telephone

4.20.060 Unlawful Opening of Vending Machine

4.20.070 Petty Larceny


4.20.080 Larceny

4.20.090 Shoplifting

4.20.100 Detention and Interrogation of Suspects

4.20.110 Reasonable Cause A Defense Against Action Brought by Person Detained

4.20.120 Unauthorized Fire

4.20.130 Throwing Burning Matches, Cigarettes, etc. from Vehicle

4.20.140 Malicious Mischief

4.20.150 Parties to A Crime

4.20.160 Check Fraud

4.20.170 Trespass

4.20.180 Vandalism

4.20.190 Theft of Labor, Services of Use of Property

4.20.195 Failure to Pay

4.20.200 Parties to a Crime


4.25.010 Public Intoxication

4.25.020 No Serving of Minors

4.25.030 Minors in Possession or Under the Influence of Alcohol

4.25.040 Public Nudity

4.25.050 Voyeurism

4.25.055 Lewd and Lascivious Behavior

4.25.060 Obscenity: Definitions

4.25.070 Obscenity: Prohibited Conduct

4.25.080 Obscenity: Notice, Presumption of Knowledge

4.25.090 Obscenity: Proceedings

4.25.100 Prostitution

4.25.110 Possession of Controlled Substance

4.25.115 Synthetic Cannabinoids and MDKP

4.25.120 Person Using or Under the Influence of Controlled Substance

4.25.130 Definitions

4.25.140 Drug Paraphernalia

4.25.150 Tobacco: Sale, etc. to Minors


4.30.010 Abandoned Automobiles

4.30.020 Removal of Abandoned Automobiles

4.30.030 Other Abandoned, Unused, etc. Property

4.30.040 Removal of Abandoned, Unused, etc. Property

4.30.050 Abatement of Nuisance

4.30.060 Penalty of Violation




5.05.005 Compliance

5.05.010 Rabies Vaccination


5.05.020 License Required

5.05.030 License Procedure

5.05.040 Keeping Other Animals

5.05.045 Keeping of Chickens

5.05.050 License for Horses

5.05.060 Penalty for Licensing Violation

5.05.070 Dog at Large

5.05.080 Impounding of Animals

5.05.090 Reclaiming Impounded Animals

5.05.100 Vicious or Noisy Dog

5.05.110 Kennel License Required; Kennel Permits


5.10.010 Cruelty to Animals Prohibited


5.15.010 Offensive Animal Enclosures


5.20.010 Animals at Large Prohibited

5.20.020 Impoundment of Animals

5.20.030 Interference with Impoundment Prohibited

5.20.040 Notification of Owner

5.20.050 Disposal of Impounded Animals.

5.20.060 Excess Monies from Sale


5.25.010 Animal Carcass is Nuisance

5.25.020 Disposal of Animal Carcass



6.05 FOOD 56

6.05.010 Unwholesome Food for Sale

6.05.020 Restrictions on Food

6.05.030 Container for Food Storage

6.05.040 Seizure of Unwholesome Food

6.05.050 Penalty for Violation

6.10 FIRE 56

6.10.010 Adoption of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.020 Modification of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.030 Future Modifications of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.040 Enforcement of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.050 Appeals

6.10.060 Penalty for Violation of Fire Code

6.15 MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES 58 6.15.010 Clean and Orderly Premises

6.15.015 Purpose, Violation of, Fire Hazard and Nuisance

6.15.016 Excessive and/or Noxious Weeds

6.15.020 Notice to Destroy Weeds


6.15.025 Action Upon Non-Compliance with Order

6.15.030 Maintaining a Health Menace

6.15.035 Offensive Matter on Premises

6.15.040 Liquids Allowed to Become Nauseous

6.15.050 Abatement of Nuisance

6.15.060 Places Where Cooking or Eating is Done

6.15.070 Littering Prohibited

6.15.080 Vacant Lots


6.20.010 Definitions

6.20.020 Garbage Collection by Commercial Services

6.20.030 Responsible for Removal of Certain Material to Transfer Station

6.20.040 Burning of Garbage Unlawful

6.20.050 Securing Refuse Containers

6.20.060 Commercial District: Fenced Collection Containers

6.20.070 Penalty for Violation

6.20.080 Transfer Station Rates, Hours, Penalties, and Salvage Privileges


6.25.010 Purpose

6.25.020 Number Size

6.25.030 Color and Location

6.25.040 Compliance

6.25.050 Penalty


6.30.010 Purpose

6.30.020 Definitions

6.30.030 Policies

6.30.040 Violation



6.35.010 Title

6.35.020 Purpose and Scope

6.35.030 Enforcement, General

6.35.040 Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

6.35.050 Violations

6.35.060 Inspection of Work

6.35.070 Board of Appeals

6.35.080 Definitions, General

6.35.090 Dangerous Buildings

6.35.100 Notices and Orders of Building Official, General

6.35.110 Recordation of Notice and Order

6.35.120 Repair, Vacation and Demolition

6.35.130 Notice to Vacate

6.35.140 Appeals, General

6.35.150 Effect of Failure to Appeal

6.35.160 Scope of Hearing on Appeal

6.35.170 Staying of Order Under Appeal

6.35.180 Procedure for Conduct of Hearing Appeals, General

6.35.190 Form of Notice of Hearing

6.35.200 Subpoenas


6.35.210 Conduct of Hearing

6.35.220 Method and Form of Decision

6.35.230 Compliance: Enforcement of the Order of the Building Official or the Board of Appeals

6.35.240 Extension of Time to Perform Work

6.35.250 Interference with Repair or Demolition Work Prohibited

6.35.260 Performance of Work of Repair or Demolition, General

6.35.270 Recovery of Cost of Repair or Demolition; Expense, Filing of Report: Contents

6.35.280 Report Transmitted to Council: Set for Hearing

6.35.290 Protests and Objections: How Made

6.35.300 Hearing of Protests

6.35.310 Personal Obligation or Special Assessment

6.35.320 Contest

6.35.330 Authority for Installment Payment of Assessments with Interest

6.35.340 Lien of Assessment

6.35.350 Report to Assessor and Tax Collector: Addition of Assessment to Tax Bill

6.35.360 Filing Copy of Report with County Auditor

6.35.370 Collection of Assessment: Penalties for Foreclosure

6.35.380 Repayment of Repair and Demolition Fund

6.40 BUILDING CODES 81 6.40.010 International Building Code Adopted



7.05 TRAFFIC 85

7.05.010 General Traffic Code

7.05.015 Additional Adopted Traffic Provisions

7.05.020 Intent of General Traffic Code

7.05.030 Driving While License Cancelled, Suspended or Revoked

7.05.040 Failure to Maintain Liability Coverage; Exceptions

7.05.050 Speed or Acceleration Contest or Exhibition on Highways

7.05.060 Penalty

7.10 PARKING 87

7.10.010 Prohibited at All Times; Signs Not Required for Enforcement

7.10.020 Method of Parking, Generally

7.10.030 Truck Parking

7.10.040 Private Property

7.10.050 Stop When Traffic Obstructed

7.10.060 Blocking of Streets, Alleys or Sidewalks

7.10.070 Yield Right-of-Way Sign, Obedience: Manner of Entering Intersections So Posted

7.10.080 Storage of Vehicles in Public Space Prohibited

7.10.090 Parking Vehicles on Public Streets for Repairs

7.10.100 Parking Near Intersections Restricted


7.10.110 Abandonment Declared Nuisance

7.10.120 Snow Removal Parking

7.10.130 Authority to Impound Illegally Parked Vehicles

7.10.140 Definitions

7.10.150 Penalty

7.15 BICYCLES 90

7.15.010 Defined

7.15.020 Operation: Applicability of Traffic Regulations

7.15.030 Operation: When Provisions in Effect

7.15.040 Operation: Riding on Seat Required; Number of Persons Permitted

7.15.050 Operation: To Be Ridden on Right Edge of Roadway; Riding More Than Two Abreast; Use of Bicycle Paths

7.15.060 Operation: Carrying Packages, etc.

7.15.070 Operation: Equipment

7.15.080 Operation: On Sidewalks

7.15.090 Operation: Liability of Parents or Guardians


7.20.010 Definitions

7.20.020 Operation Unlawful

7.20.030 Penalty for Violation


7.25.010 Removal of Snow and Ice

7.25.020 Cleaning Sidewalks

7.25.030 Obstruction of Sidewalks

7.25.040 Driving on Sidewalks

7.25.050 Broken Sidewalks

7.25.060 Penalty for Violation


7.30.010 Definitions

7.30.020 Permit Required

7.30.030 Application for Permit

7.30.040 Permit Procedure

7.30.050 Responsibility of Commissioner

7.30.060 Bonding

7.30.070 Permit Fees

7.30.080 Excavation Placard

7.30.090 Barriers and Warning Devices for Safety

7.30.100 Crossings and Passageways for Pedestrians and Vehicles

7.30.110 Routing of Traffic: Closing of Streets

7.30.120 Emergency Evacuations

7.30.130 Liability of Municipality and Municipal Employees

7.30.140 Liability of Permittee

7.30.150 Prompt Completion of Work and Restoration Required

7.30.160 Inconvenience, Annoyance, etc., to General Public and Occupants

of Neighboring Property

7.30.170 Interference with Access to Fire Hydrants, Fire Escapes and Other Vital Equipment

7.30.180 Interference with Existing Facilities

7.30.190 Protection of Adjoining Property


7.30.200 Care of Lawn Areas; Removal of Trees and Shrubs from Parking Strip Areas

7.30.210 Breaking Through Pavement

7.30.220 Disposition of Materials from Excavation

7.30.230 Removal of Debris

7.30.240 Normal Storm Flows

7.30.250 Disposal of Muck, Silt, etc.

7.30.260 Backfilling

7.30.270 Restoration of Surface

7.30.280 Penalty

7.30.290 Severability

7.30.300 Repeal and Effective Date


7.35.010 Injury to Pavement or Sidewalks

7.35.020 Excavations Near Street

7.35.030 Removal of Materials

7.35.040 Excavation in Streets or Alleys

7.35.050 Hindering of Repair or Construction

7.35.060 Building Material in Streets

7.35.070 Repair of Damage

7.35.080 Enforcement

7.35.090 Penalties




8.05.010 Compliance Required

8.05.020 Application Process

8.05.030 License Tax Certificate

8.05.040 Transfer of License

8.05.050 Payment Due Dates

8.05.060 License Fees for Businesses and Occupations

8.05.070 Several Businesses at One Location

8.05.080 Penalty

8.05.090 Appeals

8.05.100 Public Utilities


8.10.010 Adoption of State of Wyoming Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws

8.10.020 Compliance with Chapter

8.10.030 Retail Liquor License Fee

8.10.040 Restaurant Liquor License Fee

8.10.050 Twenty-four Hour Malt Beverage Permit Fee

8.10.060 Transfer of License Location or Ownership Fee

8.10.070 Hours of Sale


8.20.010 Building Permits



8.25.010 License to Post, Distribute, etc., Advertising Material Required

8.25.020 Same: Application, Issuance, Term

8.25.030 Same: Fee

8.25.040 Throwing, etc., Newspapers, Handbills, etc., on Private Property Without Owner’s Consent

8.25.050 Destroying Authorized Advertisement

8.25.060 False Advertising

8.25.070 Maintenance of Signs

8.25.080 Removal of Temporary Political or Promotional Placards and Posters



8.30.010 Pawnbrokers, Defined

8.30.020 Licenses: Required

8.30.030 Licenses: Fee, Transfer

8.30.040 Licenses: Revocation

8.30.050 Licenses: Secondhand Dealer’s License Not Required

8.30.060 Bond

8.30.070 Records: Required Contents

8.30.080 Records: Delivery to Police; Retention of Copy

8.30.090 Inspection of Records, Merchandise, etc.

8.30.100 Stolen or Illegally Obtained Property

8.30.110 Transactions with Minors

8.30.120 Compliance with Wyoming Consumer Credit Code and Interest Limitations

8.30.130 Secondhand Dealers, Defined

8.30.140 Licenses

8.30.150 Records, Generally

8.30.160 Inspection of Records, Merchandise, etc.

8.30.170 Stolen or Illegally Obtained Property

8.30.180 Junk Dealers: License Required

8.30.190 Licenses: Application

8.30.200 Licenses: Fee

8.30.210 Right of Entry of Police and City Officers

8.30.220 Articles to be Kept Ten Days After Purchase

8.30.230 Register



9.05 NATURAL GAS 120

9.05.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code

9.05.020 Inspector and Inspections

9.05.030 Plumbing Permit Inspection Fees

9.05.040 Penalties for Violation



9.10.010 Utility Company and Franchise Fees

9.10.020 Electric Power and Light Company

9.10.030 Public Utility Gas Company

9.10.040 Community Television Systems

9.10.050 Telephone Franchise


9.15.010 Definitions

9.15.020 Adoption of Additional Regulations

9.15.030 Powers and Duties of Administrative Official

9.15.040 Permit Required for Alteration of Service Lines

9.15.050 Separate Service Line Required for Each Property; Plumbing Fixtures to be Connected by Property Owner Upon Notice

9.15.060 Sand and Grease Traps Required for Establishments Having Wash or Grease Racks

9.15.070 Depositing Injurious Material into System

Sewer Connections:

9.15.080 Required for Occupied Land Within Three Hundred Feet of Public Sewer; Exceptions

9.15.090 Connections to be Made Before Paving Adjacent Streets

9.15.100 Permit: Required

9.15.110 Application

9.15.120 Permit: Contents, Fees

9.15.130 Permit: Types Issued

9.15.140 Plumbing to be Inspected Before Connections are Made

9.15.145 Capping of Sewer Access Points Required

Installation and Repair of Sewer System:

9.15.150 Service Lines: Dimensions and Material Requirements

9.15.160 Service Lines: Backfilling of Trenches

9.15.170 Service Lines: Maintenance of Inside.

9.15.180 Service Lines: Property Owner Responsible for Cost of Installing, Repairing, etc.

9.15.190 Service Lines: Method and Specifications for Making Connections to Sewer Mains

9.15.200 Extent of Town’s Participation in Bearing Cost of Larger Mains

9.15.210 Sub-divider to Install Mains After Approval of Plans and Inspection: Exception

9.15.220 Sub-divider to Pay Costs of Construction of Mains, etc.; Mains to be Extended to Farthest Points of Upgrade

9.15.230 Construction of Service in Subdivisions: Undeveloped Areas

9.15.240 Extension of Sewer to Serve Property Within Town Not Part of a Subdivision

9.15.250 Non-gravity Lines: Pumping Stations, Generally

9.15.260 Non-gravity Lines: Force Mains Serving Areas Not Otherwise Able to Enter Sewer Utility

9.15.270 Non-gravity Lines: Tie into Gravity Lines

9.15.280 Extension of Service Outside Town: Authority of Town Council

9.15.290 Extension of Service Outside Town: Findings Prerequisite to Agreement

Service Charges:

9.15.300 Establishment: Billing Procedures

9.15.310 Service Outside Town Limits


9.15.320 Metering of Water from Private Sources

9.15.330 Charges to be Included on Water Bill

9.15.340 Place of Payment, Due Date of Bills

9.15.350 Liability of Property Owner of Service


9.20.010 Definitions

9.20.020 Reservation of Rights by the Town

9.20.030 Promulgation of Rules and Regulation by the Town Council

9.20.040 Agreement to Rules and Regulations Prerequisite to Commencement of Service

9.20.050 Water Employee: Appointment, Duties, Records and Reports

9.20.060 Damaging Utility’s Property, Equipment, etc.

9.20.070 Trespass or Interference with Utility’s Property, etc.

9.20.080 Depositing Material in Utility Which Will Obstruct, Pollute, etc., Water

9.20.090 Emergencies

9.20.100 Prohibited Uses of Water for Water Utility

9.20.110 Private Water Wells

9.20.120 Discontinuance of Service: Failure to Pay Charges


9.20.130 Only Town Employees Authorized to Turn on Water to Premises: Exceptions

9.20.140 Unauthorized Taps, Compliance with Permit, Costs

9.20.150 Permit: Required

9.20.160 Permit: Types Issued

9.20.170 Permit: Application

9.20.180 Permit: Issuance, Contents

9.20.190 Connection Fee

9.20.200 All Plumbing to be Inspected and Approved

Service Lines:

9.20.210 Installation: Written Permission Prerequisite; To be by Licensed Plumber; Inspection

9.20.220 Installation: Costs, Generally

9.20.230 Material Specifications

9.20.240 Minimum Size

9.20.250 Required Depth

9.20.260 Replacement Where Materials Unsuitable

9.20.270 Approval of Replacement Services

9.20.280 Extension to More Than One Property

9.20.290 Maintenance

9.20.300 Disconnecting Service from Premises

Mains, Generally:

9.20.310 Shutting Water off From Street Mains to Make Connection, Extension, etc.

9.20.320 Minimum Size


9.20.330 Advance Payment of Minimum Charge for One Billing Period Required

9.20.340 Rates: Within Corporate Limits

9.20.350 Bills, Notices, etc., Effective Upon Mailing


9.20.360 Where Payable; Due Date

9.20.370 Liability of Property Owner for Service

9.20.380 Disconnection or Reconnection to Premises

Installations and Extension for Construction of Water System:

9.20.390 Construction of Water Mains in Subdivisions; Main Extension Contract Required

9.20.400 Sub-divider to Install Mains After Approval of Plans and Inspection: Exception

9.20.410 Sub-divider to Pay Costs of Construction of Mains, etc.; Mains to be Extended to Farthest Points of Upgrade

9.20.420 Construction of Services in Subdivision, Undeveloped Areas

9.20.430 Extension of Main to Serve Property Within Town Not Part of A Subdivision

9.20.440 Extension of Service Outside Town; Authority of Town Council

9.20.450 Extension of Service Outside Town; Findings Prerequisite to Agreement


9.30.010 Definitions

9.30.020 Rate Reduction Committee

9.30.030 Town Council Review

9.30.040 Appeal

9.30.050 Renewal




10.05.010 Title

10.05.020 Short Title

10.05.030 Authority

10.05.040 Purpose

10.05.050 Interpretation

10.05.060 Conflict

10.05.070 Definitions

10.05.080 Powers

10.05.090 Membership, Term, Vacancies

10.05.100 Qualifications of Commission Members

10.05.110 Organization

10.05.120 Finances

10.05.130 Meetings


10.10.010 Enforcement Responsibility

10.10.020 Enforcement Agency

10.10.030 Enforcement and Penalties


10.15.010 Zoning Map and Boundaries

10.15.020 Establishment of Districts



10.20.010 Applicability

10.20.020 Nonconforming Use

10.20.030 Premises to be Clean and Orderly

10.20.040 Conditional Use Permit

10.20.050 Appeals

10.20.060 Stays

10.20.070 Legal Action

10.20.080 Liability for Damages

10.20.090 Building Permits

10.20.100 Licensing

10.20.110 Building Size

10.20.120 Building Age

10.20.130 Building Materials and Construction Requirements


10.25.010 Purpose

10.25.020 Permitted Uses

10.25.030 Conditional Uses

10.25.040 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.30.010 Purpose

10.30.020 Permitted Uses

10.30.030 Conditional Uses

10.30.040 Lot and Yard Requirements

10.30.050 Accessory Building



10.35.010 Construction Standards: HUD

10.35.020 Foundation Standards

10.35.030 Anchoring Standards

10.35.040 Wheels and Hitches

10.35.050 Minimum Construction Standards

10.35.060 Lot Standards

10.35.070 Accessory Buildings in R-2 Districts

10.35.080 Accessory Buildings: Other

10.40 MOBILE HOMES 172

10.40.010 Purpose

10.40.020 Minimum Lot Use

10.40.030 Permitted Uses

10.40.040 Special Uses

10.40.050 Minimum HUD Requirements

10.40.060 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.45.010 Purpose

10.45.020 Permitted Uses

10.45.030 Conditional Uses

10.45.040 Definitions

10.45.050 Plans and Specifications

10.45.060 Permits

10.45.070 Inspection of Mobile Home Parks


10.45.080 General Provisions, Which Apply to Mobile Home Parks

10.45.090 Water Supply Sampling

10.45.100 Registration of Occupants

10.45.110 Refuse Disposal

10.45.120 Travel Trailer and Truck Campers


10.50.010 Purpose

10.50.020 Permitted Uses

10.50.030 Conditional Uses

10.50.040 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.55.010 Purpose

10.55.020 Conditional Uses

10.55.030 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.60.010 Purpose

10.60.020 Permitted Uses

10.65 VARIANCES 180

10.65.010 Intent and Purpose

10.65.020 Responsibility of Applicant

10.65.030 Public Hearing

10.65.040 Conditions of Variance

10.65.050 Responsibility of the Town Council

10.65.060 Appeals

10.65.070 Revocation of Variances


10.70.010 Purpose

10.70.020 Garages

10.70.030 Accessory Buildings

10.70.040 Occupancy of Garages and Accessory Buildings

10.70.050 Driveways and Approaches

10.75 SIGNS 184

10.75.010 Purpose and Intent

10.75.020 Signs, Generally

10.80 FLOODS 185

10.80.010 General

10.80.020 Purpose

10.80.030 Method of Reducing Flood Losses

10.80.040 Definitions

10.80.050 General Provisions

10.80.060 Permit Requirements

10.80.070 Flood Damage Prevention Superintendent

10.80.080 Appeal Board

10.80.090 Rules and Regulations

10.80.100 Variances

10.80.110 Federal Insurance

10.80.120 Flood Hazard Reduction


10.85.010 Definitions

10.85.020 Conformity to Provisions


10.85.030 Division, Generally

10.85.040 Design Standards: Applicability

10.85.050 Design Standards

10.85.060 Conformity to Provisions

10.85.070 Subsequent to Approval

10.85.080 Procedures, Generally

10.85.090 Procedures: Pre-Preliminary Sketch

10.85.100 Procedures: Preliminary Plat

10.85.110 Procedures: Hearing

10.85.120 Approval or Disapproval by Planning Commission

10.85.130 Town Council Action

10.85.140 Procedure: Final Plat

10.85.150 Procedure: Final Plat Approval or Disapproval

10.85.160 Review by Municipal Engineer or Attorney

10.85.170 Procedure: Town Council Action

10.85.180 Procedure: Recording of Final Plat

10.85.190 Procedure: Additions, Erasures, etc., after Approval by Town Council

10.85.200 Sanctions and Fines Against Non-Approved Subdivision; Injunctions

10.85.210 Variances

10.85.220 Interpretation

10.85.230 Appeals

10.85.240 Amendment

10.85.250 Separability



11.01 CREATION 207

11.01.005 Creation

11.05.010 Recreation Board




1.05 CORPORATE SEAL 3 1.05.010 Description of Corporate Seal


1.10.010 Authority to Specify the Conduct of Elections

1.10.020 Conduct of Elections

1.10.030 Terms of Office


1.15.010 Regular Meetings

1.15.020 Meetings, Generally

1.15.030 Call for Special Meetings

1.15.040 Regular & Special Meetings: Record

1.15.050 Duties of Clerk as to Journal

1.15.060 Adjournment of Meeting to a Subsequent Date

1.15.070 Executive Session

1.15.080 Council Meetings: Quorum

1.15.090 Attendance of Clerk and Officer of Duty

1.15.100 Committees

1.15.110 Disturbance of Public Meetings


1.20.010 Parliamentary Procedure to be Used

1.20.020 Presiding Officer

1.20.030 Duties and Privileges of Presiding Officer

1.20.040 Call to Order and Order of Business

1.20.050 Priority of Business

1.20.060 Motions and Resolutions

1.20.070 Order of Motions

1.20.080 Division of Question

1.20.090 Ayes and Nays

1.20.100 Motion for Previous Question

1.20.110 Different Sums and Times Proposed: Order of Vote

1.20.120 Procedure Before Council Member Speaks

1.20.130 Procedure During the Putting of the Question

1.20.140 No Private Conversations

1.20.150 Member Called to Order

1.20.160 Adjournment

1.20.170 Amendment of Rules


1.25.010 Ad Hoc Committees

1.25.020 Special Committees

1.25.030 Committee Reports



1.30.010 Passage of Ordinances

1.30.020 Repeal of Ordinances

1.30.030 Repeal of Ordinance Repealing Former Ordinance

1.30.040 Plural Words and Male Gender Used in Ordinance




A seal, the impression of which shall be in circular form bearing the words, “Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming,” on the outer edge, and the words “Corporate Seal” in the center, shall be, and the same is hereby adopted and declared to be the seal of the Town of LaBarge.



This Charter Ordinance is adopted pursuant to authority vested in cities and Towns of the State of Wyoming by Article 13, Section 1 of the Constitution of Wyoming.


The Town Council of the Town of LaBarge does hereby elect to conduct elections in the same manner as statewide elections and pursuant to Wyoming Statutes Annotated. All matters with respect to elections for Town office or for ballot propositions of the Town of LaBarge shall be held in accordance with the provisions of Title 22, Wyoming Statutes Annotated (Rep. Ed. 1977), and any amendments, modifications or revisions thereof.

1.10.030 – TERMS OF OFFICE

A. The term of office for Mayor shall be four (4) years to be elected at each November general election in even numbered years. The term of Councilmen shall be for four (4) years to be elected at each November general election in even numbered years.

B. Two Councilmen and a Mayor were elected in November, and their term shall expire on January 1; their position shall be filled by appointment until their successors are duly elected and qualified at the election to be held in November, and they shall take office on the 1st Monday of January.

C. Two Councilmen were elected in November and shall serve until January 1; their positions shall be filled by appointment until their successors are duly elected and qualified at the election to be held in November, and they shall take office on the 1st Monday of January.



The regular meetings of the Town Council of the Town of LaBarge, shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall in the Town of LaBarge.



A. All meetings of the governing body and all other boards, commissions and agencies of the municipality shall be open to the public at all times, except as provided in Section 1.15.070. No action of such body shall be taken except during a public meeting.

B. A member of the public shall not be required, as a condition of attendance at any meeting, to register his name, to supply information, to complete a questionnaire, or fulfill any other condition precedent to his attendance except that a person seeking recognition may be required to give his name and affiliation.


A. The Mayor and any two Council members shall have power to call special meetings of the Town Council, the object of which shall be submitted to the Council in writing and the call and object as well as the disposition thereof shall be entered upon the journal by the Clerk.

B. Whenever a special meeting of the Town Council is called, it shall be the duty of those calling such special meeting to notify the Town Clerk in writing thereof by giving him/her a copy of the call for such meeting, signed by the person calling the meeting. Such call shall contain the objects thereof and name the time and place of such special meeting and shall be filed with the Town Clerk.

C. Upon receipt of such call by the Town Clerk, it shall be his/her duty to have copies of such call prepared and have one copy served upon each member of the Town Council who can be found within the limits of the Town of LaBarge. The Chief of Police shall serve the call upon the members of the Town Council. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to personally notify the Mayor and each Council member of the meeting. If possible, the call shall be served upon such members at least twelve (12) hours prior to the time of the meeting. The necessity of any such notice shall be waived by the presence of the Councilmen upon whom notice is not served.

D. No business not stated in the call shall be transacted at such special meeting.


The Council shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, which shall be open at all times for inspection and shall be kept by the Town Clerk.


It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the municipality to keep the journal of the governing body. The Clerk shall, within twelve (12) days after adjournment of any regular or special meeting of the governing body, furnish the legal newspaper, if there be one located within the municipality, a copy of the proceedings of such meeting for publication, if there is no legal newspaper within the municipality a copy of the proceedings will be posted in a conspicuous place. Such copy shall include every bill presented to the governing body showing the amount of the bill, the amount allowed, what the bill was for and by whom claimed. In addition, the Clerk shall be responsible for the safekeeping of such journal and providing for the exhibition of such journal to the public when so requested.



The Town Council may, by motion duly passed, adjourn any regular or special meeting thereof to a subsequent named date, and adjournments there from may be made from time to time in the same manner should the Town Council deem such action advisable.


A. The Town Council by a vote of 2/3 of the members present may go into executive session and exclude the public there from if the nature of the business so requires. When the Council is in executive session, the Town Hall or place of meeting shall be cleared of all persons excepting the Mayor, Council members, Clerk, and such members of the Town Government or others as may be requested to remain by the Council.

B. If required by any member of the Council, a record of the meeting shall be made and kept the same as when the Council is in open session.

C. Unless otherwise provided, executive sessions, not open to the public, of the governing body and all other boards, commissions and agencies of the municipality, may be held:

1. With the prosecuting attorney, municipal attorney, chief of police or their respective deputies, or other officers of the law, on matters posing a threat to the security of public or private property or a threat to the public’s right of access;

2. To consider the appointment, employment, right to practice or dismissal of a public officer, professional person or employee, or to hear complaints or charges brought against an employee, professional person or officer, unless the employee, professional person or officer requests a public hearing. The governing body may exclude from any public or private hearing during the examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated. Following the hearing or executive session, the governing body may deliberate on its decision in executive session;

3. On matters concerning litigation to which the governing body is a party or proposed litigation to which the governing body may be a party;

4. When the agency is a licensing agency while preparing, administering or grading examinations;

5. To consider the selection of a site or the purchase of real estate when the publicity regarding the consideration would cause a likelihood of an increase in price;

6. To consider acceptance of gifts, donations and bequests which the donor has requested in writing to be kept confidential;

7. To consider or receive any information classified as confidential by law;

8. To consider accepting or tendering offers concerning wages, salaries, benefits and terms of employment during all such negotiation;


9. At any other time, the governing body, board, commission or agency of the municipality deems the nature of the business to be so sensitive or confidential that proceeding in executive session is the most prudent manner to continue.


At all meetings of the Council, a majority of the Town Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.


It shall be the duty of the Clerk and the Police Officer on duty to attend all meetings of the Council.

1.15.100 – COMMITTEES

The governing body may appoint such committees to function in an advisory capacity, as it from time to time desires or as be required by law.


If any public meeting is willfully disrupted by a person or group of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible, and order cannot be restored by the removal of the person or persons who are willfully interrupting the meeting, the meeting may be recessed and reconvened at another time or location. Only matters appearing on the agenda may be acted upon in a meeting so recessed. Procedures for readmitting an individual or individuals not responsible for disturbing the conduct of a meeting shall be established by the body conducting such meeting. Duly accredited members of the press or other news media except those who participated in a disturbance shall be allowed to attend any meeting permitted by this section.



A. Roberts Rules of Order shall be the standard authority upon the parliamentary questions, which may arise before the Council not provided for.

B. The rules governing Town Council meeting procedures shall be strictly adhered to by the Council unless they shall be temporarily suspended by a two-thirds vote of the members present.


The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Town Council and shall have one vote and no more on all questions coming before the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the member of the Council appointed by the Council as Mayor Pro-Tem shall preside.



The Mayor, or presiding officer in the absence of the Mayor, shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide questions of order subject to an appeal to the Council.


A. At the hour appointed, the Council shall be called to order by the Mayor, or in his absence by the Mayor Pro-Tem, if a quorum be present, the Council shall proceed to the business before them in the order following:

1. Call to Order

2. Reading of Minutes of Previous Month’s Meeting

3. Reading of Treasurer’s Report

4. Reading of Department Reports

5. Old Business

6. New Business

7. Bills

8. Adjourn


All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided without debate.


All motions shall be reduced to writing if required by the Mayor or any member of the Council, and when stated by the Mayor, shall be open for consideration, and all resolutions must be written and shall be open for consideration after being read by the Mayor. No motion or resolution can be withdrawn after it shall have been amended or decided.


Motions upon the subject under consideration shall have precedence in the following order:

1st: To lay upon the table

2nd: To postpone

3rd: To commit

4th: To amend


If the question before the Council shall contain two or more distinct propositions, any member may have the same divided on request.


1.20.090 – AYES AND NAYS

On the question of the passage of any ordinance, by-law or resolution, the ayes and nays shall be taken, and a record made of the same, and entered upon the journal showing how each Council person voted, and on all other questions the ayes and nays shall be taken, when called for by any member.


A. A motion for a “Previous Question” shall preclude all amendments and debate on the main question until the motion for the previous question is decided, and a motion to postpone to a certain day until it is decided shall preclude all amendments to the first question.

B. The previous question shall be put in this form: “Shall the main question be now put?” and the effect thereof, when sustained by a majority of the members present, shall be to put an end to all debate and bring the Council to a vote on the question or questions before it.


When a blank is to be filled and different sums and times proposed, the question shall first be put upon the largest sum and longest time.


Every member, before speaking on any question, shall address himself to the Mayor or presiding individual by his title, but shall not proceed with his remarks until recognized and named.


While the Mayor is getting the question, no Councilperson shall walk across or out of the Town Hall or place of meeting.


While a member of the Council is speaking, no member shall enter into private conversation.


A member called to order shall immediately suspend his remarks, unless permitted to explain. If there is no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be conclusive, but if the member shall appeal to the Council, the Council shall decide the case without debate.

1.20.160 – ADJOURNMENT

A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall have precedence over all other motions, and shall be decided without debate.



These rules may be amended at any meeting of the Town Council by a vote of 2/3 of the members present. The amendment must be presented in writing and read, and the ayes and nays shall be called as in the passage of any other Ordinance.



A. An Ad Hoc Committee may be appointed, and the person first named on the committee shall be the chairman thereof.

B. The Ad Hoc Committee of the Council shall consist of two members each.


All special committees shall be appointed by the Mayor, or in his absence by the Mayor Pro-Tem.


All committees shall report orally or in writing. All reports of committees shall be addressed to the Mayor and Council of the Town of LaBarge.



A. Ordinances shall be passed, amended, published, enacted and repealed in accordance with Wyoming Statutes (1977) or any subsequent amendments, changes, or modifications of applicable State law. When an ordinance is ready to be voted upon by the Council, the ordinance shall be read and placed upon its passage, and ayes and nays shall be called, and if the Ordinance shall have passed by a majority vote, it shall be signed by the Mayor, if he approves same, with the date of passage, and the Clerk shall attest the same under the seal of the Town, and file such ordinance safely away. The Clerk shall enter upon the journal a record of the passage and approval of all Ordinances with the names and record of how each member voted.

B. Provided, however, that in the event the Mayor is absent from any Council meeting where an Ordinance or other matter in writing is passed or adopted requiring the signature of the presiding officer of the Council, then, in that event, such Ordinance or other matter so adopted by the Council shall be signed by the Mayor Pro-Tem and the same shall thereafter within a reasonable time, not exceeding ten (10) days, if approved by the Mayor, be signed by him with a record thereon signifying his approval of the same.


The repeal of an ordinance shall not affect any act done or any right accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause under the ordinances of the Town of


LaBarge existing prior to such repeal, but all rights and liabilities accruing under said repealed ordinances shall continue and be enforced in the same manner as if said repeal had not been made. All offenses committed and all penalties and forfeitures incurred under any ordinance which may be repealed, may be prosecuted and punished in the same manner and with the same effect as if said repeal had not been made.


When any ordinance repealing a former ordinance, clause or provision shall be itself repealed, such repeal shall not be construed to revive such former ordinance, clause or provision unless it shall therein be expressly provided.


Whenever any words in any ordinance imparting the plural number shall be used in describing or referring to any matters, parties or persons, any single matter, party or person shall be deemed included, although distinguishing words may not be used, and when any subject matter, party or persons shall be referred to in any ordinance by words imparting the singular only, or the masculine gender, several matters, parties or persons, and females as well as males, and bodies corporate shall be deemed to be included, provided, that these rules of construction shall not be applied to any ordinance which shall contain any provision excluding such construction, or when the subject matter or context of such ordinance may be repugnant thereto.





2.05.010 Appointed Town Officers

2.05.020 Salaries of Town Officers

2.05.030 Bonds Required for Officers

2.05.040 Oath

2.05.050 Duties

2.10 MAYOR 12

2.10.010 Powers and Duties


2.15.010 Definition

2.15.020 Duties and Powers

2.20 TOWN CLERK 13

2.20.010 Duties


2.25.0 10 Duties


2.30.010 Duties


2.40.010 Duties


2.45.010 Duties


2.50.010 Duties


2.55.010 Duties




A. The Mayor shall, with the advice and consent of the Town Council, appoint the following officers of the Town of LaBarge for one (1) year terms: Clerk/Treasurer, Chief of Police, Town Attorney, Municipal Court Judge, Public Works Director, and Town Engineer.

B. The Mayor shall, with the advice and consent of the Town Council, appoint members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Recreation Committee for terms to be determined and set at the time of appointment.

C. The Mayor shall, with the advice and consent of the Town Council, appoint hoc committees and other officers as needed by the Town from time to time. Ordinances governing permanent committees and officers shall be enacted as soon as is practical after the need for such is determined.


The elected officials and appointed Town officers shall receive such compensation for services as the Town Council may from time to time order and direct in accordance with the statutes of the State of Wyoming. The salaries of elected officials shall be fixed before their terms begin and shall not change during the term for which they are elected.


The governing body of the Town of LaBarge shall require the Treasurer and Municipal Court Judge, as well as any other official or employee, that from time to time will have custody of Town money, to post bonds for the performance of their duties. The bonds shall be from a surety company licensed to do business in this state, in the amount as the governing body determines, payable to the Town, and shall be filed with the Town Clerk. The Town shall pay the bond costs and any filing fees.

2.05.040 – OATH

The officers of the municipality, before entering upon the duties of their office shall take the oath of office prescribed by Article 6, Section 20 of the Wyoming Constitution which shall be endorsed upon the back of the certificate of election or appointment and filed with the Clerk.

2.05.050 – DUTIES

Officers and employees of the municipality shall perform the duties required of them by the administrative official, the laws of the State and other ordinances of the municipality, as the same may pertain to them.




A. Unless otherwise provided, the Mayor shall:

1. Have superintending control of all officers and affairs of the Town;

2. Take care that the ordinances and laws are complied with;

3. Administer oaths;

4. Sign commission and appointments on all bonds, contracts and other obligations required to be signed in the name of the Town;

5. Sign every ordinance within a reasonable time after passage.

B. The Mayor may remove the Clerk/Treasurer, Chief of Police, Attorney, Municipal Court Judge, Public Works Director, Town Engineer and/or any other appointed officers or committee members for incompetency, neglect of duty or maladministration of office, consistent with the Statutes of Wyoming, the majority of the Council concurring. The Mayor may relieve any such officer or committee member from duty until a lawful meeting of the Town Council can meet to consent or object to the removal.


2.15.010 – DEFINITION

The Mayor, upon consent and approval of the Town Council, shall appoint a member of the Town Council as Mayor Pro-Tem to act in the absence of the Mayor. Should both the Mayor and the Mayor Pro-Tem be absent from a lawful meeting, the Council Member who was first sworn into office and to serve without interruption since, shall act in the absence of the Mayor.


Whenever any power shall be vested in the Mayor, or he shall be required to do any act or perform any executive function, in his absence. It shall be the duty of the Mayor Pro-Tem, for the time being, to execute such power and perform such acts or executive function as fully as it is expressly named in the ordinance. Unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided, or such act would be in dereliction of the Laws of Wyoming.


2.20.010 – DUTIES

A. Unless provided otherwise by statute, the duties of the Town Clerk shall include:

1. The Town Clerk of the Town of LaBarge, shall have custody of the Town Seal and of all laws and ordinances of the Town of LaBarge, and shall keep a correct and regular journal of the proceedings of the Town Council;


2. The Town Clerk shall engross all Ordinances, Resolutions and By-Laws, in a separate book to be kept for that purpose, and furnish copies of the same for publication when so directed, and shall issue warrants for money when appropriated by the Town Council and shall keep a distinct and classified account of such appropriations;

3. The Town Clerk shall keep on file all records, papers, books, contracts and correspondence belonging to the Town, and not allow any such papers, books, records, contracts or Town Seal to be removed without the written consent of the Mayor of said Town;

4. At the expiration of his/her said term of office he shall turn over to his successor all property belonging to the Town, in his possession;

5. Administer oaths to persons verifying claims against the Town and to persons acting as judges or clerks of elections for electing officers of the Town;

6. Administer oaths or affirmations in accordance with State law;

7. Attest Ordinances passed by the governing body and record the same in a book kept for that purpose;

8. File petitions of candidates for public election and file oaths of office of elected municipal officers;

9. Certify the names of candidates for municipal office and the office they seek to the County Clerk in preparation for the printing of the primary election ballot;

10. Assist in conducting municipal elections to the extent permitted by State law;

11. Maintain in his office true and correct copies of any and all acts or codes adopted by reference into Town ordinances;

12. Countersign funding and refunding bonds in accordance with State law;

13. Assist the Board of Public Utilities by furnishing copies of all ordinances, resolutions, agreements, contracts and other records the board requires;

14. Receive liquor license applications;

15. All other duties assigned by the governing body.


2.25.010 – DUTIES


A. It shall be the duty of the Town Treasurer to receive all monies derived for the benefit of said Town from every and any source and disburse the same only on proper orders signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk and having affixed thereto the corporate seal.

B. The Treasurer shall pay the orders on his/her drawn in the order of their issue and shall keep a register of all orders and drafts in a book provided for that purpose.

C. When any orders or warrants are not paid for want of funds, the Treasurer shall endorse the date of presentation across the face of each order or warrant and the reason why not paid, and the holder will be entitled to receive interest until paid at the rate of eight percent per annum.

D. All orders and warrants on the Treasurer shall have specified therein the service or indebtedness for which the same are drawn.

E. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate and full account of all receipts and expenditures in a book provided for that purpose.

F. The Treasurer shall at all times keep his/her books open for inspection of the Mayor and the members of the Town Council and shall furnish them when required with a full statement of all expenditures and receipts.

G. The Treasurer shall keep all monies belonging to the Town separate and distinct from his own and not allow Town money to be used for the private benefit of any person.

H. The Treasurer shall give an annual state of the treasury report to the governing body.


2.30.010 – DUTIES

A. The Chief of Police shall execute and make-due return of all writs and process to him directed by the Municipal Court Judge, in all cases.

B. The Chief of Police shall suppress all riots, disturbances and breaches of the peace within the Town of LaBarge, and shall pursue and arrest any person in the act of committing any offense against the Ordinances of the Town of LaBarge, and forthwith bring such person before the Municipal Court Judge for examination and trial.

C. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see that all persons liable to pay for Town licenses or permits shall procure the same, as provided by the Ordinances of the Town of LaBarge.

D. The Chief of Police may, with the approval of the Mayor and Town Council, appoint one or more persons to assist him in maintaining order and performing the duties of his office.

E. Unless otherwise provided in these ordinances, he shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by Ordinance or ordered by the Mayor or Town Council or statutes of the State of Wyoming.



2.40.010 – DUTIES

A. The Town Attorney shall be the legal advisor of the Town Council and of all city officers; he shall commence, prosecute and defend all suits and actions necessary to be commenced, prosecuted or defended on behalf of the Town of LaBarge, under the Ordinances thereof, or that may be ordered by the Town Council.

B. The Town Attorney shall, when required to do so, attend meetings of the Council and give an opinion upon any matter submitted by the Town Council, either orally or in writing as may be required.


2.45.010 – DUTIES

A. The office of the Municipal Court Judge is hereby created in the Town of LaBarge, and the said officer shall have jurisdiction to fine, enter judgment, sentence, imprison, and hear and determine all cases arising under the Ordinances of said Town.

B. Such Municipal Court Judge shall have jurisdiction and power as provided for by the Statutes of the State of Wyoming.

C. All fines and penalties collected arising from the breach of the ordinances of the Town of LaBarge shall be paid into the Town Treasury by the Municipal Court Judge collecting the same.


2.50.010 – DUTIES

A. The Public Works Director shall plan, manage, coordinate and supervise the day-to-day operation of the infrastructure of the Town including, necessary janitorial and maintenance of the Town’s buildings, facilities, grounds, vehicles, equipment, storm drainage system, parks and streets.

B. The Public Works Director shall maintain and operate the Town’s water and sewer systems, including obtaining and/or supervising the obtaining of any and all necessary licenses and training to lawfully operate such facilities.

C. The Public Works Director shall supervise the Town’s emergency response for flooding, snow and ice removal, and severe weather mitigation in the Town.



2.55.010 – DUTIES

A. The Town Engineer shall provide consulting services to the Town for planning, managing, coordinating, inspecting and supervising construction, rehabilitation, and installation of large public improvements to the Town’s infrastructure, including providing estimates, writing grants and supervising the bidding and contracting of bids for such projects.

B. The Town Engineer shall review plans, plats, and submitted documents for review of subdivisions, easements, variances and any other Town plan alterations for feasibility and compliance with sound engineering practices.

C. The Town Engineer shall survey and or prepare the Town’s plats, legal descriptions, and/or any other documents necessary or required for recording at the County Recorder’s Office or otherwise to be submitted to responsible entities.





3.05.010 Criteria for Consideration

3.05.020 Application Fee

3.05.030 Reimbursement of Expenses

3.05.040 Applicant Financial Information

3.05.050 Marketability of Bonds

3.05.060 Determination of Town

3.05.070 Liability of Town and Bond Purchaser

3.05.080 Limitation of Inducement Resolution


3.10.010 Returned Checks

3.10.015 Use of Collection Agency

3.10.020 Non-exclusive Remedy




A. In general, the Town of LaBarge will consider issuing industrial development revenue bonds only upon a clear and factual demonstration of direct economic benefit to the Town of LaBarge’s economic development goals, including, but not limited to, the creation of additional employment opportunities; expansion of the tax base and increasing sales, property or other tax revenues to the Town; maintenance and promotion of a stable, balanced and diversified economy among agriculture, natural resource development, business, commerce and trade; and promotion or development of the use of agricultural, manufactured, commercial or natural resource products within or without the State. Consideration will also be given to any adverse effect upon the Town of LaBarge’s development or other goals of the Town. The following guidelines apply:

1. No particular type of business or enterprise will be excluded from consideration for the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds by the Town of LaBarge, but every applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed facility will promote the general economic development of the Town of LaBarge within the context of the existing rules, regulations and requirements of the Town, State of Wyoming, and the U.S. Government.

2. Proposals for issuance of all industrial development revenue bonds will be carefully considered in order to determine whether there would result from such proposed issuance substantial benefit to the Town and its inhabitants.

3. It must be demonstrated that each project for which industrial development revenue bonds are to be issued will meet the following public purposes:

a. The creation of new or additional employment opportunities in the Town of LaBarge;

b. Expansion of the tax base and increase of sales, property or other tax revenues to the Town of LaBarge;

c. Maintenance and promotion of a stable balanced and diversified economy among agriculture, natural resource development, business and commerce and trade;

d. Promotion or development of the use of agriculture, manufactured, commercial or natural resource products within or without the State.


At the time of submission of the information required by Section 3.05.040, the applicant shall deposit with the Town a non-refundable application fee. The amount of the application fee shall be based on the aggregate principal amount of bonds or other obligations being requested, and more particularly as follows:

_______REQUEST FEE_______

Up to $500,000.00……………………………..$1,000.00

$500,000.00 to $999,999.00………………….$2,000.00

$1,000,000.00 and over:………………………$5,000.00



Whether or not the proposed bonds are issued, the applicant will be required to execute an agreement to provide for the reimbursement of all expenses incurred by the Town of LaBarge in evaluating the project proposal, and in connection with the issuance of bonds. This reimbursement will cover the cost of the time of all personnel of the Town of LaBarge involved in the evaluation, the expense of counsel and such consultants as the Town of LaBarge may employ to assist in the evaluation and the other expenses incurred by the Town of LaBarge related to the project evaluation and to the issuance of bonds. The application fee shall be a credit against this reimbursement. In addition to cover any non-itemized expenses of the Town of LaBarge in connection with the transactions contemplated by the bond issuance the applicant will be required to execute an agreement prior to the issuance of the bonds, obligating the applicant to pay to the Town of LaBarge an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the principal amount of the bonds outstanding each year for the life of the bond issue. This amount shall be discounted back to present value at a rate not to exceed the average interest rate on the bond issue.


A. The Town of LaBarge, in evaluating proposals for the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds, will seek to protect the good fiscal reputation of the Town of LaBarge, and will require information and proof of such matters as may be necessary to establish the feasibility of the project and the financial responsibility and capacity of the applicant. At least 20 days prior to any meeting with the Town of LaBarge officials, the following information, together with the application fee provided for in Section 3.05.020, shall be submitted to the Town of LaBarge and used in its determination of whether or not to proceed with the proposed industrial development revenue bond financing:

1. A description of the project including a complete list of assets to be purchased or constructed and the estimated life of such, assets, the estimated cost of constructing and acquiring the project, and the cost of the issuance of the industrial development revenue bonds;

2. A description statement of how the proposed project would benefit the Town of LaBarge and fulfills the requirements of Section 3.05.010 above;

3. A description of alternative forms of financing investigated, together with the reasons for seeking industrial development revenue bond financing;

4. History of applicant, including a description of its operations;

5. A resume of principals and key employees of applicant regardless of the type of business organization and including directors and officers if the applicant is a corporation, or all of the partners, if the applicant is a partnership;

6. Historical financial information for the applicant for the past five years, or for the entire time it has conducted business, including:

a. Sales

b. Gross profit

c. Net income

d. Cash flow

e. Net worth

f. Earnings available for debt service

g. Net fixed assets


h. Working capital

i. Ratio of Assets and Liabilities

B. If a new business enterprise is involved, the Town of LaBarge may require personal financial information from the principals of such enterprise:

1. Applicant’s financial statements, either audited or otherwise satisfactory to the Town of LaBarge, dated within sixty (60) days of the application date;

2. Copies of the applicant’s financial, statements, either audited or otherwise satisfactory to the Town of LaBarge, for the preceding five (5) years or the entire time during which the applicant has conducted business;

3. A report of any material litigation pending against the applicant;

4. A proposed bond redemption schedule including the estimated debt service on the proposed industrial development revenue bonds;

5. Any other matters specifically desired by the Town of LaBarge not set forth above.


Applicant must demonstrate by acceptable evidence that the proposed industrial development revenue bonds issue can be sold without violating Federal or State securities law through a qualified underwriter or to an experienced investor or group of investors. Where industrial revenue bonds are proposed to be marketed through negotiation with the bond underwriter, such underwriter shall submit to the Town of LaBarge an analysis of current market conditions which indicate that the bonds are marketable. The consideration of the marketability of the bonds will be accomplished on the basis of the financial soundness of the applicant to meet debt obligation incurred by the issuance of the bonds and whether or not a market exists for the bonds. If the industrial development revenue bonds are not to be marketed through negotiation with the bond underwriter, then applicant must submit evidence as to how the bonds are going to be marketed.


At such time as the applicant has satisfied all of the above stated requirements, the Town of LaBarge will review the material and information submitted, taking into consideration the findings and recommendations of such officers or employees of the Town who have been requested by the Town to examine such information and make such findings and recommendations, and taking into consideration any other matters which the Town in its sole discretion determines to be significant in deciding whether or not to proceed with the proposed industrial development revenue bonds issue. The decision of the Town shall be at the full and complete discretion of the Town, and the Town reserves the right to modify, delete, or add to any of the requirements stated herein for good and sufficient reason. Further, the Town expressly declares that the fulfillment of the guidelines set forth in this Ordinance in no way assures of the proposed issue of industrial development revenue bonds.



The acceptance of the financial information and agreement by the Town to issue industrial development revenue bonds does not constitute approval by the Town of the applicant’s financial condition or soundness. In case of a private placement of the bonds, the ultimate purchasers will be required to certify to the Town that it has independently satisfied itself of the credit worthiness of the applicant. Regardless of whether the bonds are to be sold publicly or privately, no purchaser or underwriter shall in any way represent in an official statement, offering circular or other offering material, otherwise, that the Town has in any way reviewed or passed upon the financial -condition or soundness of the applicant or has, in any way, evaluated whether or not the bonds are marketable.


Upon the Town’s determination to proceed with the industrial development revenue bond issue, it will entertain a resolution of inducement, which, once passed, will be effective for the period stated in the resolution.



Any and all moneys paid to the Town of LaBarge by check that are returned by the drawee for any reason including, but not limited to, insufficient funds, the Town will assess a thirty dollar ($30) handling fee in addition to the face value of the check.


The Clerk of the Town of LaBarge may use the services of a collection agency to collect debts owed to the Town without further action or authorization by the Town Councilor the Mayor.


Nothing in this Chapter shall be read to prohibit the Town, its agents or assigns, from using any and all other lawful means to collect any outstanding debt owed to the Town.





4.05.010 Classes of Crimes, Violations

4.05.020 Requirements of Culpability


4.10.010 Disorderly Conduct

4.10.020 Permitting Disorderly Establishment

4.10.030 Discharging of Firearms or Firecrackers

4.10.035 Selling of Firecrackers or Explosives

4.10.040 Concealed Weapons

4.10.045 Brandishing a Deadly Weapon

4.10.050 Disturbing the Peace

4.10.060 Criminal Provocation

4.10.070 Disturbance of Lawful Assembly

4.10.080 Unlawful Assembly

4.10.090 Impersonation of a Police Officer

4.10.100 Interference with a Police Officer

4.10.110 Interference with Town Employees

4.10.120 False Calls

4.10.130 Interfering with Fire Alarm System

4.10.140 Interfering with Fire Hydrants, Water Mains, etc.

4.10.150 Erection of Dangerous Fences

4.10.160 Curfew

4.10.170 Engine Compression Brake Use Prohibited

4.10.180 Illegal Sale of a Lottery Ticket


4.15.010 Assault

4.15.020 Assault and Battery

4.15.030 Domestic Abuse

4.15.040 Stalking


4.20.010 Throwing of Objects Prohibited

4.20.020 Destruction of Property

4.20.030 Interference with Safety Device

4.20.040 Destruction of Lawfully Posted Papers

4.20.050 Defrauding Vending Machine, Coin Telephone

4.20.060 Unlawful Opening of Vending Machine

4.20.070 Petty Larceny

4.20.080 Larceny

4.20.090 Shoplifting

4.20.100 Detention and Interrogation of Suspects


4.20.110 Reasonable Cause A Defense Against Action Brought by Person Detained

4.20.120 Unauthorized Fire

4.20.130 Throwing Burning Matches, Cigarettes, etc. from Vehicle

4.20.140 Malicious Mischief

4.20.150 Parties to a Crime

4.20.160 Check Fraud

4.20.170 Trespass

4.20.180 Vandalism

4.20.190 Theft of Labor, Services of Use of Property

4.20.195 Failure to Pay

4.20.200 Parties to a Crime


4.25.010 Public Intoxication

4.25.020 No Serving of Minors

4.25.030 Minors in Possession or Under the Influence of Alcohol

4.25.040 Public Nudity

4.25.050 Voyeurism

4.25.055 Lewd and Lascivious Behavior

4.25.060 Obscenity: Definitions

4.25.070 Obscenity: Prohibited Conduct

4.25.080 Obscenity: Notice; Presumption of Knowledge

4.25.090 Obscenity: Proceedings

4.25.100 Prostitution

4.25.110 Possession of Controlled Substance

4.25.115 Synthetic Cannabinoids and MDKP

4.25.120 Person Using or Under the Influence of Controlled Substance

4.25.130 Definitions

4.25.140 Drug Paraphernalia

4.25.150 Tobacco: Sale, etc. to Minors


4.30.010 Abandoned Automobiles

4.30.020 Removal of Abandoned Automobiles

4.30.030 Other Abandoned, Unused, etc., Property

4.30.040 Removal of Abandoned, Unused, etc., Property

4.30.050 Abatement of Nuisance

4.30.060 Penalty for Violation




A. An offense defined by these ordinances, except for those offenses for which a separate punishment is specifically provided, is punishable by a fine not exceeding $750.00 or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or both, to which costs may be added.

B. Where an act is made unlawful under these ordinances and the class or degree of the offense is not specified, or if the offense is simply classified as a misdemeanor, the above general penalties shall apply.


A. Whenever a material element of an offense as set forth therein requires that a person purposely, knowingly, recklessly or negligently, as the law may require, the following definitions shall apply. The term “willfully” shall be deemed to have the same meaning as “purposely.”

B. Definitions:

Purposely: A person acts purposely with respect to a material element of an offense when:

1. If the element involves the nature of their conduct or a result thereof, it is their conscious object to engage in conduct of that nature or to cause such a result; and

2. If the element involves the attendant circumstances, they know of the existence of such circumstances.

Knowingly: A person acts knowingly with respect to a material element of an offense when:

1. If the element involves the nature of their conduct or the attendant circumstances, he knows that the conduct is of that nature or if the element involves the nature of the conduct or the attendant circumstances, he knows of the existence of such circumstances; and

2. If the element involves a result of their conduct, he knows that the conduct will necessarily cause a result.

Recklessly: A person acts recklessly with respect to a material element of an offense when he/she consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the material element exists or will result from the conduct. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that, considering the nature and purpose of the actor’s conduct and the circumstances known to that person, its disregard involves culpability of high degree.

Negligently: A person acts negligently with respect to a material element of an offense when he should be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the material element exists or will result from their conduct. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the actor’s failure to perceive it, considering the nature


and purpose of the conduct, the circumstances known to him and the care that would be exercised by a reasonable person in the situation, involved substantial culpability.

C. Culpability Required Unless Otherwise Provided.

When the culpability sufficient to establish a material element of an offense is not prescribed by law, such element is established if a person acts purposely, knowingly or recklessly with respect thereto.

D. Substitutes for Negligence, Recklessness and Knowledge.

When the law provides that negligence suffices to establish a material element of an offense such element also is established if a person acts purposely, knowingly or recklessly. When recklessness suffices to establish a material element, such element also is established if a person acts purposely or knowingly. When knowingly suffices to establish a material element, such element also is established if a person acts purposely.

E. Knowledge of Illegality Not an Element of Offenses.

Knowledge that conduct constitutes an offense of the existence, meaning or application of the law determining the elements of an offense is not an element of such offense, unless the definition of the offense or the Code plainly so provides.



A. A person shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct if he knowingly or recklessly:

1. Commits an act in a violent and tumultuous manner toward another whereby the property of any person is placed in danger of being destroyed or damaged;

2. Causes, provokes or engages in any fight, brawl or riotous conduct so as to endanger the life, limb, health or property of another;

3. Incites, attempts to incite, or is involved in attempting to incite a riot. For the purposes of this section the term “riot” shall mean a tumultuous disturbance of the peace by persons assembled and acting with a common intent to the terror of the people of the Town, either in executing a lawful enterprise in a violent or turbulent manner or in executing an unlawful enterprise in a violent or turbulent manner;

4. Obstructs, either singly or together with other persons, the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and refuses to clear such public way when ordered to do so by the police or other lawful authority known to be such;

5. Damages, befouls or disturbs public property or the property of another so as to create a hazardous, unhealthy or physically offensive conditions;

6. Fails to obey a lawful order to disperse by a police officer, when known to be such an official, where one or more persons are committing acts of disorderly


conduct in the immediate vicinity, and the public health and safety are imminently threatened;

7. Resists or obstructs the performance of duties by police or any other authorized office of the Town, when known to be such an official;

8. Commits an act in a violent and tumultuous manner toward another whereby that other is placed in a danger of life, limb or health;

9. Interferes with another’s pursuit of a lawful occupation by acts of violence;

10. Uses abusive, profane or obscene language in any public place.

B. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in Disorderly Conduct and upon conviction therefore shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any grocer, inn-keeper, saloon-keeper or other person who shall knowingly keep any common, ill-governed or disorderly house, or who shall suffer any drunkenness, quarreling, fighting, unlawful games or riotous game or disorderly conduct whatever on his premises shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than Law Enforcement Officers engaged in the performance of their duties, to fire or discharge any cannon, gun, fowling-piece, shotgun, pistol, revolver, BB gun, air rifle, pellet gun, wrist rocket, sling shot, bow weapon or firearm of any description which, by means of propulsion, shall shoot, eject or propel any form of bullet, pellet, arrow or other projectile capable of causing injury to persons or property, within the Town limits.

B. The Mayor may give written consent to the firing of certain weapons for a time not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours for competitions or special events, if adequate safety precautions are provided. Such consent may be revoked at any time.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to fire, explode or set, off any squib, cracker or other thing containing powder or other combustible or explosive material without written permission of the Mayor.

D. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, company or corporation to sell, barter or give away, to any person, persons, company or corporation any firecracker, or other kind of an instrument, which explodes by use of explosives. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



Repealed 20 October 2016.


Any person who knowingly points a firearm at or in the direction of another, whether or not the person believes the firearm is loaded, is guilty of brandishing a deadly weapon, unless such conduct is reasonably necessary in defense of their person, property, abode, or to prevent serious bodily injury to another. Any person found guilty under this Provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. Prohibited: whoever by any loud talking, yelling, or by any threatening, abusive, profane or obscene language, or violent actions, rude behavior, operation of a motor vehicle, keeping of an animal, or cause or make or continue any objectively excessive or unusually loud noise which interrupts or disturbs the peace in the Town of LaBarge, or of any of the inhabitants thereof, shall be guilty of disturbing the peace and upon conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. A violation of this Ordinance is punishable by a fine of up to $750.00.

B. Affirmative Defense.

It shall be an Affirmative Defense to this Ordinance if:

1. The noise arises from an athletic contest, carnival, parade, public celebration or other such event scheduled with the LaBarge Police Department and authorized by the Town of LaBarge and/or Sublette County School District #9; or

2. The noise comes from a permitted construction site during daylight hours and the noise is no louder than is necessary for the completion of the scope of the project;

3. The noise arises from a car or other alarm system and the alarm was either engaged by an actual attempt at unauthorized entry, or the alarm is silenced within 90 seconds of its initial sounding.

C. Enforcement Guidance.

Law Enforcement officials may, but are not required to, confirm noise levels by using a decibel meter or other device. The following chart shall give guidance to Law Enforcement Officers, but is not controlling, when gauging excessive noise:


ZONE 7:00 AM TO 10:00 PM 10:00 PM TO 7:00 AM

Residential 55 db – 100 ft. 50 db – 85 ft.

Commercial 65 db – 125 ft. 55 db – 90 ft.

Industrial 80 db – 180 ft. 75 db – 150 ft.



Whoever, by words, signs, or gestures, provokes or attempts to provoke another, who has the present ability to do so, to commit an assault, or an assault and battery upon him, is guilty of criminal provocation, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person or persons who shall annoy or disturb any congregation gathered together for religious worship, or any other lawful assemblage of people, by rude, boisterous or indecent behavior or by making a noise or by profane discourse, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any two or more persons who shall within the limits of this Town, assemble together with intent to do any unlawful acts or for any unlawful purpose or who being assembled shall mutually agree to do any unlawful acts with force or violence against the property of the Town or against the person, property or peace of another shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who, in the Town of LaBarge, impersonates a police officer, by displaying a badge or representing himself falsely as a police officer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who knowingly attempts to or knowingly assaults, obstructs, impedes, interferes with or fails to obey the lawful command of, any police officer while engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties is guilty of a misdemeanor.


No person shall interfere in any way with any employee of the Town of LaBarge in the performance of their work, nor displace any cone, barricade, stake or landmark deposited, installed or positioned by any employee authorized to do so, nor shall any person molest in any way any tools, instruments or equipment belonging to the Town. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

4.10.120 – FALSE CALLS

No person shall knowingly give a false call or alarm to any agency or officer of the Police Department, Fire Department or Emergency Medical Service, that the presence of such service is needed for assistance in their professional capacity. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


No person shall interfere with any part of any fire alarm system unless so authorized by the chief of the fire department. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



No person without authority to do so shall shut off, turn on or interfere in any way with, any fire hydrant, valve or water main in the Town of LaBarge. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain upon residential property in the Town limits, electric fence or a fence of any nature, which is so constructed, as to be potentially dangerous to human beings. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

4.10.160 – CURFEW

A. Curfew for Children Age Seventeen Years and Younger:

It is unlawful for any person of the age of seventeen (17) years or under, whether in or on a motor vehicle or otherwise, to be upon the streets, alleys, thoroughfares, parking lots, parks or other places open and available for use by the public, in the Town between the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 6:00 a.m. During School Season, Curfew shall be in effect between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

B. Curfew for Children Over Seventeen, Under Eighteen:

It is unlawful for any person over the age of Seventeen (17) Years and under the age of Eighteen (18) Years, whether in or on a motor vehicle or otherwise, to be upon the streets, alleys, thoroughfares, sidewalks, parking lots, parks or other places for use by the public, in the Town between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. During School season, Curfew shall be in effect between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

C. No violation of this section will have occurred if:

1. The child is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult having the child’s care and custody;

2. The child is in the performance of employment or on an errand or a duty authorized or imposed by his/her parent, guardian or other adult having the child’s care and custody;

3. The child is traveling directly to his/her place of residence immediately after a public, civic, school, or church related function of which was approved by the child’s parent, guardian, or other adult having the child’s care and custody;

4. During the course of any emergency situation which directly effects the child and/or family of the child.

D. Curfew: Parents and Guardians Responsible

It is unlawful for any parent, guardian, or other person having custody of any minor child under the age of eighteen (18) years to knowingly or through lack of diligence permits such child to be in violation of section 4.10.160 of the LaBarge Town Code.


A. It is unlawful for any person to use engine compression brakes within the jurisdictional limits of the Town of LaBarge:


B. The following will be exempt from the provisions of Paragraph A of this section:

1. Emergency operations of a public agency or utility;

2. Operations to maintain public rights of way, including snow removal;

3. Public Operations to remove and collect garbage;

C. Temporary Exceptions.

The Town Council may issue temporary exceptions to the provision of this section under such conditions as deemed appropriate by the LaBarge Town Council.


A. It shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $750.00 for any person, business, or entity to:

1. Sell a lottery ticket, except from such location, person, entity and/or amount authorized pursuant to Title 9, Chapter 17 of the Code of the State of Wyoming permitted by the Wyoming Lottery Commission;

2. Sell or purchase a lottery ticket or share if the purchaser is under eighteen (18) years old. This subsection does not prohibit the purchase of a lottery ticket or share by a person eighteen (18) years of age or older for the purpose of making a gift to any person of any age.

B. This Ordinance shall not prohibit the selling of Raffle Tickets if all proceeds thereof are advertised as and used for non-profit, charitable purposes.


4.15.010 – ASSAULT

Whoever, having the present ability to do so, unlawfully attempts to commit a violent injury on the person of another, is guilty of an assault and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. A person is guilty of battery if he intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person by use of physical force.

B. A person is guilty of unlawful contact if he:

1. Touches another person in a rude, insolent or angry manner without intentionally using sufficient physical force to cause bodily injury to another, or;

2. Recklessly causes bodily injury to another person.



A. Definitions:

Adult: a person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or legally married.

Domestic Abuse: physical abuse, threats of physical abuse or acts, which unreasonably restrain the personal liberty of any household member by any other household member.

Household Member:

1. Persons married to each other;

2. Persons living with each other as if married;

3. Persons formerly married to each other;

4. Persons formerly living with each other as if married;

5. Parents and their adult children; and

6. Other adults sharing common living quarters.

Domestic Dispute: any verbal or physical argument or confrontation between household members.

Physical Abuse: touching, hitting, cutting of another in a rude or insolent manner.

B. Whoever inflicts or causes domestic abuse of a household member during a domestic dispute, is guilty of domestic abuse, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

4.15.040 – STALKING

A. Definitions:

Course of Conduct: a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time evidencing a continuity of purpose.

Harass: to engage in a course of conduct, including but not limited to verbal threats, written threats, vandalism or nonconsensual physical contact, directed at a specific person or the family of a specific, which the defendant knew or should have known would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and which does in fact seriously alarm the person toward whom it is directed.

B. A person commits the crime of stalking if with intent to harass another person, the person engages in a course of conduct reasonable likely to harass that person, is guilty of a misdemeanor.




Any Person who shall throw any stone or other missile upon or at any building or other property, either public or private, or upon or at any other person or upon or at any vehicle, within the limits of the Town, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who shall intentionally injure, deface or destroy any building or fixtures thereof, or injure or destroy or secrete any goods, chattels or valuable papers of another or prepare any dead fall, or dig any pit, or arrange any trap, with intent to injure any monument, street sign, or any tree mark as a boundary of any land or Town lot, or destroy, deface or alter the marks of any monument, street sign, or injure or destroy any fence or foundation, or any shade or fruit trees, or any other public or private property, or deface any sidewalks with painted or printed handbills or signs, posters or advertisements, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who shall willfully injure or interfere with any public or private property, light post, danger lamps or other signals or barriers placed for public safety, or any monument locating the line of the public street, sidewalk or improvements, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who shall, without authority, tear down or deface any ordinance, bill, notice, advertisement or other paper of a business or legitimate character, lawfully posted within the limits of the Town of LaBarge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who intentionally Manufactures, Sells, Uses or attempts to use any token, slug, false or counterfeit coin or by any other means, method, trick or device for the unlawful operation, attempted operation or cause or attempt to cause the operation of any vending machine, coin-box telephone, or any other receptacle designed to receive or be operated by lawful coin of the United States of America, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Whoever shall take, obtain, accept or receive from or by means of any such machine any article of value, service, the use of, or enjoyment of any telephone, telegraph, other facility or service without the proper legal payment being made to such machine required by the owner, lessee or licensee of such machine, coin-box telephone or other receptacle, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Whoever, at any time, unlawfully breaks open, opens, or enters without right, any parking meter, coin telephone, vending machine dispensing goods or services, money changer or any other device designed to receive currency, with the intent to carry away any part of such device or anything contained therein, is guilty of a misdemeanor.


4.20.070 – PETTY LARCENY

Whoever unlawfully steals, takes and carries, leads or drives away the personal goods of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof, of the value of any sum less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) is guilty of petty larceny, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by incarceration up to ninety (90) days and/or a fine in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00).

4.20.080 – LARCENY

Whoever unlawfully steals, takes and carries, leads or drives away the personal goods of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof, of the value of any sum greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00) but less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) is guilty of larceny, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

4.20.090 – SHOPLIFTING

Any person who willfully conceals or willfully takes possession of any goods offered for sale by a wholesale or retail store or other mercantile establishment, without the knowledge or consent of the owner thereof and with intent to convert the goods to his own use without paying the purchase price, therefore, is guilty of shoplifting and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any peace officer, merchant, or merchant’s employee who has reasonable cause for believing that a person has violated Section 4.20.090, may detain and interrogate such person in regard thereto in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable time.


Where a peace officer, merchant or merchant’s employee, with reasonable cause for believing that a person has committed the crime of shoplifting as defined under Section 4.20. 090, detains and interrogates such person in regard thereto, and such person thereafter brings against the peace officer, merchant or merchant’s employee a civil action for slander, false arrest, false imprisonment, assault, assault and battery or wrongful detention based upon the detention and interrogation, such reasonable cause shall be a defense to the action if the detention and interrogation were done in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable time.


It shall be unlawful for any person to start or maintain an open flamed fire within the Town limits without a variance authorized by the Town council.


Any person who shall throw from any vehicle or other means of transportation in or on which he or she is traveling, any burning match, cigarette, cigar, ashes of pipe, or other burning substance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



It shall be unlawful for any person to recklessly break or destroy in any manner any property of another or of the Town. Town property includes, but is not limited to, the snow plowed to the middle of the Town streets during snow removal operations. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of, any act declared herein to be a crime, whether individually or in connection with one (1) or more other persons or as a principal agent or accessory, shall be guilty of such offense. Every person who falsely, fraudulently, forcibly or willfully induces, causes, coerces, requires, permits or directs another to violate any provision of this act is likewise guilty of such offense, and shall be punishable to the same extent as the principal of such offense.

4.20.160 – CHECK FRAUD

A. Definitions:

Check: a written unconditional order to pay a certain sum of money drawn on a bank payable on demand and signed by the drawer.

Knowingly Issues: issuing a check to obtain property or to pay a debt with intent to defraud or deceive any other person.

Drawee: the bank or purported bank upon which a check is drawn.

Drawer: a person, either real or fictitious, whose name appears on a check as the primary obligor whether the actual signature is that of himself or of a person authorized to draw the check in his behalf.

Insufficient Funds: when the drawer issues a check from the drawee and has no checking account with the drawee or has funds or credit in a checking account with the drawee in an amount less than the amount of the check plus the amount of all other checks outstanding at the time of issuance. A check dishonored for “no account”, “account closed”, or “non-sufficient funds” shall also be deemed to be dishonored for “insufficient funds”.

Issue: to make, draw, deliver or pass a check.

B. Any person who knowingly issues a check which is less than $500.00, and not paid because the drawer has insufficient funds or credit with the drawee has issued a fraudulent check and is guilty of check fraud which is punishable by a fine on the amount of two hundred ($200.00), and/or incarceration for ninety (90) days.

4.20.170 – TRESPASS

A. A person is guilty of trespass if he enters or remains on or in the land or premises of another person, knowing he is not authorized to do so, or after being notified to depart or to not trespass. For the purpose of this section notice is given by:


1. Personal communications to the person by the owner or occupant, or his agent, or by a peace officer, or

2. Posting of signs reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders.

B. Trespass is punishable as a misdemeanor.

4.20.180 – VANDALISM

It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly or purposely deface, mar, soil, disfigure, spoil, or otherwise ruin, alter, take away from, or add to the appearance of any public property or the property of another person without the owner’s consent.


It shall be unlawful for any person to obtain labor, services or the temporary use of property, real or personal, by false pretenses or pretenses with intent to cheat or defraud the supplier of such labor, services or property.

4.20.195 – FAILURE TO PAY

A. If, more than sixty (60) days have elapsed after due, it is a misdemeanor punishable by up to seven hundred fifty ($750.00) for any person to fail to pay any fee, fine, cost, bill or money owed to the Town.

B. The failure to receive notice of any fee, fine, cost, bill or money shall not constitute a defense to this offense if the Town sent notification of said fee, fine, cost, bill or money to the last address of record known to the Town by U.S. Postal service.


Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of, any act declared herein to be a crime, whether individually or in connection with one (1) or more other persons or as a principal, agent, or accessory, shall be guilty of such offense, and every person who falsely, fraudulently, forcibly, or willfully induces, causes, coerces, requires, permits or directs another to violate any provision of this act is likewise guilty of such offense and subject to the provisions set forth in section 4.05.010.



Any person who shall be intoxicated or under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, to a degree considered a public nuisance, in, on or around any highway, street, thoroughfare, public place or private property of another without the permission of the owner, within the Town, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



It shall be unlawful for any person not otherwise authorized by law to sell, give, or deliver any alcohol or malt beverage to any minor. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. Any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years who has any alcohol or malt beverage in his possession or who is intoxicated or under the influence of an alcoholic liquor, malt beverages or a controlled substance, on any street or highway or in any public place, is guilty of a misdemeanor. This section does not apply to possession of alcoholic or malt beverages by a person under the age of twenty-one (21) years:

1. When making a delivery of alcoholic beverages pursuant to his employment;

2. Who is in the physical presence of his parent or legal guardian;

3. When dispensing or serving alcoholic or malt beverages or otherwise working in a dispensing room pursuant to his employment, if the person was at least nineteen (19) years of age on the effective date of this act. This paragraph does not apply to persons otherwise authorized to serve alcoholic or malt beverages under paragraph (e) of this section;

4. Who is a licensee under this tile; or

5. When serving alcoholic or malt beverages pursuant to his employment in a restaurant which holds a license to serve alcoholic or malt beverages, if the person is at least (18) years of age.

B. Any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years who attempts in any manner to purchase alcoholic or malt beverages, who falsifies any identification or uses any false identification in order to obtain alcoholic or malt beverages, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

C. Any person, who violates this section, or aids, abets or incites any violation hereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

4.25.040 – PUBLIC NUDITY

It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in a state of nudity in any public place. For the purpose of this section the word “nudity” shall mean the showing of the human male or female genitals or pubic area or the areola of the female breast in a time, place or manner intended for the primary purpose of appealing to prurient interests. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

4.25.050 – VOYEURISM

It shall be unlawful for any person to look into or through, whether man-made or natural, any window, door or hole at a permanent or temporary domicile of another or in or at another location where there is an expectation of privacy. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



A. A person is guilty of lewd and lascivious behavior if a person performs any of the following acts in a public place or under circumstances which the person knows or should know will likely cause affront or alarm to, on, or in the presence of another:

1. An act of sexual intrusion or contact;

2. Exposes his or her genitals, buttocks, anus, pubic area or the female breast below the top of the areola;

3. Masturbates or manipulates his or her genitals, buttocks, anus, pubic area or the female breast below the top of the areola in a manner intended or likely to cause sexual arousal in the actor or others;

4. Verbally or visually describing, enticing, propositioning or graphically referencing any act of sexual intrusion or contact in a place or manner observed, or likely to be observed, by the general public; or

5. Any other lewd or lascivious behavior.

B. A woman breast feeding, including breast feeding in any location where the woman otherwise may rightfully be, does not constitute a lewd and lascivious act, irrespective of whether or not the breast is covered during or incidental to feeding.

C. Lewd and lascivious behavior constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not more than seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750), or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months or both, to which may be added costs.


A. For the purpose of Sections 4.25.060 through 4.25.080, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

Available to the Public: the matter or performance may be purchased or attended on a subscriber basis, on a membership fee arrangement or for a separate fee for each item or performance.

Disseminate: to transfer possession of, with or without consideration.

Material: any book, magazine, newspaper or other printed or written material or any picture, drawing, photograph, motion picture, video tape or other pictorial representation or any statue or other figure, or any recording, transcription or mechanical, chemical or electrical reproduction or any other articles, equipment or machines.

Nudity: the showing of the human male or female genitals or pubic area with less than a fully opaque covering, the depiction of covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, or the areola of the female breast in a time, place or manner intended for the primary purpose of appealing to prurient interests.


Obscene: that to the average person applying contemporary community standards:

1. The predominant appeal of the matter taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interest; i.e., a shameful or morbid interest in sexual conduct, nudity, or excretion; and

2. The matter depicts or describes in a patently offensive manner sexual conduct; and

3. The work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

Performance: any preview, play, show, skit, film, dance or other exhibition performed before an audience.

Promote: to cause, permit, procure, counsel or assist.

Service to Patrons: the provision of services to paying guests in establishments providing food and beverages, including but not limited to hostess, hat checking, cooking, bar tending, serving, table setting and clearing, waiter and waitress, and entertaining.


A. It shall be unlawful for any person to:

1. Disseminate, distribute or make available to the public any obscene material; or

2. Engage or participate in any obscene performance made available to the public; or

3. Engage in commerce for commercial gain with materials depicting and describing explicitly obscene sexual conduct, nudity, or excretion utilizing displays, circulars, advertisements and other public sales efforts that promote such obscene commerce primarily on the basis of their prurient appeal; or

4. Provide service to patrons in such a manner as to obscenely expose to public view:

a. His or her genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, or anal region; or

b. Any device, costume or covering which gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, or anal region; or

c. The areola of the female breast.

5. Promote the commission of any of the above listed unlawful acts.

B. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



A. Actual notice of the obscene nature of such material, performance, or activity may be given to a person involved in or responsible for such from the Town attorney on the basis of information lawfully gathered and supplied to him by the police or citizens.

B. Such notice shall be in writing and delivered by mail or in person to the alleged offender.

C. Such notice shall state that:

1. In the opinion of the Town attorney the activity engaged in falls within the prohibitions of section 4.25.060;

2. That if such activity has not ceased within seven (7) days the Town will take appropriate legal action; and

3. That a declaratory judgment proceeding as described in Section 4.25.080 (b) is available if a person engaged in the challenged activity wishes to initiate the legal determination of whether the activity is in fact obscene.

D. A person who promotes any obscene activity as prohibited in section 4.25.060 in the course of his business is presumed to do so with knowledge of its content and character.


A. In Rem Proceedings:

1. The police may apply to the prosecuting attorney to institute an attachment proceeding against any material, which is alleged to be obscene in a sworn affidavit.

2. Upon filing of an application for attachment authorized in subsection A (1) of this section, the police shall immediately cause notice thereof to be served either personally or by mail upon any person residing or doing business in the Town who is known or believed to have any of the following interests in the material named in the complaint:

a. The publisher; and

b. The wholesaler, distributor, circulator; and

c. Every retailer or dealer who has, or may have, possession within the Town limits of any material identical to material named in the complaint.

3. Trial shall be held no later than the fourth judicial day following the filing for attachment.

B. Declaratory Judgment:

1. Any person receiving notice in writing from the prosecuting attorney under section 4.25.070 that a specified activity is obscene may bring an action against the Town for a declaratory judgment to determine whether such activity is obscene.

2. If it is adjudged and declared by the court that such activity is obscene, then the prosecuting attorney may cause the publication of such judgment in a


newspaper of general circulation in the Town and upon such publication all persons residing or doing business in the Town will be presumed to have actual notice of the nature of the activity.

C. Criminal Prosecution:

1. The prosecuting attorney may cause criminal charges to be brought against any person presently engaging in or who has engaged in any prohibited activity in violation of Section 4.25.060.

2. If the prosecuting attorney has given notice pursuant to section 4.25.070d(h), then such criminal charges may be brought only after seven judicial days after receipt of such notice.

D. Injunction:

1. The prosecuting attorney may seek a temporary restraining order to enjoin any obscene performance or the service of patrons in violation of Section 4.25.060.

2. If the prosecuting attorney has given written notice pursuant to section 4.25.070, he may after the passage of seven judicial days seek such a temporary restraining order.

E. Proceeding authorized by this section shall be in addition to any others provided by law.


A. No person shall keep, set up, maintain or operate any place, structure, building, or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution, or with knowledge or reasonable cause to know that the same is or is to be used for such purpose, or receive or offer to agree to receive any person in any place, structure, building or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution or permit any person to remain therein for such purpose.

B. No person shall direct, take, transport or offer or agree to take or transport, any person to any place, structure or building or to any other person with knowledge or reasonable cause to know that the purpose of such directing, taking or transporting is prostitution.

C. No person shall reside in, enter or remain in any place, structure or building, or enter or remain in any conveyance for the purpose of prostitution.

D. No person shall engage in or solicit prostitution or aid or abet prostitution, by solicitation or by any means whatsoever.

E. Any person found guilty of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess a controlled substance unless the substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of his professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by this act. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.



It is unlawful for any person, not so authorized by law, to be in possession of, under the influence of, use, sell, barter, give away or in any manner distribute synthetic cannabinoids (including cannabicyclohexanol, JWH-018, JWH-073, and HU-210) or Methyl Enedioxy Pyrrolidine Ketone or any derivative thereof without a valid prescription lawfully taken in the amounts and times so prescribed. Any person who shall be the owner or occupant of any building, place or premises, who shall knowingly permit on such premises any of the products, drugs or derivatives referred to in this section as not authorized by law is guilty of violation of this section.


It is unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally use or be under the influence of a controlled substance except when administered or prescribed by or under the direction of a licensed practitioner.

4.25.130 – DEFINITIONS

A. For definitions pursuant to the above sections, (4.25.100, 4.25.110), refer to Wyoming State Statute 35-7-1002 (1977).

B. Definition of Controlled Substance:

1. For schedule I substances refer to Wyoming State Statue 35-7-1014

2. For schedule II substances refer to Wyoming State Statue 35-7-1016

3. For schedule III substances refer to Wyoming State Statue 35-7-10 18


A. As used in this Section "drug paraphernalia" means all equipment, products and materials of any kind when used, advertised for use, intended for use or designed for use for manufacturing, converting, preparing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance in violation of this act and includes:

1. Isomerization devices when used, advertised for use, intended for use or designed for use in increasing the potency of any species of plant which is a controlled substance;

2. Quinine hydrochloride, mannitol and mannite when used, advertised for use, intended for use or designed for use in diluting controlled substances;

3. Separation gins and sifters when used or advertised for use in removing twigs and seeds from or in otherwise cleaning or refining marihuana;

4. Objects when used, advertised for use, intended for use or designed for use in injecting controlled substances into the human body;


5. Objects when used, advertised for use, intended for use or designed for use in ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing marihuana, cocaine, hashish or hashish oil or any other controlled substance into the human body, including, but not limited to, the following:

a. Metal, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic or ceramic pipes with or without screens, permanent screens, hashish heads or punctured metal bowls; carburetion tubes; carburetion masks; chamber pipes; carburetor pipes; electric pipes; air-driven pipes; chillums; bongs; ice pipes or chillers.

B. It is unlawful for any person to use, possess with intent to use, deliver, or possess with intent to deliver, drug paraphernalia. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.


For purposes of this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this code or other town ordinances, the sections 14-3-301 through 14-3-305 of Wyoming Statutes Annotated, (1977, Republished Edition), as from time to time changed or amended, shall apply to the town, and are adopted by reference, as though incorporated herein at length. A copy of such laws and of any subsequent laws and amendments thereto shall be kept on file in the office of the city clerk.



A. For the purpose of this ordinance, any one of the following circumstances existing prior to, or at the time notice is delivered, shall be considered prima facia evidence that a vehicle upon private property is an abandoned vehicle constituting a nuisance:

1. When any of the four tires of the main wheels of such vehicle have been removed or are deflated, other than for repair.

2. When any of the main wheels of the vehicle have been removed, other than for repair.

3. When such vehicle is totally or partially suspended above the ground by jacks, blocks or any other lifting device, other than for repair.

4. When current license plates or valid temporary permit are not displayed on such vehicle; provided that this shall not apply to vehicles in the possession of licensed dealers for the purpose of sale at the place licensed for such sale.

5. When any part of the mechanism of the vehicle has been removed so as to render the vehicle inoperable, other than for repair.

B. No person shall abandon or leave any vehicle upon any private property for such time and under such circumstances as to cause such vehicle to become a nuisance.



A. No person in charge or control of any private property whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee, contract purchaser or otherwise, shall allow any abandoned vehicle which constitutes a nuisance to remain on such property longer than ten (10) days after having received written notice to remove same from the Town. Notice shall he deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail, by registered or certified mail with postage, prepaid, and addressed to the owner or occupant of the premises upon which such vehicle rests.

B. Upon the failure of the person in charge or control of such property to remove the vehicle within the allotted time, the Town may abate the vehicle as a nuisance and collect the costs of such removal in any manner provided by law.

C. The abatement of the nuisance by the Town shall not relieve the person in charge or control of such property of any penalty imposed for his violation of this chapter by

Section 4.30.060.


No person shall abandon, leave or store unsheltered any old, unused, stripped, junked or otherwise non-operative machinery, implements or equipment of any kind which is no longer safely use-able for the purposes for which it was manufactured.


A. No person in charge or control of any private property whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee, contract purchaser or otherwise, shall allow any property of the kind mentioned in Section 4.30.030 which constitutes a nuisance to remain on such property longer than ten (10) days after having received written notice to remove the same from the Town.

B. Upon failure of the person in charge or control of such property to remove the property within the allotted time, the Town may abate the nuisance and collect the costs of such abatement.

C. The abatement of the nuisance by the Town shall not relieve the person in charge or control of such property of any penalty imposed for his violation of this chapter by Section 4.30.060.


Upon the failure of the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance to speedily abate such a nuisance or fail to comply with notice under sections 4.30.020 and 4.30.040 within the allotted time, the Town may abate the nuisance and collect the costs of such abatement. The abatement of the nuisance by the Town shall not relieve the person in charge or control of such property of any penalty imposed for his violation of this chapter by Section 4.30.060.


Any person who is found guilty of a violation of chapter 4.30 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.





5.05.005 Compliance

5.05.010 Rabies Vaccinations

5.05.020 License Required

5.05.030 License Procedure

5.05.040 Keeping Other Animals

5.05.045 Keeping of Chickens

5.05.050 License for Horses

5.05.060 Penalty for Licensing Violation

5.05.070 Dog at Large

5.05.080 Impounding of Animals

5.05.090 Reclaiming Impounded Animals

5.05.100 Vicious or Noisy Dog

5.05.110 Kennel License Required; Kennel Permits


5.10.010 Cruelty to Animals Prohibited

5.15 ANIMAL ENCLOSURES 51 5.15.010 Animal Enclosures


5.20.010 Animals at Large Prohibited

5.20.020 Impoundment of Animals at Large

5.20.030 Interference with Impoundment Prohibited

5.20.040 Notification of Owner

5.20.050 Disposal of Impounded Animals

5.20.060 Excess Monies from Sale


5.25.010 Animal Carcass is Nuisance

5.25.020 Disposal of Animal Carcass



5.05.005 – COMPLIANCE

No permit issued pursuant to Title 5 shall be issued if the permittee or any member of his or her household is out of compliance with any provision of this Chapter.


All dogs require rabies vaccination prior to obtaining dog license or proof of rabies vaccination must be presented. Rabies vaccination is required every two years, in accordance with the Ordinances of the Town of LaBarge. Rabies vaccination shall not be required for dogs less than six months old.


No person shall keep a dog in his possession in the Town of LaBarge without procuring a license for it as provided by the provisions of this Ordinance. Any person living within the limits of the Town of LaBarge who owns or possesses a dog six months of age or older within the said Town limits, shall pay to the Town an annual license fee to be set by Resolution of the Town Council on the first business day of January of each year.


The Town Clerk shall issue a license to any person desiring to keep a dog as aforesaid, upon the payment, in advance, of such license fee. Such licenses shall be numbered in the order of their issue. The Town Clerk shall furnish a metal plate or tag with each license bearing the number of the license and the date of the year of the issue of the same, which metal plate the owner shall have attached to the collar to be worn by such dog so licensed.


It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, or corporation to collect, keep or feed any cattle, horse, mules, llamas, sheep, goats or other types of livestock within any pen, building, yard, shed or enclosure with Town of LaBarge unless proper zoning is designated.


A. Chickens permitted, so long as the owners and keepers are in compliance with all other provisions herein and in this Town Code, including the restrictions on number of animals. The keeping of chickens shall be allowed within Town limits.

B. Roosters and other poultry.

No rooster over one (1) month in age, or any other poultry, shall be kept in Town without an applicable and active Conditional Use Permit.

C. Containment.

All chickens must be maintained in an appropriately fenced area contained completely on the one lot. Any chicken found outside the property of any owner or keeper shall constitute a nuisance and may be permanently removed from the community or destroyed at the discretion of law


enforcement. Additionally, such animal may be considered at large as regulated by Title 5, Chapter 20 of this Code.

D. Clean and Orderly.

All areas accessible by chickens shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner, and any keeping of chickens in a manner which is likely to spread odor, noise or disease, such as Salmonella. The failure to do so may constitute a separate offense for nuisance prosecutable this Code.

E. Business prohibited.

No chicken or product thereof, including meat and eggs, may be sold or exchanged for goods or services without the owner or keeper first obtaining applicable Conditional Use and Business Permits. Nothing in this provision shall prohibit the sharing, without remuneration, of such products.

F. Any violation of this Ordinance, including chicken or chickens running at large, constitutes one or more misdemeanors punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00. Every day of a continuing violation may constitute a separate offense.


A. This is intended to address the unique requirements of horses in the manner conducive to the public health, safety, and general welfare.

B. For purposes of this Ordinance, the term “horse”, including its plural, shall be inclusive of all equines, including mules and donkeys.

C. No person shall keep horses in the Town of LaBarge, except in cases upon which have been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Town Council. Applicant must have written permission from property owners or own the property in which the application is requested.

D. The following accessory use and structures shall be permitted:

1. The keeping of not to exceed one (1) horse per acre lot, or one (1) horse per 43,560 square feet of lot area, set aside and exclusively dedicated to the keeping of horses. Acreage used for storage of tack, equipment or feed shall not be used to determine acreage.

2. Stabling of horses will be constructed so as to facilitate maintenance in a clean and sanitary condition. Exterior walls and roof shall be constructed as required for permanent buildings. All enclosures under five hundred (500) square feet used in connection with the keeping of horses shall be cleaned no less than monthly during the months of November through March and no less than once every two weeks during the months of April through October. This cleaning schedule is to be read as a minimum and shall not be a defense against a charge of Maintaining A Nuisance. This frequency of this schedule may be modified by order of the LaBarge Municipal Court, Planning and Zoning Commission or Town Council. Barns, shelters, tack sheds, etc., shall be maintained and in good repair at all times. No storage of manure may be kept within the Town of LaBarge.


3. The stabling of horses shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from all other property lines.

4. The corrals will be board poles, and at least four (4) stranded wire fences. Powder River panels are only acceptable if they are permanently encompassing the entire acre or acreage on the property which horses are allowed.

5. All areas used in connection with the keeping of horses shall so arrange the proper drainage as not to accumulate standing water or flooding of other property surrounding the area.

E. Permit requests may be obtained from the Town Hall. You must present the permit to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation, which upon needs final approval by the Town Council.

1. In the event of a protest to the horse permit, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of the property immediately advancement within a distance of three hundred feet (300 ft.). The permit shall not become effective, unless the Town Council so deems to decide by an affirmative vote of three fourths of all members. In determining the footage the width of any intervening street shall be excluded.

F. All permits must comply with the Ordinances of the Town of LaBarge.

G. The fee for a horse permit shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00). There will be a ten dollar ($10.00) per head license fee collected annually each year accompanied by a veterinarian certificate of health.


Any person failing to obtain a license as provided in this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

5.05.070 – DOG AT LARGE

A. A dog shall be deemed to be running at large when off or away from the premises of the owner, possessor or keeper thereof, and not under the control of such owners, possessor, keeper or his agent or servant or member of his immediate family, either by leash, cord or chain. Procuring a license and dog tag shall not authorize the running at large of said dog. It shall be unlawful for any owner, possessor, or person who keeps any dog to permit the same to run at large.

B. Any person found guilty of violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. It shall be the duty of the police officers, community resource officers, and/or other designee of the Town to take up and impound any animal found in violation of an ordinance of the Town, and/or presents a danger to the health and/or property of the Town and/or its residents when the seizing of the animal prevents the furtherance of the offense or endangerment. Animals


may be seized and impounded without the necessity of filing a complaint, citation, or criminal charge.

B. Upon impounding of any licensed animal or animal known to be under the keeping of an individual, the owners, possessor, or keeper of such an animal shall be notified by the Town and/or its designee as soon as is practical. Notice may be given by telephone, electronic communication, in person, or by written notice advising of the fact the impounding of such animal, the date of impounding, and advising that the animal needs to be reclaimed as soon as possible. Information and/or pictures of impounded animals may be distributed, including by social media, in order to identify and contact owners and/or keepers.

C. All unlicensed animals shall be impounded for a maximum of five (5) weekdays, during which time the owner may claim the animal, and for three (3) additional days, during which time a home may be located for the animal.

D. Upon claiming any impounded animal, claimant shall pay the costs of impounding said animal to the date of claiming the same.

E. If the animal is still impounded after these time periods, it may be adopted out, relocated, or destroyed.


The owner of any animal so impounded may reclaim the same upon payment of all costs and charges incurred by the Town for impounding and maintaining such animal, which charges are to be set and amended by resolution of the Town Council.


A. Every noisy dog which includes any dog which habitually, constantly, or frequently disturbs the sleep, peace, or quiet of any neighborhood or person by howling, whining, or barking for an extended period of time is a public nuisance. Failure of the owner, owner’s agent or person in possession of said dog, to control and quiet such dog, upon reasonable notice thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

B. Vicious Dog includes any dog which attacks or rushes, bites, snaps, growls, snarls, or otherwise menaces persons, other animals or vehicles in any public or private place outside the premises of the owner or keeper, including streets, alleys and sidewalks, or shows a disposition to do any of the foregoing, without provocation or excuse.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, harbor or allow to be upon any premises occupied by him or under his charge or control, any vicious dog, unless such dog is properly and well secured by chain, cage, fence or otherwise restricted to the premises occupied or under the control of the person owning, keeping or harboring such dog, so that such dog does not pose a threat or menace to persons occupying or using adjoining sidewalks, streets or alleys.

D. Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor.

E. Upon conviction under this ordinance for the first time, the court may, if circumstances warrant, order destruction of the dog as a nuisance. Upon conviction for a second time under this


ordinance, the court shall order the dog destroyed as a nuisance. In no event shall such dog be destroyed, until such time as a rabies examination, at the owner’s expense, has been made.

F. Upon complaint under this ordinance that a dog has attacked, rushed or bitten any person or animal, the court shall order such dog impounded for two weeks, unless such dog has been vaccinated within one year of the date of the attack or bite and the animal has been currently licensed by the Town of LaBarge. The person owning, keeping or harboring the dog shall be responsible for all costs of impoundment in addition to any punishment imposed under subsection 3 above.


A. No person or persons may own, rent, lease or otherwise occupy premises where a combination of six (6) or more adult (over 6 months of age) animals, no more than three (3) of which are canines, are kept without an annual kennel license. For applicable animals, a kennel licensee must also obtain individual licenses for said animals. Possessors of a kennel license must comply with all applicable Town zoning laws and maintain proof of current rabies vaccination for each dog or cat over six (6) months of age. A kennel permit must first be obtained from the town Planning and Zoning Commission before a kennel license may be granted. Animals that are commonly intended to be constantly maintained in a small, self-contained enclosure, such as caged birds and fish, are exempt from this Ordinance. Animals commonly intended to be kept as livestock, such as horses, sheep and cattle, are exempt from this Ordinance in locations permitted under other Town Ordinances.

B. No kennel permit shall be issued by any officer or employee of the Town unless approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

C. Application for a kennel permit shall be filed at the Town hall on forms provided by the Town of LaBarge for the specific purpose. Such Application shall detail the number, breed and size of animals currently living on the premises; the number, breed and size of animals intended; details concerning how the animals are cared for, including descriptions of fencing and locations for their use; and any other information the planning and zoning commission may deem necessary.

D. The kennel permit and license fee shall be set and amended by Town Council resolution after publication and public hearing.

E. The Planning and Zoning Commission, after a public hearing, an inspection by a designee, and notice, may approve, modify and approve, or deny a kennel permit. In approving any kennel permit, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall impose regulations and conditions as are necessary, to protect the public welfare. After notice to a kennel licensee, public hearing, and an opportunity to be heard, the Planning and Zoning Commission may remove or modify an existing kennel license and/or permit if the use of said license or permit is deemed to be violative of the welfare of the Town, including, but not limited to, any violations of the Town’s prohibitions and regulations regarding animals running at large, noise, and nuisances.

F. Nothing in this or any other Ordinance of the Town shall grant, extend or convey a right upon any person or persons within the Town.




Any person who shall willfully kill, maim or disfigure any domestic animal or other animal, or administer poison to any such animal or expose any poisonous substance with the intent that it shall be taken by any such animal; and every person who shall tie or cause to be tied tin-cans, paper bags, or other articles to the tail or any part of any dog or other animal within the limits of this Town, or any person who shall: inhumanely, unnecessarily or cruelly over-work, beat, injure or otherwise abuse any animal within the limits of this Town, or being the owners or having charge of any such animal, shall suffer the same to run at large in the streets of this Town without food, drink, or shelter, or abandon the same, or neglect the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.



A. It is a public nuisance for any person to keep or maintain any pen, kennel or enclosure or building for animals in such a filthy or unwholesome condition as to be offensive to neighbors or passers-by or injurious to the health of the neighborhood.

B. Upon failure of the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance to speedily abate such a nuisance, the Town shall abate the nuisance and collect the costs of such abatement.

C. The abatement of the nuisance by the Town shall not relieve the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance, of any penalty imposed for the violation of these ordinances.

D. Any person who fails to abate such nuisance after five (5) days written notice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any horse, mare, gelding, jack, mule, sheep, goat, cow, calf, steer, bull, hog, pig or other type of livestock to suffer or permit the same to run at large within the limits of the Town of LaBarge.


If any animals shall be found running at large or otherwise contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, it is hereby made the duty of the police to take up and secure the same in a secure


pen, pound, or other place provided for that purpose, and no such animal taken up and confined as aforesaid, shall be released until the owner or keeper entitled to possession of such animal, pays any and all fees incurred by the Town for the taking, care, and receiving such animal, which shall be set by Resolution of the Town Council, to which may be added the costs of disposal, relocation, veterinary and/or medical care for the handlers of said animal. It is not a requirement that a complaint or citation be issued in order for the police to impound any such animal.


Any person who shall obstruct, hinder or delay, the said police, or his assistant, in taking away any such animal, or who shall willfully set any of such animals mentioned above at large within the Town limits of the Town of LaBarge, or break or assist to break, any enclosures where the said animals are confined, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


If the owner or keeper entitled to the possession of any such animal running at large as aforesaid, shall be known to the officer or keeper having taken up such animal or animals, the said officer or keeper, shall as soon as practicable notify the said owner or keeper of the impounding of such animal or animals.


A. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, an impounded animal may be disposed of in any of the following manners:

1. The Chief of Police or his designee shall notify the owners, possessor, or keeper of such animal, if such person shall be known or reasonably ascertainable, as soon as is possible, which notice may be given verbally, in person, in writing, or electronically, either directly or through a responsible third party advising of the fact of the impounding of such animal and the date of impounding and advising that the animal needs to be reclaimed as soon as possible. All animals shall be impounded for a maximum of five (5) weekdays, during which time the owner may claim the animal, and for three (3) additional days, during which time a home may be located for the animal. Upon claiming any impounded animal, claimant shall pay the costs of impounding said dog to the date of claiming the same. If the animal is still impounded after these time periods, it may be destroyed.

2. The Chief of Police or his designee shall notify the owners, possessor, or keeper of such animal, if such person shall be known or reasonably ascertainable, as soon as is possible, which notice may be given verbally, in person, in writing, or electronically, either directly or through a responsible third party advising of the fact of the impounding of such animal and the date of impounding and advising that that the animal needs to be reclaimed as soon as possible. If the owner or keeper shall, within five (5) days after the said notice of impoundment, fail to pay the charges thereon, and take said animal away, it shall be lawful for the Chief of Police, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to sell any and every such animal at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, after first giving then (10) days’ notice of such sale, and the time and place where such sale will take place, by


posting notice of such sale, and the time and place where such sale will take place, by posting notice thereof in three (3) public places in the Town of LaBarge, and a copy of such notice shall be served upon the owner or keeper of such animals, five (5) days before such sale, if such owner or keeper be known and is within the limits of the Town of LaBarge. Any and all such animals may be redeemed at any time, before the sale, by the owner or keeper paying the costs and charges thereto attached, and the Chief of Police by and with the consent of the Mayor, shall have power at all times to release any animal or animals, from running at large, or that such animal or animals belonged to the open range, and were not kept by any person living within the limits of this Town.


In case any animal, sold pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be sold for more than the amount required to pay the fees, penalties and charges thereon, such excess shall be deposited with the Town Treasurer, and shall be payable upon an order of the Town Council, to the owner or keeper of the animal upon claim and proof before the Town Council.



A. It is a public nuisance to cause or suffer the carcass of any animal or any offal, filth or noisome substance to be collected or to remain in any place in the Town to the prejudice of others.

B. Upon failure of the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance to speedily abate such a nuisance, the Town may abate the nuisance and collect the costs of such abatement.

C. The abatement of the nuisance by the Town shall not relieve the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance of any penalty imposed for his violation of this Section by the following paragraph.

D. The violation of this section or any part thereof shall be punishable as a misdemeanor.


A. It shall be the duty of every person, being the owner of or having in his possession or under his control, any dog or other animal, which shall die within the corporate limits, to immediately remove the body of such animal to the disposal site, and to immediately bury the same under three feet of earth.

B. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.




6.05 FOOD 56

6.05.010 Unwholesome Food for Sale

6.05.020 Restrictions on Food

6.05.030 Container for Food Storage

6.05.040 Seizure of Unwholesome Food

6.05.050 Penalty for Violation

6.10 FIRE 56

6.10.010 Adoption of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.020 Modification of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.030 Future Modifications of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.040 Enforcement of Uniform Fire Code

6.10.050 Appeals

6.10.060 Penalty for Violation of Fire Code


6.15.010 Clean and Orderly Premises

6.15.015 Purpose, Violation of, Fire Hazard and Nuisance

6.15.016 Excessive and/or Noxious Weeds

6.15.020 Notice to Destroy Weeds

6.15.025 Action Upon Non-Compliance with Order

6.15.030 Maintaining a Health Menace

6.15.035 Offensive Matter on Premises

6.15.040 Liquids Allowed to Become Nauseous

6.15.050 Abatement of Nuisance

6.15.060 Places Where Cooking or Eating is Done

6.15.070 Littering Prohibited

6.15.080 Vacant Lots


6.20.010 Definitions

6.20.020 Garbage Collection by Commercial Services

6.20.030 Responsible for Removal of Certain Material to Transfer Station

6.20.040 Burning of Garbage Unlawful

6.20.050 Securing Refuse Containers

6.20.060 Commercial District - Fenced Collection Containers

6.20.070 Penalty for Violation

6.20.080 Transfer Station Rates, Hours, Penalties, and Salvage Privileges


6.25.010 Purpose

6.25.020 Number Size

6.25.030 Color and Location

6.25.040 Compliance

6.25.050 Penalty



6.30.010 Purpose

6.30.020 Definitions

6.30.030 Policies

6.30.040 Violation



6.35.010 Title

6.35.020 Purpose and Scope

6.35.030 Enforcement, General

6.35.040 Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

6.35.050 Violations

6.35.060 Inspection of Work

6.35.070 Board of Appeals

6.35.080 Definitions, General

6.35.090 Dangerous Buildings

6.35.100 General

6.35.110 Recordation of Notice and Order

6.35.120 Repair, Vacate and Demolition

6.35.130 Notice to Vacate

6.35.140 Appeals, General

6.35.150 Effect of Failure to Appeal

6.35.160 Scope of Hearing on Appeal

6.35.170 Staying of Order Under Appeal

6.35.180 Procedure for Conduct of Hearing Appeals, General

6.35.190 Form of Notice of Hearing

6.35.200 Subpoenas

6.35.210 Conduct of Hearing

6.35.220 Method and Form of Decision

6.35.230 Compliance: Enforcement of the Order of the Building Official or the Board of Appeals

6.35.240 Extension of Time to Perform Work

6.35.250 Interference with Repair or Demolition Work Prohibited 6.35.260 Performance of Work of Repair or Demolition, General

6.35.270 Recovery of Cost of Repair or Demolition; Expense, Filing of Report: Contents

6.35.280 Report Transmitted to Council: Set for Hearing

6.35.290 Protests and Objections: How Made

6.35.300 Hearing of Protests

6.35.310 Personal Obligation or Special Assessment

6.35.320 Contest

6.35.330 Authority for Installation Payment of Assessments with Interest

6.35.340 Lien of Assessment

6.35.350 Report to Assessor and Tax Collector: Addition of Assessment to Tax Bill

6.35.360 Filing Copy of Report with County Auditor

6.35.370 Collection of Assessment: Penalties for Foreclosure

6.35.380 Repayment of Repair and Demolition Fund


6.40.010 International Building Code Adopted




Any person who shall expose for sale in any market house or elsewhere in this Town, any emaciated, tainted or putrid meat or provisions which from these or other causes may be deemed unwholesome, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


No person shall bring into the Town of LaBarge or keep or offer for sale for food purposes, any meat, fish, birds, fowls, fruit or vegetables that are not healthy, fresh and wholesome.


No person shall keep any articles of human food in any receptacle that has become musty or otherwise polluted.


Any of the unwholesome food products herein mentioned shall be seized wherever found by the Chief of Police or any authorized agent of the Town and destroyed in such manner as the Town Mayor may direct.


Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter for which no punishment is heretofore specifically provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.



There is hereby adopted by the Town Council for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Uniform Fire Code recommended by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Officials being particularly the 1979 edition thereof or the latest revised edition and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended by the Chapter of which code not less than one (1) copy has been and is now filed in the office of the clerk of the Town of LaBarge and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provision thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the Town of LaBarge.


A. Whenever the word “jurisdiction” is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the Town of LaBarge.


B. Whenever the term “corporation counsel” is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the attorney for the Town of LaBarge.

C. The limits referred to in Section 79.201 of the Uniform Fire Code in which storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited, are hereby established as follows: The Town limits of the Town of LaBarge.

D. The limits referred to in Section 79.601 of the Uniform Fire Code, in which new bulk plants for flammable or combustible liquids are prohibited, are hereby established as follows: The Town limits of the Town of LaBarge.

E. The limits referred to in Section 82.105(a) of the Uniform Fire Code, in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted, are hereby established as follows:

The Town limits of the Town of LaBarge.

F. The limits referred to in Section 77.106(b) of the Uniform Fire Code, in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited, are hereby established as follows:

The Town limits of the Town of LaBarge.


The Building Inspector, the District Fire Chief and the Chief of Police shall act as a committee to determine and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or occupancies, which shall require permits, in addition to those now enumerated in said code. The Town Clerk shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office and distribute copies thereof to interested persons.


A. The Building inspector shall enforce the Uniform Fire Code.

B. The Building Inspector in charge of enforcing the Uniform Fire Code shall be appointed by the Town Council.

C. The District Fire Chief may detail such members of the fire department as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. The District Fire Chief shall recommend to the Town the employment of technical inspectors, and appointments made shall be for an indefinite term with removal only for cause.

6.10.050 – APPEALS

Whenever the Building Inspector shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Building Inspector to the Town Council, within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision appealed.



A. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this code hereby adopt or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made there under, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved there under, or any certificate or permit issued hereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the Town Council or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and unless otherwise specified, each seven (7) days that the prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense.

B. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.



A. It shall be the duty of any owner, agent, tenant, purchaser, contractor or lessee of any premises within the Town, including places of business, dwelling houses, apartments, tenements, construction sites or other establishments, at all times, to maintain the premises in a clean and orderly condition, permitting no deposit or accumulation of garbage, refuse, rubbish or other waste materials other than those necessary or ordinarily attendant upon construction or upon the use for which such premises are legally intended. Any such accumulation is hereby declared to constitute a nuisance and nonconforming use of the premises.

B. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor.


The purpose of this article is to primarily safeguard the health of this community. Violation of any part of this article is also deemed to constitute a fire hazard and a nuisance and constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00 in addition to any and all other remedies herein or otherwise available at law. Each day of continuing violation may constitute a separate offense.


A. No owner or owners, lease holder or occupant, lawful or otherwise of any lot, place, or area within the Town, or agent of such owner or owners, shall permit excessive and/or noxious weeds on such lot, place, or area as well as upon any parking space between such property and the street and upon that portion of any alley adjoining such premises. The existence of such weeds shall constitute a public nuisance. It shall be the duty of the owners, occupant, or agent, having control of any lot or premises, to mow or otherwise destroy or remove such weeds that may grown upon such lot or premises. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable per 6.15.015.


B. Any of the following constitutes prima facie evidence that weeds are noxious and/or excessive:

1. The weed or plant is a Designated Noxious Weed or a Declared Weed as defined under Wyoming Statute § 11-5-102;

2. The plant other than a tree, bush or shrub, which reproduced aggressively and/or is likely to overgrow and choke out other lawn grasses and is more than 18” tall;

3. The plant is stored or accumulated, either alive or dead, in such a manner as to harbor rats, rodents, mice, skunks or other animals which may transmit disease to human beings, or in such a manner as to provide a breeding place for flies, mosquitoes, or other harmful insects.


A. When noxious and/or excessive weeds are found to exist upon any premises, as modified in Ordinance 6.15.016 above, with the Town, the Town shall notify the owner of the property or if no such person can be found, the person in control of the premises or his agent or servant.

B. The notice shall state that the existence of such weeds constitutes a public nuisance, and shall order the owners, or person in charge, to exterminate or remove all such weeds on any lot, place or area within the Town limits. The notice shall further inform such property owners, or their agents, that upon their failure to remove or exterminate such weeds within a specified time, the Town may proceed to have such weeds removed or exterminated and assess the cost thereof to the property involved.

C. Personal notice of the order shall be served. In the case personal notice cannot be obtained, then the notice shall be posted prominently upon the premises. Date of posting shall be not less than seven (7) days prior to the date upon which the Town shall commence to remove the weeds from such property.


Upon failure, neglect, or refusal of any owner or owners, or agents thereof, to exterminate or remove noxious weeds growing, lying or located upon the property, as explained in this Chapter, of the owner before the date specified in the notice, a responsible Town official may exterminate or remove such weeds. Such official shall report to the Town Clerk the cost of such extermination. The charges, whichever sum is greater, or such other amount as the Town Council may determine from time to time by Resolution, to cover the administrative costs. The total cost shall be assessed against the lot or parcel of land upon which weeds have been exterminated or removed. The Clerk shall cause the aforesaid costs to become a lien against the property involved.


No owner or occupier of land or buildings shall cause or knowingly permit such property to become or remain in a condition constituting a menace to health or safety by the accumulation of filth,


sewage, garbage, refuse, trash, standing or stagnant water, litter, rubbish, ruins, weeds, brush, or any waste matter whatsoever, and permitting the same shall be a public nuisance.


It is a public nuisance for any owner, lessee, occupant, or resident of any premises to suffer or cause to be maintained on such premises for twenty-four (24) hours or longer any unwholesome, decaying or putrid animal or vegetable matter which contaminates the atmosphere or endangers or injures the health of any person, or which is indecent or offensive to the senses or interferes with the comfort or enjoyment of any resident in the Town.


It shall be deemed a public nuisance and is unlawful for any person to cause or permit any nauseous, foul or putrid liquor or other liquid substance to be discharged, placed or thrown, or to flow from or out of any premises into or upon any adjacent premises or any public street, alley, road or sidewalk, or into a my channel or watercourse.


A. Upon the failure of the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance to speedily abate such a nuisance, the Town may abate the nuisance and collect the costs of such abatement.

B. The abatement of the nuisance by the Town shall not relieve the person in charge of or control of or responsible for any nuisance of any penalty imposed for his violation of this chapter.


A. All persons, where cooking or eating is done, shall provide and keep at their expense, at all times, garbage cans which are suitable for the purpose of holding all garbage and refuse without running over.

B. Any person who shall violate any of the foregoing section of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. It shall be unlawful for any person to store or allow garbage, refuse, rubbish or waste material of any kind to accumulate anywhere in Town; or to litter, throw or sweep any garbage, refuse, rubbish or water material of any kind into any street, gutter, sidewalk, sewer intake, alley, vacant lot, pond, stream or any other property within the Town limits.

B. Any person who shall violate this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor.

6.15.080 – VACANT LOTS

A. The owner of any vacant lot at all times shall keep the same free from burdocks, thistles, briers or other noxious waste.


B. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


6.20.010 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section. The word “shall” is always mandatory and not merely directory.

Ashes: the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other combustible materials.

Town: The Town of LaBarge

Collector: either the Town or a person holding a business license issued or granted by the Town authorizing such person to operate, conduct and maintain a municipal garbage and refuse collection and disposal system upon, on and over streets, alleys and public ways of the Town.

Garbage: wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods; wastes from the handling, storage and sale of produce; and other matter whatsoever that may decompose and become foul, offensive, unsanitary or dangerous to health.

Owner and Occupant: every person in possession, charge, custody or control of any premises where garbage, refuse and rubbish is created or accumulated.

Person: any person, firm, partnership, association, company, corporation or organization of any kind.

Premises: land and all buildings and structures thereon, including but not excluding by enumeration, single or multi-family dwellings, rooming houses, apartment houses, hospitals, convalescent and nursing homes, hotels and motels, restaurants, drive-in establishments, schools (academic, trade or industrial, and kindergarten) and any other place of habitation, office, shop or establishment or place of conducting a business, trade or occupation.

Refuse: combustible and noncombustible discarded materials including but not limited to, paper, wood, branches, leaves, excepting non-offensive compost piles, furniture, bedding, building materials, ashes and solid wastes resulting from industrial and manufacturing processes.

Rubbish: non-putrescible solid waste (excluding ashes) consisting of both combustible and noncombustible waste, such as paper, cardboard, tin cans, yard clippings, wood, glass, bedding, crockery, and similar materials.



A. Garbage refuse and rubbish may be collected and removed by private garbage collection services only when such service holds a current and valid non-exclusive business license from the Town of LaBarge.

B. Collection equipment shall be of an enclosed compaction type unit as approved by the Town of LaBarge; all vehicles used to transport garbage or refuse over Town streets shall be watertight and shall be provided with an adequate cover to prevent offensive odors and materials from escaping.

C. The Town Council may by contract or resolution make such other and further rules and regulations concerning collection by private licensed garbage collection services as it shall find reasonable, necessary and not inconsistent with the Town ordinances.


A. The owners or persons responsible therefore shall not permit any unnecessary accumulation, and shall be held responsible for the immediate removal to the county disposal site, of trash, refuse and rubbish as follows:

1. Discarded automobile parts, furniture, stoves and other large fixtures.

2. Manure, other than a light spread applied on lawns or gardens for fertilizing purposes, shall not be kept on any premises for any purpose or kept in piles for later use, but must be either plowed under or removed by the owner or person responsible, therefore.

3. All plaster, broken concrete, stone, wood, roofing materials, wire or metal binding, sacks or loose discarded or unused materials of all kinds, resulting from wrecking, construction, reconstruction or remodeling of any room, basement, wall, fence, sidewalk or building shall be promptly removed or stored in such a manner as not to be scattered by wind or otherwise, and, as soon as possible, shall be removed by the persons responsible for such work. Such person shall be held liable for any damages caused by the scattering of refuse upon adjacent property and for the costs of cleaning up such scattered refuse.

4. Silt and similar deposits from automobile wash racks shall be removed to the Town disposal site by the person, firm or corporation creating such deposits.

5. It shall be the duty of every person, being the owners of or having in his possession or under his control, any dog or other animal which shall die within the corporate limits, to immediately remove the body of such animal to the disposal site, and to immediately bury the same under three feet of earth, in a place designated by the employee in charge of the disposal site.


6. Any accumulation of refuse that is highly explosive or inflammable or which might otherwise endanger life or property, shall be removed immediately to such place as approved by the sanitary commission.

7. Any garbage, refuse, rubbish or wastes of such a quantity, quality, size or weight as to prevent the same from being deposited in a collection container.


It shall be unlawful for any person to burn any garbage, refuse, rubbish or any combustible waste in the Town of LaBarge.


All refuse containers shall be secured in such a manner as to provide reasonable security against being overturned by animals, wind or other causes.


All containers for the collection of garbage, rubbish, food, sacks, flyers or any other refuse accumulated from a commercial business will be enclosed in a fenced area. The fence will be of material with openings, if any, no larger than two inches by two inches, of the height of at least six feet with a gate that will be kept closed except for access. The Mayor and Council may grant a variance after a favorable inspection and recommendation from the Town Marshal that the inspected commercial businesses refuse container is secure or the volume of refuse warrants that a fenced in area is not necessary.


Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter shall upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. Transfer Stations Rates.

All rates for use or disposal of refuse at the Transfer Station shall be set and amended by Resolution of the Town Council.

B. Transfer Stations Hours.

The Transfer Station hours of operation shall be set and amended by Resolution of the Town Council.

C. Penalties.

1. It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized personnel of the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, to be inside the Transfer Station area when the transfer station is not open for public use in accordance with the schedule set forth above. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall


be fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00).

2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to dump or cause to be dumped any garbage, trash, or junk outside the gates or fences of the transfer station. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00).

D. Salvage.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove anything, which has been deposited or dumped and left at the transfer station without first having applied for and received a permit from the Town to do so. Any person, firm, or corporation violating this section shall be fined not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00).

E. Permit.

Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to salvage anything from the transfer station shall make a written application to the Transfer Station Operator setting forth the applicant’s name, address, the date of application and the article(s) or object (s) which the person desires to salvage.


6.25.010 – PURPOSE

The Town Council has determined that to facilitate the Fire Department, Police, Ambulance Service and other agencies, all residential dwelling units and commercial business structures within the Town of LaBarge shall have a house or building number.

6.25020 – NUMBER SIZE

All residential dwelling units and commercial business structures shall have a house or building number with a minimum height of four (4) inches.


All house or building numbers shall be visible from the street with a color that contrasts from the building or structure color.

6.25.040 – COMPLIANCE

All residential dwelling units and commercial business structures in existence at the time of adoption of this ordinance shall be in compliance within ninety (90) days of adopted date.

6.25.050 – PENALTY

See Title 4, Section 4.05.010 of the LaBarge Code.



6.30.010 – PURPOSE

The purpose of this ordinance is to declare that the right and need of those who wish to breath smoke-free air should be respected and to protect the public health, safety and welfare of LaBarge employees and citizens who utilize the Town buildings by establishing restrictions on smoking.

6.30.020 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this ordinance the following definitions shall apply:

Town Buildings: the office of the Town Clerk, the Police Department offices, EMS Offices, the Fire Station Offices, and the Street Department shop and garage.

Smoking Instrument: any cigarette, cigar, pipe or other smoking device.

6.30.030 – POLICIES

A. No one shall smoke or carry any lighted smoking instrument in the Town buildings aforementioned.

B. Anyone persisting in smoking contrary to the terms of this ordinance, after an oral or written request or warning to cease, shall be deemed to be in violation or this ordinance.

6.30.040 – VIOLATION

Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each offense.


6.35.010 – TITLE

These regulations shall be known as the “Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings,” may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as “this code”.


A. Purpose. It is the purpose of this code to provide a just, equitable and practicable method, to be cumulative with and in addition to, any other remedy provided by the Building code, Housing Code or otherwise available at law, whereby buildings or structures which from any cause endanger the life, limb, health, morals, property, safety or welfare of the general public may be required to be repaired, vacated or demolished.


B. Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to all dangerous buildings, as herein defined, which are now in existence or which may hereafter become dangerous in this jurisdiction.

C. Alterations, Additions and Repairs. All buildings or structures which are required to be repaired under the provisions of this code shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 104(a) and (b) of the Building Code.


A. Administration. The building official is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this code.

B. Inspections. The health officer, the fire marshal and the building official are hereby authorized to make such inspections and take such actions as may be required to enforce the provisions of this code.

C. Right of Entry. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this code, or whenever the building official or his authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises any condition or code violation which makes such building or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the building official or his authorized representative may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any duty imposed upon the building official by this code, provided that if such building or premises be occupied, he shall first present proper credentials and request entry; and if such building or premises be unoccupied, he shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If such entry is refused, the building official or his authorized representative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.

D. Authorized representative shall include the officers named in 6.35.070 and their authorized inspection personnel.


All buildings or portions thereof which are determined after inspection by the building official to be dangerous as defined in this code are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 6.35.100 of this code.

635.050 – VIOLATIONS

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the same to be done in violation of this code.


All buildings or structures within the scope of this code and all construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the building official in accordance with and in the manner provided by this code and other LaBarge ordinances.



In order to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this code and to hear appeals provided for hereunder, there is hereby created a Board of Appeals consisting of five members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction and who are not employees of the jurisdiction. The building official shall be an ex officio member of and shall act as secretary to said board. The Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the governing body and shall hold office at its pleasure. The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the building official. Appeals to the board shall be processed in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 6.35.140 of this code. Copies of all rules or regulations adopted by the board shall be delivered to the building official, who shall make them freely accessible to the public.


A. For the purpose of this code, certain terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in either this chapter or as specified in the Building code or the Housing Code. Where terms are not defined, they shall have their ordinary accepted meanings within the context with which they are used. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, copyright 1983, shall be construed as providing ordinary accepted meanings. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include the feminine and the feminine the masculine.

Building Code: The Uniform Building Code promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by this jurisdiction.

Dangerous Building: any building or structure deemed to be dangerous under the provisions of Section 6.35.090 of this code.

Housing Code: The Uniform Housing Code promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by this jurisdiction.


A. For the purpose of this code, any building or structure which has any or all of the conditions or defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be a dangerous building, provided that such conditions or defects exist to the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public or its occupants are endangered:

1. Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is not of sufficient width or size or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic;

2. Whenever the walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is so warped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic;


3. Whenever the stress in any materials, member or portion thereof, due to all dead and live loads, is more than one- and one-half times the working stress or stresses allowed in the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location;

4. Whenever any portion thereof has been damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood or by any other cause, to such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location;

5. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is likely to fail, or to become detached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property;

6. Whenever any portion of a building, or any member, appurtenance or ornamentation on the exterior thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is not so anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of one half of that specified in the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location without exceeding the working stress permitted in the Building Code for such buildings;

7. Whenever any portion thereof has cracked, warped, buckled or settled to such an extent that walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to winds or earthquakes than is required in the case of similar new construction;

8. Whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (i) dilapidation, deterioration or decay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary or the purpose of supporting such building (iv) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other cause, is likely to partially or completely collapse;

9. Whenever, for any reason, the building or structure, or any portion thereof is manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used;

10. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural members list, lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle one third of the base;

11. Whenever the building or structure, exclusive of the foundation, shows 33 percent or more damage or deterioration of its supporting member or members, or 50 percent damage or deterioration of its non-supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or coverings;

12. Whenever a building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become (i) an attractive nuisance to children, (ii) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or as to (iii) enable persons to resort thereto for the purpose of committing unlawful or immoral acts;


13. Whenever any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the building regulations of this Town, as specified in the Building code or Housing Code, or of any law or ordinance of this state or Town relating to the condition, location or structure of buildings;

14. Whenever any building or structure which, whether or not erected in accordance with all applicable laws and ordinances, has in any non-supporting part, member or portion less than 50 percent, or in any supporting part, member or portion less than 66 percent of the (i) strength, (ii) fire-resisting qualities or characteristics, or (iii) weather-resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the case of a newly constructed building of like areas, height and occupancy in the same location;

15. Whenever a building or structure, used or intended to be used for dwelling purposes, because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or otherwise, is determined by the health officer to be unsanitary, unfit for human habitation or in such a condition that is likely to cause sickness or disease;

16. Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration, damage, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the fire marshal to be a fire hazard;

17. Whenever any portion of a building or structure remains on a site after the demolition or destruction of the building or structure or whenever any building or structure is abandoned for a period in excess of six months so as to constitute such building or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public.


A. Commencement of Proceedings.

Whenever a building official has inspected or caused to be inspected any building or has found and determined that such building is a dangerous building; he shall commence proceedings to cause the repair, vacation or demolition of the building.

B. Notice and Order.

The building official shall issue a notice and order directed to the record owner of the building. The notice and order shall contain:

1. The street address and a legal description sufficient for identification of the premises upon which the building is located;

2. A statement that the building official has found the building to be dangerous with a brief and concise description of the conditions found to render the building dangerous under the provisions of Section 6.35.090 of this Code.


3. A statement of the action required to be taken as determined by the building official.

a. If the building official has determined that the building or structure must be repaired, the order shall require that all required permits be secured therefore and the work physically commenced within such time (not to exceed 60 days from the date of the order) and completed within such time as the building official shall determine is reasonable under all of the circumstances;

b. If the building official has determined that the building or structure must be vacated, the order shall require that the building or structure shall be vacated within a time certain from the date of the order as determined by the building official to be reasonable;

c. If the building official has determined that the building or structure must be demolished, the order shall require that the building be, vacated within such time as the building official shall determine is reasonable (not to exceed 60 days from the date of the order); that all required permits be secured therefore within 60 days from the date of the order, and that the demolition be completed within such time as the building official shall determine is reasonable.

4. Statements advising that if any required repair or demolition work (without vacation also being required) is not commenced within the time specified, the building official (i) will order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed, and (ii) may proceed to cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owner.

5. Statements advising (i) that any person having any record title or legal interest in the building may appeal from the notice and order of any action of the building official to the Board of Appeals, provided the appeal is made in writing as provided in this code and filed with the building official within 30 days from the date of service of such notice and order; and (ii) that failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of the matter.

C. Service of Notice and Order.

The notice and order, and any amended or supplemental notice and order, shall be served upon the record owner and posted on the property; and one copy thereof shall be served on each of the following if known to the building official or disclosed from the official public records; the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or other lien or encumbrance of record; the owner or holder of any lease of record; and the holder of any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or the land on which it is located. The failure of the building official to serve any person required herein to be served shall not invalidate any proceedings hereunder as to any other person duly served or relieve any such person from any duty or obligation imposed on him by the provision of this section.

D. Method of Service.

Service of the notice and order shall be made upon all persons entitled thereto either personally or by mailing a copy of such notice and order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to each such person at his address as it appears on the last equalized assessment roll of the county or as known to the building official. if no address of any such person so appears


or is unknown to the, building official, then a copy of the notice and order shall be so mailed, addressed to such person, at the address of the building involved in the proceedings. The failure of any person to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of any proceedings taken under this section Service by certified mail in the manner herein provided shall be effective on the date of mailing.

E. Proof of Service.

Proof of service of the notice and order shall be certified to at the time of service by a written declaration under penalty of perjury executed by the persons effecting service, declaring the time, date, and manner in which service was made. The declaration, together with any receipt card returned in acknowledgment of receipt by certified mail shall be affixed to the copy of the notice and order retained by the building official.


If compliance is not had with the order within the time specified therein, and no appeal has been properly and timely filed, the building official shall file in the office of the county recorder a certificate describing the property and certifying (i) that the building is a dangerous building and (ii) that the owner has been no notified. Whenever the corrections ordered shall thereafter have been completed or the building demolished so that it no longer exists as a dangerous building on the property described in the certificate, the building official shall file a new certificate with the county recorder certifying that the building has been demolished or all required corrections have been made so that the building is no longer dangerous, whichever is appropriate.


A. The following standards shall be followed by the building official (and by the Board of Appeals if an appeal is taken) in ordering the repair, vacation or demolition of any dangerous building or structure:

1. A building declared a dangerous building under this ordinance either shall be required to be in accordance with the current building code or shall be demolished at the option of the building owner;

2. If the building or structure is in such condition as to make it immediately to the life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants, it shall be vacated.


A. Posting.

Every notice to vacate shall, in addition to being served as provided in Section 6.35.100, be posted at or upon each exit of the building and shall be in substantially the following form:



It is a misdemeanor to occupy this building,

or to remove or deface this notice.

Building Official

Town of LaBarge

B. Compliance.


Whenever such notice is posted, the building official shall include a notification thereof in the notice and order issued by him under Subsection (2) of Section 6.35.100, reciting the emergency and specifying the conditions which necessitate the posting. No person shall remain in or enter any building, which has been so posted, except that entry may be made to repair, demolish or remove such building under permit. No person shall remove or deface any such notice after it is posted until the required repairs, demolition or removal have been completed and a Certificate of Occupancy issued pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code.

6.35.140 – APPEAL, GENERAL

A. Form of Appeal.

Any person entitled to service under Section 6.35.100(3) may appeal from any notice and order or any action of the building official under this code by filing at the office of the building official a written appeal containing:

1. A heading in the words: “Before the Board of Appeals of the Town of LaBarge;”

2. A caption reading: “Appeal of_________________________,” giving the names of all appellants participating in the appeal;

3. A brief statement setting forth the legal interest of each of the appellants in the building or the land involved in the notice and order;

4. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific order or action protested, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the appellant;

5. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the relief sought and the reasons why it is claimed the protested order or action should be reversed, modified or otherwise set aside;

6. The signatures of all parties named as appellants and their official mailing addresses;

7. The verification (by declaration under penalty of perjury) of at least one appellant as to the truth of the matters stated in the appeal;

8. The appeal shall be filed within 30 days from the date of the service of such order or action of the building official; provided, however, that if the building or structure is in such condition as to make it immediately dangerous to the life, limb, property or safety of the public or adjacent property and is ordered vacated and is posted in accordance with Section 6.35.100, such appeal shall be filed within 10 days from the date of the service of the notice and order of the building official.

B. Processing of Appeal.

Upon receipt of any appeal filed pursuant to this section, the building official shall present it at the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Appeals.

C. Scheduling and Noticing Appeal for Hearing.

As soon as practicable after receiving written appeal, the Board of Appeals shall fix a date, time and place for the hearing of the appeal by the board. Such date shall be not less than 10 days


nor more than 60 days from the date the appeal was filed with the building official. Written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing to each appellant by the secretary of the board either by causing a copy of such notice to be delivered to the appellant personally or by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant at his address shown on the appeal.


Failure of any person to file an appeal in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.35.100 shall constitute a waiver of his right to an administrative hearing and adjudication of the notice and order or any portion thereof.


Only those matters or issues specifically raised by the appellant shall be considered in the hearing on the appeal.


Except for vacation orders made pursuant to Section 6.35.100, enforcement of any notice and order of the building official issued under this code shall be stayed during the tendency of an appeal there from which is properly and timely filed.


A. Hearing Examiners.

The board may appoint one or more hearing examiners or designate one or more of its members to serve as hearing examiners to conduct the hearings. The examiner hearing the case shall exercise all powers relating to the conduct of hearings until it is submitted by him to the board for decision.

B. Record.

A record of the entire proceedings shall be made by tape recording or by any other means of permanent recording determined to be appropriate by the board.

C. Reporting.

The proceedings at the hearing shall also be reported by a phonographic reporter if requested by any party thereto. A transcript of the proceedings shall be made available to all parties upon request and upon payment of the fee prescribed, therefore. Such fees may be established by the board but shall in no event be greater than the cost involved.

D. Continuances.

The board may grant continuances for good cause shown; however, when a hearing examiner has been assigned to such hearing, he may grant except no continuances for good cause shown so long as the matter remains before him.

E. Oaths Certification.

In any proceedings under this chapter, the board, any board member, or the hearing examiner has the power to administer oaths and affirmations and to certify to official acts.


F. Reasonable Dispatch.

The board and its representatives shall proceed with reasonable dispatch to conclude any matter before it. Due regard shall be shown for the convenience and necessity of any parties or their representatives.


The notice to appellant shall be substantially in the following form, but may include other information:

“You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held before (the Board of Appeals or name of hearing examiner) at___________ on the ______ day of_____, _____, at the hour of______, upon the notice and order served upon you. You may be present at the hearing. You may be, but need not be, represented by counsel. You may present any relevant evidence and will be given full opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses testifying against you. You may request the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents or other things by filing an affidavit therefore with (Board of Appeals or name of hearing examiner).”

6.35.200 – SUBPENAS

A. Filing of Affidavit.

The board or examiner may obtain the issuance and service of a subpoena for the attendance of witnesses or the production of other evidence at a hearing upon the request of a member of the board or upon the written demand of any party. The issuance and service of such subpoena shall be obtained upon the filing of an affidavit therefore which states the name and address of the proposed witness; specifies the exact things sought to be produced and the materiality thereof in detail to the issues involved; and states that the witness has the desired things in his possession or under his control. A subpoena need not be issued when the affidavit is defective in any particular.

B. Cases Referred to Examiner.

In cases where a heating is referred to an examiner, all subpoenas shall be obtained through the examiner.

C. Penalties.

Any person who refuses without lawful excuse to attend any hearing or to produce material evidence in his possession or under his control as required by any subpoena served upon such person as provided for herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. Rules.

Hearings need not be conducted according to the technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses.

B. Oral Evidence.

Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation.


C. Hearsay Evidence.

Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct evidence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in this state.

D. Admissibility of Evidence.

Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to relying in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in this state.

E. Exclusion of Evidence.

Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.

F. Rights of Parties.

Each party shall have these rights, among others:

1. To call and examine witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues of the hearing;

2. To introduce documentary and physical evidence;

3. To cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues of the hearing;

4. To impeach any witness regardless of which party first called him to testify; To rebut the evidence against him;

6. To represent himself or to be represented by anyone of his choice who is lawfully permitted to do so.

G. Official Notice.

1. What may be noticed.

In reaching a decision, official notice may be taken, either before or after submission of the case for decision, of any fact which may be judicially noticed by the courts of this stale or of official records of the board or departments and ordinances of the Town or rules and regulations of the board.

2. Parties to be Noticed.

Parties present at the hearing shall be informed of the matters to be noticed, and these matters shall be noted in the record, referred to therein, or appended thereto.

3. Opportunity to Refute.

Parties present at the hearing shall be given a reasonable opportunity, on request, to refute the officially noticed matters by evidence or by written or oral presentation of authority, the manner of such refutation to be determined by the board or hearing examiner.

4. Inspection of the Premises.

The board or the hearing examiner may inspect any building or premises involved in the appeal during the course of the heating, provided that (i) notice


of such inspection shall be given to the parties before the inspection is made, (ii) the parties are given an opportunity to be present during the inspection, and (iii) the board or the hearing examiner shall state for the record upon completion of the inspection the material facts observed and the conclusions drawn there from. Each party then shall have a right to rebut or explain the matters so stated by the board or hearing examiner.


A. Hearing Before the Board.

Where a contested case is heard before the board itself, no member thereof who did not hear the evidence or has not read the entire record of the proceedings shall vote on or take part in the decision.

B. Hearing Before Examiner.

If a contested case is heard by a hearing examiner alone, he shall within a reasonable time (not to exceed 90 days from the date the hearing is closed) submit a written report to the board. Such report shall contain a brief summary of the evidence considered and state the examiner’s findings, conclusions and recommendations. The report also shall contain a proper decision in such form that it may be adopted by the board as its decision in the case. All examiners’ reports filed with the board shall be matters of public record. A copy of each such report and proposed decision shall be mailed to each party on the date they are filed with the board.

C. Consideration of Report by Board-Notice.

The board shall fix the time, date and place to consider the examiner’s report and proposed decision. Notice thereof shall be mailed to each interested party not less than five days prior to the date fixed, unless it is otherwise stipulated by all of the parties.

D. Exceptions to Report.

Not later than two days before the date set to consider the report, any party may file written exceptions to any part or all the examiner’s report and may attach thereto a proposed decision together with written argument in support of such decision. By lease of the board, any party may present oral argument to the board.

E. Disposition by the Board.

The board may adopt or reject the proposed decision in its entirely or may modify the proposed decision.

F. Proposed Decision Not Adopted.

If the proposed decision is not adopted as provided in subsection 5, the board may decide the case upon the entire record before it, with or without taking additional evidence, or may refer the case to the same or another hearing examiner to take additional evidence. If the case is reassigned to a hearing examiner, he shall prepare a report and proposed decision as provided in subsection 5 hereof after any additional evidence is submitted. Consideration of such proposed decision by the board shall comply with the provisions of this section.

G. Form of Decision.

The decision shall be in writing and shall contain findings of fact, a determination of the issues presented, and the requirements to be complied with. A copy of the decision shall be delivered to the appellant personally or sent to him by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested.


H. Effective Date of Decision.

The effective date of the decision shall be as stated therein.


A. General.

After any order of the building official or the Board of Appeals made pursuant to this code shall have become final, no person to whom any such order is directed shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey any such order. Any such person who fails to comply with any such order is guilty of a misdemeanor.

B. Failure to Obey Order.

If, after any order of the building official or Board of Appeals made pursuant to this code has become final, the person to whom such order is directed shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey such order, the building official may (i) cause such person to be prosecuted under subsection I of this section or (ii) institute any appropriate action to abate such building as a public nuisance.

C. Failure to Commence Work.

Whenever the required repair or demolition is not commenced within thirty (30) days after any final notice and order issued under this code become effective:

1. The building official shall cause the building described in such notice and order to be vacated by posting at each entrance thereto a notice reading:



It is a misdemeanor to occupy this building,

or to remove or deface this notice.

Building Official of the Town of LaBarge

2. No person shall occupy any building, which has been posted as specified in this subsection. No person shall remove or deface any such notice so posted until the repairs, demolition or removal ordered by the building official have been completed and a Certificate of Occupancy issued pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code.

3. The building official may, in addition to any other remedy herein provided, cause the building to be repaired to the extent necessary to correct the conditions which render the building dangerous as set forth in the notice and order; or, if the notice and order required demolition, to cause the building to be sold and demolished or demolished and the materials, rubble and debris there from removed and the lot cleaned. Any such repair or demolition work shall be accomplished, and the cost thereof paid and recovered in the manner hereinafter provided in this code. Any surplus realized from the sale of any such building, or from the demolition thereof, over and above the cost of demolition and of cleaning the lot, shall be paid over to the person or persons lawfully entitled thereto.



Upon receipt of an application from the person required to conform to the order and an agreement by such person that he will comply with the offer if allowed additional time, the building official may, in his discretion, grant an extension of time, not to exceed an additional 120 days, within which to complete said repair, rehabilitation or demolition, if the building official determines that such an extension of time will not create or perpetuate a situation imminently dangerous to life or property. The building official’s authority to extend time is limited to the physical repair, rehabilitation or demolition of the premises and will not in any way affect the time to appeal his notice and order.


No person shall obstruct, impede or interfere with any officer, employee, contractor or authorized representative of this jurisdiction or with any person who owns or holds any estate or interest in any building which has been ordered repaired, vacated or demolished under the provisions of this code; or with any person to whom such building has been lawfully sold pursuant to the provisions of this code, whenever such officer, employee, contractor or authorized representative of this jurisdiction, person having an interest or estate in such building or structure, or purchaser is engaged in the work of repairing, vacating and repairing, or demolishing any such building, pursuant to the provisions of this code, or in performing any necessary act preliminary to or incidental to such work or authorized or directed pursuant to this code.


A. Procedure.

When any work of repair or demolition is to be done pursuant to Section 6.35.230 of this code, the building official shall issue his order therefore to the director of public works and the work shall be accomplished by personnel of this jurisdiction or by private contract under the direction of said director, or he may employ such architectural and engineering assistance on a contract basis as he may deem reasonably necessary. If any part of the work is to be accomplished by private contract, standard public works contractual procedure shall be followed.

B. Costs.

The cost of such work shall be paid from the repair and demolition fund, and may be made a special assessment against the property involved, or may be made a personal obligation of the property owners, whichever the governing body of this jurisdiction shall determine is appropriate.


The director of public works shall keep an itemized account of the expense incurred by this jurisdiction in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.35.230 of this code. Upon the completion of the work of repair or demolition, said director shall prepare and file with the clerk of this jurisdiction, a report specifying the work done, the itemized and total cost of the work, a description of the real property upon which the building or structure is or was located, and the names and addresses of the persons entitled to notice pursuant to Subsection (3) of Section 6.35.100.



Upon receipt of the said report, the clerk of this jurisdiction shall present it to the governing body of this jurisdiction for consideration. The governing body of this jurisdiction shall fix a time, date and place for hearing said report and any protests or objections thereto. The clerk of this jurisdiction shall cause notice of said hearing to be listed upon the property involved, published once a week in a newspaper of general circulation in this jurisdiction, and served by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as his name and address appear on this last equalized assessment roll of the county, if such so appears, or as known to the clerk. Such notice shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing and shall specify the date, hour and place when the governing body will hear and pass upon the director’s report, together with any objections or protests which may be filed as hereinafter provided by any person interested in or affected by the proposed charge.


Any person interested in or affected by the proposed charge may file written protests or objections with the clerk of this jurisdiction at any time prior to the time set for hearing on the report of the director. Each such protest or objection must contain a description of the property in which the signer thereof is interested and the grounds of such protest or objection. The clerk of this jurisdiction shall endorse on every such protest or objection the date it was received by him. He shall present such protests or objections to the governing body of this jurisdiction at the time set for hearing, and no other protests or objections shall be considered.


Upon the day and hour fixed for the hearing the governing body of this jurisdiction shall hear and pass upon the report of the director together with any such objections or protests. The governing body may make such revision, correction or modification in the report or the charge as it may deem just, and when the governing body is satisfied with the correctness of the charge, the report (as submitted or as revised, corrected or modified) together with the charge, shall be confirmed or rejected. The decision of the governing body of this jurisdiction on the report and the charge, and on all protests or objections, shall be final and conclusive.


A. General.

The governing body of this jurisdiction may thereupon order that said charge shall be made a personal obligation of the property owner or assess said charge against the property involved.

B. Personal Obligation.

If the governing body of this jurisdiction orders that the charge shall be a personal obligation of the property owner, it shall direct the attorney for this jurisdiction to collect the same on behalf of this jurisdiction by use of all appropriate legal remedies.

C. Special Assessment.

If the governing body of this jurisdiction orders that the charge shall be assessed against the property if shall confirm the assessment, cause the same to be recorded on the assessment roll, and thereafter said assessment shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property.


6.35.320 – CONTEST

The validity of any assessment made under the provisions of this section shall not be contested in any action or proceeding unless the same is commenced within thirty (30) days after the assessment .is placed upon the assessment roll as provided herein Any appeal from a final judgment in such action or proceeding must be perfected Within thirty (30) days after the entry of such judgment.


The governing body of this jurisdiction, in it discretion, may determine that assessment in amounts of $500.00 or more shall be payable in not to exceed five equal annual installments. The governing body’s determination to allow payment of such assessments in installments, the number of installments, whether they shall bear interest, and the rate thereof shall be by a resolution adopted prior to the confirmation of the assessment.


A. Priority.

Immediately upon its being placed on the assessment roll the assessment shall be deemed to be complete, the several amounts assessed shall be payable, and the assessments shall be liens against the lots or parcels of land assessed, respectively. The lien shall be subordinate to all existing special assessment liens previously imposed upon the same property and shall be paramount to all other liens except for state, county and property taxes with which it shall be upon parity. The lien shall continue until the assessment and all interest due and payable thereon are paid.

B. Interest.

All such assessments remaining unpaid after thirty (30) days from the date of recording on the assessment roll shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum from and after said date.


After confirmation of the report, certified copies of the assessment shall be given to the assessor and the tax collector for this jurisdiction, who shall add the amount of the assessment to the next regular tax bill levied against the parcel for municipal purposes.


If the county assessor and the county tax collector assess property and collect taxes for this jurisdiction, a certified copy of the assessment shall be filed with the county auditor on or before August 10th. The description of the parcels reported shall be those used for the same parcels on the county assessor’s map books for the current year.


A. The amount of the assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary property taxes are collected; and shall be subject to the same penalties and


procedures and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary property taxes. All laws applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of property taxes shall be applicable to such assessment.

B. If the governing body of this jurisdiction has determined that the assessment shall be paid in installments, each installment and any interest thereon shall be collected in the same manner as ordinary property taxes in successive years. If any installment is delinquent, the amount thereof is subject to the same penalties and procedure for sale as provided for ordinary property taxes.


All money recovered by payment of the charge or assessment or from the sale of the property at foreclosure sale shall be paid to the treasurer of this jurisdiction, who shall credit the same to the repair and demolition fund.



A. Pursuant to the authority of Wyoming Statute § 15-1-119, there is hereby adopted by reference as the building code of the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming, that certain International Building Code, 2003 Edition, as promulgated by the International Code Council, for regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings, and structures within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary, and fit for occupation and use.

B. A copy of the International Building Code, 2003 Edition, is to be kept on file in the Town Hall of the Town of LaBarge.

C. Where the name of the jurisdiction is to be supplied in the International Building Code, 2003 Edition, the "Town of LaBarge, Wyoming" shall be inserted; and the date of issuance and other effective dates will be the effective date of this Section.




7.05 TRAFFIC 85

7.05.010 General Traffic Code

7.05.015 Additional Adopted Traffic Provisions

7.05.020 Intent of General Traffic Code

7.05.030 Driving While License Cancelled, Suspended or Revoked

7.05.040 Failure to Maintain Liability Coverage; Exceptions

7.05.050 Speed or Acceleration Contest or Exhibition on Highways

7.05.060 Penalty

7.10 PARKING 87

7.10.010 Prohibited at All Times; Signs Not Required for Enforcement

7.10.020 Method of Parking, Generally

7.10.030 Truck Parking

7.10.040 Private Property

7.10.050 Stop When Traffic Obstructed

7.10.060 Blocking of Streets, Alleys or Sidewalks

7.10.070 Yield Right-of-Way Signs, Obedience; Manner of Entering Intersections So Posted

7.10.080 Storage of Vehicles in Public Space Prohibited

7.10.090 Parking Vehicles on Public Streets for Repairs

7.10.100 Parking Near Intersections Restricted

7.10.110 Abandonment Declared Nuisance

7.10.120 Snow Removal Parking

7.10.130 Authority to Impound Illegally Parked Vehicles

7.10.140 Definitions

7.10.150 Penalty

7.15 BICYCLES 90

7.15.010 Defined

7.15.020 Operation: Applicability of Traffic Regulations

7.15.030 Operation: When Provisions in Effect

7.15.040 Operation: Riding on Seat Required; Number of Persons Permitted

7.15.050 Operation: To Be Ridden on Right Edge of Roadway; Riding More than Two Abreast; Use of Bicycle Paths

7.15.060 Operation: Carrying Packages, etc.

7.15.070 Operation: Equipment

7.15.080 Operation: On Sidewalks

7.15.090 Operation: Liability of Parents or Guardians


7.20.010 Definitions

7.20.020 Operation Unlawful

7.20.030 Penalty for Violation



7.25.010 Removal of Snow and Ice

7.25.020 Cleaning Sidewalks

7.25.030 Obstruction of Sidewalks

7.25.040 Driving on Sidewalks

7.25.050 Broken Sidewalks

7.25.060 Penalty for Violation


7.30.010 Definitions

7.30.020 Permit Required

7.30.030 Application for Permit

7.30.040 Permit Procedure

7.30.050 Responsibility of Commissioner

7.30.060 Bonding

7.30.070 Permit Fees

7.30.080 Excavation Placard

7.30.090 Barriers and Warning Devices for Safety

7.30.100 Crossings and Passageways for Pedestrians and Vehicles

7.30.110 Routing of Traffic; Closing of Streets

7.30.120 Emergency Excavations

7.30.130 Liability of Municipality and Municipal Employees

7.30.140 Liability of Permittee

7.30.150 Prompt Completion of Work and Restoration Required

7.30.160 Inconvenience, Annoyance, etc., to General Public and Occupants of Neighboring Property

7.30.170 Interference with Access to Fire Hydrants, Fire Escapes, and Other Vital Equipment

7.30.180 Interference with Existing Facilities

7.30.190 Protection of Adjoining Property

7.30.200 Care of Lawn Areas; Removal of trees and Shrubs from Parking Strip Areas

7.30.210 Breaking Through Pavement

7.30.220 Disposition of Materials from Excavation

7.30.230 Removal of Debris

7.30.240 Normal Storm Flows

7.30.250 Disposal of Muck, Silt, etc.

7.30.260 Backfilling

7.30.270 Restoration of Surface

7.30.280 Penalty

7.30.290 Severability

7.30.300 Repeal and Effective Date


7.35.010 Injury to Pavement or Sidewalks

7.35.020 Excavations Near Street

7.35.030 Removal of Materials

7.35.040 Excavation in Streets or Alleys

7.35.050 Hindering of Repair or Construction

7.35.060 Building Material in Streets

7.35.070 Repair of Damage

7.35.080 Enforcement


7.35.090 Penalties




Pursuant to W.S. § 15-1-119(a), The Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways (Wyoming Statutes §§ 31-5-101 through 31-5-1214), including all amendments thereto through and including 2005, subject to the provisions of Section 7.05.020 of this Code, are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein as a part of this Section as if fully set forth herein.

7.05.015 – ADDITIONAL ADOPTED TRAFFIC PROVISIONS: WYOMING STATUTES, SECTIONS 31-4-101 Wyoming Statutes Sections 31-4-101 through 31-4-105, 31-6-101 through 31-6-108, 31-7-133 through 31-7-136, 31-7-306 through 31-7-308, and 31-7-404 in their entirety, as well as all amendments which may be made to said Sections from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference by the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming and made a part of the Municipal Ordinances of the Town of LaBarge as if set forth in the body and text of this chapter.


A. It is the intent of the Town of LaBarge to control traffic on the streets and alleys of the Town as nearly as possible in the same manner as traffic is controlled by the State of Wyoming. Any and all provisions of the State Statutes described above in Section 7.05.010 inconsistent with this intent and purpose shall be ignored and shall not affect the validity of any other part of the Statutes, which can be given effect without such inconsistent part or parts.

B. In this regard, the words “Superintendent”, “Commission”, “Director”, “Division”, and “Department” shall be construed to mean, when the context so requires, either the Town, the Mayor, the Town Council or the Chief of Police, whichever is consistent with the purpose and intent of said Statutes.


No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any public street or highway in the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge at a time when the person's driver's license, from Wyoming or any other jurisdiction, or nonresident operating privileges are cancelled, suspended or revoked under Wyoming Statutes or any other law. A person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. No owner of a motor vehicle required to be registered shall operate or permit the operation of such motor vehicle within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge without having in full force and effect a motor vehicle liability policy in amounts provided by Wyoming Statute (W.S.) § 31-9-405(b) or a bond in amounts provided by W.S. § 31-9-102(a)(xi). Violation of this section is a misdemeanor. A vehicle owned by a nonresident and registered in a state not requiring insurance is exempt from this subsection.

B. Any police officer as defined by W.S. § 31-5-102(a)(xxxiii), issuing a citation for any moving violation under W.S. § 31-5-101 through § 31-5-1402 or inspecting any vehicle, shall require the


operator of any motor vehicle required to be registered to produce evidence of whether the operator or owner of the motor vehicle has in full force and effect a motor vehicle liability policy in amounts provided by § W.S. 31-9-405(b) or a bond in amounts provided by' § W.S. 31-9-102(a)(xi). If the operator cannot show written proof of financial responsibility, the driver shall have seven (7) days to produce such proof. Any operator or owner of a motor vehicle required to be registered who is not able to demonstrate evidence of compliance with subsection A) of this section may be charged with violating that subsection. Additionally, the judge may order any driver failing to produce written proof of financial responsibility to pay restitution in accordance with § W.S. 7-9-101 through 7-9-115. The displaying or exhibiting of a validly issued insurance identification card as provided by W.S. § 31-8-201 by an operator or owner of the motor vehicle constitutes compliance with this section. No operator or owner of a motor vehicle charged with violating this section shall be convicted if he produces in court one of the following which was valid at the time of arrest or at the time the citation was issued:

1. A liability insurance policy previously issued to him;

2. Evidence of a bond on file as provided by W.S. § 31-9-102(a)(xi).

C. This section does not apply to:

1. Self-insurers pursuant to W.S. § 31-9-414;

2. A vehicle owned by the United States government, any state or political subdivision thereof which is self-insured;

3. A vehicle meeting the requirements of W.S. §§ 31-9-408 and 31-9-409;

4. A commercial vehicle registered or proportionally registered in this and any other jurisdiction provided the vehicle is covered by a vehicle insurance policy complying with the laws of any other jurisdiction in which it is registered.


A. No person shall engage in any motor vehicle speed or acceleration contest, or exhibition of speed or acceleration on any highway without approval of such use by the governing body in charge of said highway. No person shall aid or abet in any such motor vehicle speed or acceleration contest or exhibition on any highway, without approval of such use by the governing body in charge of said highway.

B. No person shall for the purpose of facilitating or aiding or as an incident to any motor vehicle speed or acceleration contest upon a highway, in any manner obstruct or place or assist in placing an barricade or obstruction upon any highway without approval of such use by the governing body in charge of said highway.

C. Any person who violates this section shall upon conviction be fined not less than ten dollars ($l0) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than ten (10) days or both.

7.05.060 – PENALTY

A. Any violation of the provisions of this Chapter is punishable by a maximum fine of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), except for the following, which are punishable by a maximum of


seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) and/or a maximum sentence of incarceration of one hundred eighty (180) days in the Lincoln County Detention Center:

1. Driving Under the Influence pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 31-5-233 through 234, and/or Ordinance 7.05.010;

2. Eluding a Police Officer pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 31-5-225 through 234, and/or Ordinance 7.05.010;

3. Reckless Driving pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 31-5-229 through 234 and/or Ordinance 7.05.010;

4. Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Required Interlock Device pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 31-7-404;

5. Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Insurance pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 31-4-103 and/or Ordinance 7.05.040;

6. Operating a Motor Vehicle While License is Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 31-7-134 and/or Ordinance 7.05.030.



A. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places at any time. Except as otherwise provided in this section, posting of signs prohibiting parking shall not be a requirement for the prosecution of persons violating this section:

1. Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant, on a line running from the center of said fire hydrant, parallel with the street, on both sides of the fire hydrant;

2. On a crosswalk;

3. Blocking any traffic sign or device;

4. Within fifteen (15) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, except in a commercial district;

5. Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic control signal located at the side of the roadway;

7. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;

8. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;


9. In any designated alley;

10. On a public street except in the direction of traffic;

11. In any manner which will block a driveway of a residence or business, except by the resident or business owner.


A. Unless otherwise posted, all vehicles in all parts of Town stopped or parked upon a roadway where there are adjacent curbs shall be so stopped or parked with the right hand wheels of such vehicle parallel to and within eighteen (18) inches of the right hand curb, provided that upon hillsides or inclines, the front wheels shall be turned into this curb.

B. Angle or diagonal parking shall be permitted only in designated areas.

C. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class D misdemeanor.

7.10.030 – TRUCK PARKING

No parking of commercial trucks in LaBarge except in designated areas or when making a delivery. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

7.10.040 – PARKING

No person shall park a vehicle on private property without the permission of the property owner. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor.


No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic control signal indication to proceed. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


No vehicle shall be driven or parked so as to obstruct any street, sidewalk, alley or

Section. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor.


A driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall slow to a speed of not more than ten (10) miles per hour and yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the right or left of the intersecting street which are so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. If a driver is involved in a collision at an intersection or interferes with the movement of other vehicles after driving past a yield sign, such collision or interference shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the driver’s failure to yield the right-of-way.



No owner, manager or employee of any garage, salesroom, shop or other place of business shall permit any vehicle, whether the same is stock in trade or left for safe keeping, repair or storage, to be or remain in or upon any alley, street or sidewalk or in any space between the street and the property line adjacent to, in front of or beside any premises in the Town. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


No person shall park a vehicle on a public street or alley for the principal purpose of repairing, changing oil or greasing same, except repairs necessitated by an emergency. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


No vehicle, which exceeds six (6) feet in height, shall be parked upon any street or roadway within forty (40) feet of the intersection of that street or roadway with any other street or roadway. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


It is hereby declared that leaving vehicles for more than twenty-four (24) hours on any of the highways, alleys, streets or public thoroughfares within the corporate limits of LaBarge or upon any Town property shall constitute a nuisance and shall be abated. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


No person shall park a vehicle, trailer, etc. on any public street or alley that after or during a snow storm, or at the request of Town personnel, shall impede the removal of snow, ice or slush from the streets or alleys by the street personnel. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any vehicle found parked in any unauthorized place or in violation of this chapter may be towed to any impound in the Town. The owner of such vehicle shall be required to pay all charges of towing and storage incurred thereby in addition to any penalties imposed for violation of this chapter.

7.10.140 – DEFINITIONS

A. The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meaning ascribed to them in this chapter:

Owner: A person who holds the legal title of a vehicle, or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for a conditional sale or lease thereof, with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement, and with


an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee or lessee, or in the event a mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee, or lessee or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of this chapter.

7.10.150 – PENALTY

Any person in violation of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


7.15.010 – DEFINED

For the purposed of this chapter, the word “bicycle” shall mean every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is more than twenty inches in diameter and shall include tricycles powered by human power


Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle under the motor vehicle provisions of this Code, except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application.


The provisions of this article and any traffic regulation applicable to bicyclists shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any highway or any path set aside for the use of bicyclists.


A. A person propelling or riding as a passenger on a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto.

B. No Bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped to seat.


A. Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.

B. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.


C. Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway.


No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prevents the driver from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars.


A. Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front and with a red reflector on the rear of a type approved by the police department which shall be visible from all distances from fifty feet to three hundred feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper beams of head lamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector.

B. Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake, which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.


It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk within the town.


It shall be unlawful for the parent of any child or the guardian of any ward to authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this article or any traffic regulation applicable to bicyclists.


7.20.010 – DEFINITIONS

A. For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

Daylight Hours: any time, except from half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles at a distance of five hundred feet.

Operate: to ride in or on and control the operation of a snowmobile.

Operator: every person who operates or is in actual physical control of a snowmobile.

Owner: a person other than a lien holder having the property in or title to a snowmobile entitled to the use or possession thereof.


Snowmobile: any mechanically driven vehicle of a type, which utilizes sled type runners, or skis or any endless tread or combination of these designated primarily for operation over snow.


A. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any snowmobile at any place within the municipality in the following ways or under the following circumstances:

1. At a rate of speed greater than reasonable or proper under all surrounding circumstances;

2. In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger the person or property of another or to cause injury or damage to such person or property;

3. While under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics or habit-forming drugs;

4. Without a lighted headlamp and tail lamp when required for safety;

5. In any planting area in a manner which damages or destroys growing stock;

6. Without a muffler in good working order and connected to the snowmobile exhaust system;

7. On direct crossing of a street or highway unless:

a. The crossing is made at an angle of approximately ninety degrees to the direction of the highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing;

b. The snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before crossing the shoulder or main traveled way of the highway;

c. The driver yields the right-of-way to all oncoming traffic which constitutes an immediate hazard; and

d. In crossing a divided highway, the crossing is made only at the intersection of such highway with another public street or highway.

8. While towing a sled, toboggan or other object, except with solid hitch;

9. Abreast of another snowmobile upon any street, alley, or highway;

10. Between the hours of ten (10) p.m. and seven (7) a.m.;

11. In any municipal park or recreation area controlled by the municipality, except when posted as “open” to snowmobiles and within the hours permitted;

12. Upon private property other than that of the snowmobile owner or operator without express permission of the owner;

13. While carrying a bow or firearm unless the same is securely encased;


14. Leaving or allowing a snowmobile to be or remain unattended on public property, street, highway or other public grounds or places while the motor is running or with keys to start such snowmobile in the ignition switch;

15. Without observing all traffic signs, signals, rules, and regulations applying to motor vehicles;

16. Upon any road, street, or highway in the municipality kept open for vehicular traffic, except:

a. During a period of emergency when travel by conventional automatic equipment is not possible.

b. For a special snowmobile event of limited duration when conducted on a prearranged scheduled under permit from governing body.

c. In crossing a street as provided in subsection (g) of this section.

d. On streets or reads not maintained for winter vehicular travel.

e. On streets closed to wheeled vehicular traffic.

f. Within the right-of-way but not on the main traveled roadway.


Any person, firm, corporation, co-operative or partnership, who shall who shall violate the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, and upon conviction thereof, shall deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in a sum of not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) dollars.



No owner or occupant herein mentioned shall suffer or permit any snow or ice to collect and remain on any public sidewalk so as to impede, obstruct, or render dangerous public travel, later than nine o’clock in the forenoon of any day after the same shall have fallen or collected thereon, or for more than two hours after notice from the Mayor or Chief of Police of the said Town, or any person duly authorized by the Mayor, to remove such snow or ice.


A. Every person occupying the ground floor of any building and the owner of any vacant building or lot, shall keep the sidewalk adjoining said building and lot free and clean from snow, ice, waste, rubbish or other obstructions.

B. No person shall sweep, plow, push or shovel snow, dirt, ashes or rubbish, or throw slop water out of any building or lot upon any public sidewalk, street, alley or property.



Any person who shall obstruct any sidewalk in such a manner as to hinder or endanger its use by pedestrians, except when receiving or delivering goods or during the maintenance of said sidewalk shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. Any person who shall drive any vehicle along or upon any sidewalk in the Town of LaBarge, intended for the use by pedestrians, except baby carriages, wheel chairs or vehicles used for the maintenance of said sidewalk shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

B. Any person who shall drive, skate or slide over any sidewalk or cross-walk in such a manner as to hinder or endanger pedestrians, or occupy any sidewalk, cross-walk, bridge or entrance to a church or public hall in such a manner as to obstruct the free passage of the public, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

7.25.050 - Broken Sidewalks

Any person who shall suffer any sidewalk in front of the premises owned and occupied by him to become or continue so broken so as to endanger life or limb, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

7.25.060 Penalty for Violation

Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which violation punishment is not specifically heretofore provided herein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


7.30.010 – DEFINITIONS

Applicant: any person or company making written application to the Town of LaBarge for an excavation permit.

Commissioner: the LaBarge Street and Parks Foreman or an authorized agent.

Contractor: any person who has been granted and has in full force and effect an excavation permit issued hereunder.

Excavation: any opening in the surface of a public place, or other work permitted under an excavation permit and required to be performed under this chapter, and when a trencher, back-hoe, boring machine, jack hammer, cable plow or any other methods or equipment are used to do such work, except an opening into a lawful structure below the surface of a public place, the top of which is flush with the adjoining surface and is constructed as to permit frequent opening without injury or damage to the public place.

Facility: any material structure or object of any kind or character, whether enumerated herein or not, which is, or may be, lawfully constructed, left, placed or maintained in, upon, along, across, under or over any public place.


May: shall mean permissible.

Permittee: shall mean the individual or firm applying for or holding an excavation permit.

Shall: means mandatory action.

Street: any street, highway, alley, avenue, or other public way or public grounds, including sidewalks, in the Town.

Town: shall mean the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming.

Town Clerk: shall mean the Town Clerk for the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming or an authorized representative.

Utility: shall mean any facility owned by a utility company and from time to time will refer to the company itself.


No person, firm, utility or corporation shall dig up, break, excavate, turn undermine or in any manner break up any paved, oiled or gravel surfaced street, alley any publicly dedicated utility easement or right-of-way in the Town, or cause to interfere with the free use of any of the above mentioned areas, unless they first obtain an excavation permit from the Town Clerk.


A. The applicant shall obtain from the Town Clerk an application for an excavation permit, containing the following:

1. The permit shall state the name, address and principal place of business of the applicant; the purpose of the permit; the location and dimensions of the installation or removal for which the permit is issued; the length of time which will be required to complete such work, including backfilling such excavation and removing all obstructions, material and debris.


A. Upon completing the permit application, the applicant shall return the same to the Town Clerk. The permit shall be reviewed, and, if in compliance with the Excavation Ordinance, approved and signed by:

1. The Street and Parks Foreman; or

2. The Town Engineer

B. The Town Clerk shall notify the applicant, in writing, within five (5) working days, of the denial and the reasons for denial. The applicant shall also be told of their right to an appeal by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.


C. If not in compliance with the Excavation Ordinance, the permit shall be denied and the applicant notified in writing, within five (5) working days, of the denial and the reasons for denial. The applicant shall also be told of their right to an appeal by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.

D. If denied, it is the responsibility of the applicant to initiate the appeal process. The applicant shall notify the Town Clerk that they wish to be placed on the agenda of both the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.

E. The contractor shall obtain satisfactory clearances from gas, water, telephone or other facilities so such utilities will not be damaged or existing services interfered with. It shall remain the applicant’s duty to notify all utilities within the area of the proposed excavation and perform all work as provided in the issued excavation permit.


The Commissioner shall make such inspections as are reasonably necessary to enforce this chapter. The Commissioner shall have the authority to promulgate and cause to be enforced such rules, regulations or specifications as may be reasonably necessary to enforce and carry out the intent of this chapter.

7.35.060 – BONDING

A. Before any person, firm, corporation, partnership, company, association, agency, utility franchise holder (i.e. telephone, electricity, gas or television cable company, shall do any work within the Town limits as permitted by this chapter, a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) corporate surety bond must be filed in the Town Hall with the Town Clerk, guaranteeing faithful performance of the provisions set forth in this chapter.

B. In lieu of posting a bond, a certified check or cash deposit can be substituted for the above in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the excavation, repairs and restoration, as determined by the Commissioner and the Town Engineer. The purpose of said bonds or deposits shall be to indemnity the Town for any expenses it may incur to correct any and all violations of this chapter.

C. Should any Permittee fail to abide by this chapter, the Town shall cause such work to be accomplished correctly. Upon the completion of said work, and upon the recommendation of the Commissioner, the Town Council may cause the permitte’s bond to be called in order to indemnify the Town for costs incurred.

D. Any and all bonds as herein specified shall be enforced for a one (1) year period.

7.30.070 – PERMIT FEES

A fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) shall be charged by the Town Clerk for the issuance of a required excavation permit.



A. The Town Clerk shall provide each contractor, at the time a permit is issued hereunder, a suitable placard plainly written or printed in English letter at least one (1) inch high with the following notice:


No. _____ issued to ______________________________

On the _____ day of ___________________, _________”

B. It shall be the duty of any contractor hereunder to keep the placard posted in a conspicuous place at the site of the excavation work. It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit such placard at or about any excavation not covered by such permit or to misrepresent the number of the permit or the date of its issuance.


A. It shall be the duty of every person cutting or making an excavation in or upon any public place to place and maintain such barriers and warning devices as may be necessary for safety. Barriers and warning devices shall be designed to warn pedestrians and vehicles of impending personal injury or property damage.

B. Barriers shall meet the requirements of the Commissioner. Warning lights shall be used from sunset of each day to sunrise of the following day and shall emit light of sufficient intensity and frequency to be visible at a reasonable distance for safety. Reflectors or reflecting material may be used to supplement, but not replace light sources. The warning system shall conform with the Uniform Manual of Traffic Devices, which is incorporated herein by references and as, from time to time, is published by the United States Department of Transportation. Three copies of said Uniform Manual of Traffic Devices are on file with the Town Clerk.


Where possible, a Permittee under this chapter shall maintain reasonably safe crossings for two (2) lanes of vehicle traffic at all street intersections and reasonably safe crossings for pedestrians. If an excavation is made across any street, alley, or sidewalk, at least one (1) safe crossing shall be maintained when possible for vehicles and pedestrians. In any case, the Commissioner may, at his discretion, prescribe and require that extra measures shall be taken by the Permittee to maintain reasonably safe traffic and pedestrian movement.


A Permittee under this chapter shall take appropriate measures to assure that during performance of the excavation work, traffic conditions as near normal as practical shall be maintained at all times so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the occupants of the abutting property and to the general public. Provided that the Commissioner may permit the closing of streets and alleys to all traffic for a period of time prescribed by him, if, in his opinion, it is necessary.


Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the making of such excavations as may be necessary for the preservation of life or property or for the location of trouble or for making repairs; provided that the person making such excavations shall apply to the Town Clerk for an excavation


permit on the first working day after such work is commenced. An emergency shall be defined as a loss of service, a definite possibility of personal injury or property destruction.


This chapter shall not be construed as imposing upon the municipality or any official or employee thereof, any liability or responsibility for damages to any person injured by the performance of any excavation work for which an excavation permit is issued; nor shall the municipality or any official or employee thereof be deemed to have assumed such liability or responsibility by reason of inspections authorized under this chapter, the issuance of any permit or the approval of any excavation work.


The Permittee shall be liable to correct any problems caused by settlement of the excavation for a period of one (1) year. Should the excavation settle causing remedial work to include new surfacing material, the Permittee, at his expense, shall repair or replace said damage, as determined by the Commissioner, within thirty (30) days after being notified by the Commissioner. A settlement of more than one (1) inch below the surrounding surface may be considered excessive and may cause the Commissioner to require remedial work to correct the same.


After an excavation is commenced, the Permittee under this chapter shall prosecute with diligence and expedition all excavation work covered by the excavation permit and shall promptly complete such work and restore the public place to its original condition, or as near as possible, so as not to obstruct the public place or travel thereon more than is reasonable necessary. A maximum of forty-eight (48) hours shall be allowed to complete such excavation, backfilling and resurfacing, except and unless, because of unusual circumstances, the Commissioner allows Permittee an extension of the time limit.


Each Permittee under this chapter shall conduct and carry out excavation work in such a manner as to avoid unnecessary inconvenience and annoyance to the general public and occupants of neighboring property. In the performance of the excavation work, the Permittee shall take appropriate measures to reduce to the fullest extent practical, noise, dust, and unsightly debris. During the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., the Permittee shall not use any tool, appliance or equipment producing noise or sufficient volume to disturb the sleep or repose of occupants of neighboring property except with written permission of the Commissioner, in case of emergency as otherwise provided in this chapter.


All excavation work under this chapter shall be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire hydrants, fire escapes or any other equipment as designated by the Commissioner.



A. A permittee under this chapter shall not interfere with any existing facility without the written consent of the Commissioner, and, if privately owned, the consent of the owner of the facility except where such facility trespasses upon an existing utility easement. If it becomes necessary to relocate an existing facility, this shall be done by agreement between its owner and the Permittee. No facility owned by the municipality shall be moved to accommodate the Permittee unless the cost of such work is done by the Permittee. if a facility is located on a utility easement contrary to the rights of the utility, the owner of such facility shall be required to bear the cost of the removal of such facility. A Permittee under this chapter shall at all times, at his own expense, take such reasonable precautions as necessary to protect from injury all pipes, conduits, poles,

V wires and other apparatus, which may be in any way affected by the excavation work.

B. It shall be the joint responsibility of the Permittee and the owner or his representative of the utility to locate, mark and protect any utility facilities. The Permittee shall inform himself as to the existence and location of all underground facilities and protect the same against damage as provided herein. It shall be the responsibility of the utility to provide accurate information to include field location of the facility. The facility shall be marked with durable and visible markings that will last for the duration of the construction, over or near the same.


A. A Permittee under this chapter shall at all times, at his own expense, take all reasonable precautions to preserve and protect from injury any adjoining property by providing proper foundations and taking other measures suitable for the purpose. Wherein it is necessary to enter upon private property for the purpose of taking appropriate protective measures, the Permittee shall obtain permission from the owner of such property. For such purposes, and if he cannot obtain an access from such owner, the Commissioner may authorize him to enter the private premises solely for the purpose of making the property safe for protection of lives or property.

B. The Permittee shall, at his own expense, shore up and protect all buildings, walls, fences and other property likely to be damaged during the progress of the excavation work and shall be responsible for all damage to public or private property or highways resulting from his failure to properly protect and carry out such work.


A. Whenever it may be necessary for a Permittee under this chapter to trench through any lawn area, all construction and maintenance work shall be done in the manner calculated to leave the lawn area clean of earth and debris and in a condition as near as possible to that which existed before such work began.

B. The Permittee shall not move, even temporarily, any trees or shrubs which exist in public places without first obtaining the consent of the Commissioner, or as provided herein for an emergency.



The following provisions shall be applicable where any excavation requires breaking through pavement. These provisions are in addition to any standard specifications that may be adopted by the Town Council.

A. Heavy duty breakers may be disallowed by the Commissioner. Heavy Duty breakers shall not be construed to mean a jackhammer operated by one man.

B. Saw cutting of Portland Cement concrete shall be required by the Commissioner when the nature of the job or the condition of the street warrants.

C. Approved cutting of bituminous pavement surface ahead of excavations shall be required by the Commissioner or confine pavement damage to the limits of the trench.

D. Sections of sidewalks shall be removed to the nearest score line or saw cut edge.

E. Unstable pavement shall be removed over cave-outs and over-breaks and the sub-grade be treated as the main trench.

F. Pavement edges shall be trimmed to a vertical face and neatly aligned with the centerline of the trench.

G. Cut-outs outside of the trench lines must be normal or parallel to the trench line.

H. Boring or other methods to prevent cutting of new pavement may be required by the Commissioner for arterials or where the blockage of the street would isolate an area from access or emergency service.

I. The Permittee under this ordinance shall not be required to repair damage existing prior to excavation done by him unless his cut results in small float-sections that may be unstable, in which case, the Permittee shall remove and pave the area. In either case, it shall be up to the Commissioner’s discretion to make the decision.


All materials excavated from trenches and piled adjacent to the trench or in any street shall be piled and maintained, in such a manner as not to endanger those working in the trench, pedestrians or other users of the street so that as little inconvenience as possible is caused to those using the streets and adjoining property. Where the confines of the area being excavated are too narrow to permit piling of excavated material beside the trench, the Commissioner shall have the power to require that the Permittee under this ordinance will haul the excavated material to a storage site and then re-haul it to the trench site at the time of backfilling.


As excavation work progresses, all streets, sidewalks and alley shall be thoroughly cleaned of all rubbish excess earth, rock and other debris resulting from such work. All clean-up operations at the location of such excavation shall be accomplished at the expense of the Permittee and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and immediately after completion of such work, the Permittee shall, at his own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from such work.



Normal storm flows shall be maintained or temporarily rerouted if necessary and property and existing facilities shall be protected. Following the completion of the excavation work, the original drainage shall be restored.


The Permittee under this chapter shall make provisions to dispose of all surplus water, muck, silt, sucking and other runoff pumped from excavations or resulting from slushing to other operations and shall be responsible for any damage resulting from its failure to do so.

7.30.260 – BACKFILLING

Suitable material free from lumps and stones shall be thoroughly compacted in a manner and as determined by the Commissioner. The method of compaction shall be approved by the Commissioner or shall be in compliance with Town standard specifications as determined by the Town Engineer and Commissioner. Broken pavement, large stones, roots and other debris shall, not be used as backfill. No frozen material shall be allowed. In all cases the backfill material shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner.


A. Resurfacing of excavation shall be done with such material and in such a manner as to restore the surface to the condition at least as good as the surface prior to the commencement of the excavation. In all cases, surfacing, either temporary or permanent, shall be placed within forty-eight (48) hours after initial opening, except and unless, because of unusual circumstances, the Commissioner allows Permittee an extension of the time limit. Temporary surfacing may be required by the Commissioner where the backfill is likely to settle. Any and all temporary surfaces shall be replaced with permanent resurfacing when the backfill has ceased to settle. Both surfacing shall be at the expenses of the Permittee. All surfaces and sub-surfaces shall conform to the method of construction of street, sidewalk, or alley in which the excavation was made, and in conformance with the standard specifications as determined by the Town Engineer and Commissioner.

B. Should the Permittee fail to find a contractor to replace the surface material, Permittee may ask the Town to replace the surface material for an excavation less than one hundred fifty (150) square feet. The Town will bill the Permittee upon completion. The excavation shall be measured by the Town upon completion of the backfill process and the bill shall be based upon said measurements. The Town shall bill the Permittee for concrete surface, asphalt surface, or gravel surface (whichever shall be furnished by the Town) at such costs and rates as may, from time to time, be established by the Commissioner and Town Engineer.

7.30.280 – PENALTY

Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this chapter as adopted herein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Two Hundred and No./100th Dollars ($200.00); and shall further be required to make full


restitution to the Town for costs of restoring the surface to its condition prior to any excavation made.


Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter be declared invalid for any reason, the remainder of such chapter shall not be affected thereby.


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Chapter are hereby repealed, and this Chapter shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and publication as provided by law.



A. Any person who shall injury or tears up any pavement or sidewalk in this Town without authority, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, may be punished by a fine in any sum to cover the cost of labor, materials, and any other items needed to repair such pavement or sidewalk to its original condition.

B. Any person making an excavation, hole, drain or ditch in any street or alley in the Town of LaBarge, without first obtaining permission of the Town, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be ordered to pay restitution to the Town any sum necessary to cover cost of labor, materials, and any other items needed to repair such street or alley to its original condition.


Any person who shall dig a cellar or other excavation adjacent to and within four (4) feet of the line of any public street or sidewalk, shall erect barriers between such street or sidewalk and excavation sufficient to secure public safety, and at all times during the night shall keep lighted lamps upon said excavations; and if within twenty four (24) hours after notice from the Mayor to place such barriers and lights, such notice be not complied with, then said Mayor may cause such barriers and light to be placed at the expense of the persons to be in default.


Any person or persons who shall, without first having obtained written permission from the Town, digs, removes or carries away or causes or procures the same to be done, any sod, stone, earth, sand or gravel from any street, alley, or public grounds within this Town, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.



No Town officer, contractor, or other person in this Town shall make any excavation or dig any hole, drain or ditch in any highway, thoroughfare or alley within the limits of this Town without providing during the night that such excavations shall have lighted barriers erected around the same, together with flashing lights, sufficient in number to warn any person of such excavation. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who shall hinder or obstruct the making or repairing of any pavement, sidewalk or cross-walk in this Town, which is or may be in the course of construction pursuant to any ordinance, resolution or order of the Town Council, or shall hinder or obstruct any person employed in making or repairing any public improvement or work ordered by the Town Council, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


A. No person shall place any building material upon any public street or alley without a permit in writing from the Town of LaBarge. Any person to who such permit is granted shall cause all said materials to be enclosed with guards sufficient to secure public safety, and at all times during the night shall keep flashing light upon said guards to give warning to all persons. All such building materials and rubbish arising there from shall be removed from any public street by the expiration of the time limited in the above-mentioned permit, or upon the revocation of said permit.

B. Any person violating any provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.


The applicant shall be responsible for the repair of all damage caused by

Applicants vehicles, to the Town streets. All repairs shall pass the inspection of the Town Engineer prior to the release of a bond or release of the applicant from liability for the damage.

7.35.080 – ENFORCEMENT

A driver of any vehicle, or combination of vehicles, upon demand of any LaBarge Police Officer, having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle or combination, including load, if any, is unlawful, shall stop and submit the vehicle or combination of vehicles and any load thereon to a weighing at any state owned or leased scales. The driver shall comply with the directions of the Police Officer to obtain the total weight or measurement of the load and vehicle.

7.35.090 – PENALTIES

Any violation of this chapter, except as specifically designed above, or the conditions of any permit issued under it, is punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), in addition to an excess gross volume weight fine of:


0 – 4,000 $ 25.00

4,000 – 6,000 50.00


6,001 – 8,000 100.00

8,001 – 10,000 150.00

10,001 – 12,000 200.00

12,001 – 14,000 250.00

14,001 – 16,000 300.00

16,001 – 18,000 400.00

18,001 – 20,000 500.00

Over 20,000 - 750.00





8.05.010 Compliance Required

8.05.020 Application Process

8.05.030 License Tax Certificate

8.05.040 Transfer of License

8.05.050 Payment Due Dates

8.05.060 License Fees for Businesses and Occupations

8.05.070 Several Businesses at One Location

8.05.080 Penalty

8.05.090 Appeals

8.05.100 Public Utilities


8.10.010 Adoption of State of Wyoming Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws

8.10.020 Compliance with Chapter

8.10.030 Retail Liquor License Fees

8.10.040 Restaurant Liquor License Fees

8.10.050 Twenty-four Hour Malt Beverage Permit Fee

8.10.060 Transfer of License Location or Ownership Fee

8.10.070 Hours of Sale


8.20.010 Building Permits


8.25.010 License to Post, Distribute, etc., Advertising Material, Required

8.25.020 Same: Application; Issuance; Term

8.25.030 Same: Fee

8.25.040 Throwing, etc., Newspapers, Handbills, etc., on Private Property Without Owner’s Consent.

8.25.050 Destroying Authorized Advertisement

8.25.060 False Advertising

8.25.070 Maintenance of Signs

8.25.080 Removal of Temporary political or Promotional Placards and Posters



8.30.010 Pawnbrokers, Defined

8.30.020 License Required

8.30.030 Licenses: Fee; Transfer

8.30.040 Licenses: Revocation

8.30.050 Licenses: Secondhand Dealer’s License Not Required

8.30.060 Bond

8.30.070 Records Required; Contents


8.30.080 Records: Delivery to Police; Retention of Copy

8.30.090 Inspection of Records, Merchandise, etc.

8.30.100 Stolen or Illegally Obtained Property

8.30.110 Transactions with Minors

8.30.120 Compliance with Wyoming Consumer Credit Code and Interest Limitations

8.30.130 Secondhand Dealers, Defined

8.30.140 Licenses

8.30.150 Records, Generally

8.30.160 Inspection of Records, Merchandise, etc.

8.30.170 Stolen or Illegally Obtained Property

8.30.180 Junk Dealers: License Required

8.30.190 Licenses: Application

8.30.200 Licenses: Fee

8.30.210 Right of Entry of Police and City Officers

8.30.220 Articles to be Kept Ten Days After purchase

8.30.230 Register




A. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on any business, trade, profession or calling, or to use in connection therewith any vehicles, premises, machine or device, for which a license or permit is required by this ordinance or any other ordinance of the Town of LaBarge, without first obtaining and keeping in effect a license or permit therefore.

B. The agent or other representative of non-residents who are doing business in this Town or the agent of any domestic corporation shall be personally responsible for the compliance with this ordinance by their principals, and of and for the business that they represent.

C. For the purpose of this ordinance, any person shall be deemed to be in business and thus subject to the requirement of this ordinance when he/she does one act of any of the following within the Town of LaBarge:

1. Selling any goods or services;

2. Soliciting business or offering goods or services for sale or hire;

3. Acquiring or using any vehicle on any premises in the Town of LaBarge for any business purpose.


The applicant for a license shall make his application therefore in writing, addressed to the Mayor and Town Council, stating the business, occupation, or profession intended to be engaged in, which application, with the Clerk’s receipt, shall be filed with the Town Clerk.


A. Upon payment of the license tax herein assessed to the Town Clerk, said Clerk shall then issue and deliver to the taxpayer a certificate showing the following:

1. The name of the person, association, firm or corporation paying such tax;

2. The amount of tax paid; and

3. A description of the nature of the business in which the taxpayer is engaged.

B. Every person, association, firm or corporation carrying on such trades, businesses, occupation or calling as above enumerated shall at all times exhibit a certificate of payment of the occupation tax when requested to do so by any officer or employee of the Town of LaBarge.


A. No receipt or certificate showing the payment of the license tax herein assessed shall in any manner be assignable or transferable without the written consent of the Town Council.


B. In the event a license is transferred from one proprietor to another, or from one location to another with the approval of the Town Council, a transfer fee of $1.00 shall be assessed upon the issuance of a new amended license tax certificate.


All persons taxed under this ordinance shall pay said tax on or before the first day of July each year. The license tax certificate issued upon payment of the tax shall be valid until June 31. If any trade, occupation, business or profession be commenced after the first day of July, the proportion of the tax levied for the remainder of the year shall be immediately due and payable.


All the businesses and occupations hereinafter mentioned shall be licensed and the amount taxed for each license shall be $35.00 per year on or before July 1 annually.


If a person engaged in more than one trade, occupation, business or profession, at one location in the Town of LaBarge, unless otherwise specified herein, said person shall pay a tax equal to the highest tax levied against any one of the trades, occupations, businesses or professions as are carried on at one location.

8.05.080 – PENALTY

A. Any person who shall commence or carry on any business, profession or occupation for which a license is required by this ordinance, without first obtaining such license, or any person who shall violate any other provision of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined $100.00 per day until they are in compliance with this ordinance.

B. If any occupation tax remains delinquent after it shall have become due and payable, then interest shall accrue on the past due amount at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum until the tax assessment is fully satisfied.

C. The Town of LaBarge shall have the right to institute, in any court of competent jurisdiction, a civil action or actions to recover the amount of any taxes becoming delinquent, together with all interest accruing thereon. Neither the recovery by the Town of LaBarge or a judgment for such taxes or interest, nor the satisfaction thereof, shall release the delinquent taxpayer from liability for a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance.

8.05.090 – APPEALS

A. At its first meeting in February, the Town Council shall sit as a Board of Equalization to hear complaints from any taxpayer who feels aggrieved at the tax levied against him.

B. Each complaint shall be filed in writing with the Town Clerk three (3) days before the meeting of the Town Council, fully setting forth the grounds of the complaint. No complaint shall be heard by the Town Council unless the taxpayer shall have paid the Town Clerk the taxes claimed by such taxpayer to be correct and just. The Town Council may use its discretion in equalizing all complaints that come before it. If any person shall furnish satisfactory evidence to


the Town Council that by reason of misfortune or physical infirmities, he is entitled to exemption for the payment of any tax herein required, the Council may remit such license, tax, or any part thereof.


A. The grantee of any franchise to furnish natural gas, electricity, telephone service, or cable television in the Town of LaBarge, shall pay a franchise fee equal to one percent (1%) of the gross revenue derived from customers within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge during each calendar year.

B. “Gross Revenue” as used herein shall be construed to mean any revenues of the grantee derived from the sale and use of natural gas, electricity, telephone service or cable television within the Town of LaBarge, after adjustments for write-off of the un-collectable accounts and corrections of bills theretofore rendered.

C. Within forty-five (45) days after the close of each quarter in each calendar year, the grantee shall file with the Town Clerk a report of the gross revenues for the quarter. The report shall contain a statement of gross revenues, and any deductions made because of adjustments or corrections, together with a computation of the tax to be paid. Coincidentally with the filing of the report, the grantee shall pay to the Town Clerk the amount of the tax thus computed. Within thirty (30) days after the filing of the report, or within such reasonable additional time as he may request, the Town Clerk shall examine the report, determine the accuracy of the amounts reported, and, if he finds any errors, report them to the grantee for correction. If the tax as paid were found deficient, the grantee shall promptly remit the difference, and if the tax as paid were found excessive, the Town shall promptly refund the difference. The records of the grantee pertaining to such report shall be open for inspection by the Town Council or its representative at all reasonable hours for the purpose of verifying the report.

D. The franchise fee as provided herein, shall be in lieu of all other license taxes, occupational taxes and franchise taxes. However, the franchise fee shall not be deemed to preclude the assessment of general property taxes or special assessments for local improvements



There is hereby adopted by reference the State of Wyoming Beverage Control Laws and amendments hereto, by the Town of LaBarge, for the purpose of regulating the sale of alcoholic and malt beverages within the Town limits of LaBarge, being more particularly the most recent edition thereof, and the whole thereof, as the same from time to time may be amended, a copy of which has been and is now on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this section shall take effect, the provisions thereof and all subsequent amendments thereto shall be controlling the sale of alcoholic and malt beverages within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge.



For the protection of the welfare, health, peace, morals and safety of the people of the Town of LaBarge, it is hereby declared to be a public policy in the municipality that the traffic in spirituous, fermented and malt liquors shall be regulated to the extent of prohibiting all traffic therein except as provided in this chapter, and no sale at retail of such liquors may be consummated in the municipality except in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the provisions S12-1-101 to S12-9-119 W.S. (1977)


The license fee for a retail liquor license shall be seven hundred dollars ($750.00) payable on or before July 1 annually.


The license fee for a restaurant liquor license shall be seven hundred dollars ($750.00). The license fee for a restaurant liquor license for the sale of malt beverages only shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00), both payable annually in advance.


The license fee for a twenty-four-hour malt beverage permit shall be ten dollars ($10.00) payable in advance.


After a public hearing a license or permit may be transferred to or renewed on different premises or transferred to a new owner on the same basis as the original application. An additional license fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) is required for the remaining term of the license or permit. A transferred license or permit shall expire on the same date as the original license or permit.

8.10.070 – HOURS OF SALE

All licensees may, open the dispensing room at 6:00 a.m. and shall close the dispensing room and cease sale of both alcoholic and malt beverages promptly at the hour of 2:00 a.m. the following day. In addition, licensees shall clear the dispensing room of all persons other than employees by 2:30 a.m. Except for Sunday, open only from 12:00 noon till 10:00 p.m. only.



A. There is hereby adopted by reference, under authority of Section 15-1-509, Wyoming Statutes Annotated (2011) and amendments thereto, by the Town of LaBarge for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipping,


use, occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, as set forth in Section 10.20.090.

B. Building permit applications shall be filled out by the contractor, authorized agent or owner of land and be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission or the LaBarge Building Inspector. Such permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within forty-five (45) days from issuance of the permit.

C. The applicant for a building permit shall prepare a site plan, except where the building permit concerns interior or exterior changes with no alteration of the building’s dimensions. The site plan shall be drawn to scale and show all existing and proposed buildings, utility rights-of-way, fences, landscaping, automobile parking and loading areas, and any other information the Planning and Zoning Commission may deem necessary.

D. Application for a building permit should be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission or building inspector prior to the projected construction. Such building permits and applications shall be made available through the Town Clerk.

E. It shall be unlawful for any person to begin construction, site preparation or ground alteration without first obtaining an approved building permit from the LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission, or the LaBarge Building Inspector.



No person shall construct or erect, permanent or temporary, advertising signs, tack cards, metal, wood, or plastic signs or signs of any other material, or post any posters or other advertising devices calculated to attract the attention of the public for commercial, promotional or political purposes, without first having obtained a license from the town therefore; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to advertising or posting by charitable, religious, educational or other governmental or non-profit organizations or clubs.


All applications for a license required by this chapter shall be accompanied with a license fee in such sum as the governing body shall set by resolution. The town clerk, upon receiving such application and the required fee, shall issue a license certificate as applied for, stating the name of the person to whom issued, the date of its expiration and the amount paid therefore. Such certificate shall not be issued for a longer period than one year and at the expiration thereof the same may be renewed for another term of one year upon the payment of the required license fee and may be renewed thereafter upon the payment of the required fee. Such license shall cover the erection of each billboard, signboard and other structures for advertising purposes erected or to be erected during the year for which such license was issued.

8.25.030 – SAME: FEE


The fee for licenses required by this chapter shall be such sum as the governing body shall set by resolution per year, payable annually to the town.


It shall be unlawful and a nuisance for any person to distribute, cast, throw or otherwise place any newspaper, magazine, handbill, pamphlet, circular, dodger or any other paper on any private residential property in the town, without the express consent of the owner or of an adult occupant thereof, or of a person authorized by such owner or occupant to give such consent.


No person shall mischievously, wantonly and maliciously tear down, deface or cover up any advertisement when the same tear down, deface or cover up any advertisement when the same is posted or put up in conformance with this code or other is posted or put up in conformance with this Code or other ordinances of the town or pursuant to the laws of the state.


It shall be unlawful for any person with intent to sell, let, lease, rent or in any way offer or dispose of merchandise, products, securities, service, lodging or anything offered by such person, directly or indirectly, to the public for rent, lease, sale or distribution or to induce the intent to increase the consumption thereof or to induce the public in any manner to enter into any obligation relating thereto or to acquire title thereto or any interest therein, to make, publish, post, disseminate, display, circulate or place before the public, or cause, directly or indirectly to be made, published, posted, disseminated, displayed, circulated or placed before the public, or cause, directly or indirectly to be made, published, posted, disseminated, displayed, circulated or placed before the public, in a newspaper, or other publication or in form of a book, notice, handbill, poster, bill, circular, pamphlet, letter, sign or billboard or in any other way, in advertisement of any sort regarding such lodgings, meals, merchandise, products, securities, service or anything so offered to the public which advertisement contains any assertion, representation or statement of fact which is untrue, deceptive or misleading.


All signs or other advertising devices licensed under the terms of this chapter shall be well maintained and kept to good condition, order and repair by the licensee or his successor. Any sign or other advertising device not maintained in good condition, order and repair maybe removed by the town at the licensee’s expense.


It shall be unlawful for any person, who has erected, placed or posted any temporary political or promotional placards or posters within the Town of LaBarge, to fail to remove the same within sixty days of the placement thereof.




For the purposes of this article, the term “pawnbroker” shall mean any person who advances or loans money or other valuable things on the deposit of personal property on the condition of selling the same back at a stipulated price.


No person shall at any time carry on the business of a pawnbroker without obtaining a license, therefore.


The pawnbroker’s license fee shall be $25.00 per year, or such other amount as the town council may determine, from time to time, by resolution. Such licenses shall not be transferable.


In addition to any other penalty, which may be imposed for a violation of the provisions of this article, the town council may, by resolution, require that any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any provision of this article shall forfeit his license as a pawnbroker.


Persons holding a pawnbroker’s license and also engaged in business as a secondhand dealer shall not be required to be licensed as a secondhand dealer in addition to his pawnbroker’s license.

8.30.060 – BOND

Any applicant for a license under this article shall execute to the town a bond in the penal sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00), conditioned that in the conduct of such business he will respect and obey the provisions of this Code and other ordinances of the town applicable thereto and will pay all damages that may accrue to any person by reason of any fraud or misconduct in managing such business.


Every pawnbroker shall keep at his place of business an accurate description of all personal property, bonds, notes and other securities received on deposit or purchases, the time when they were received or purchased and mentioning particularly any descriptive or identifying marks that may be on such property, bonds, notes or other securities, together with the name, residence, thumbprint and accurate description of the person by whom they were left and such other information as may be required by the town Marshall or chief of police. Such entries must be made on the day such property is taken in, using ink or indelible pencil, and no entry shall be


erased or obliterated. All such records shall be clean and legible and in such form as the town Marshall or chief of police shall prescribe.


Before noon of each working day each pawnbroker shall deliver to the police department the original record required by section 17-7, which shall include all of the business done on the preceding day and from the time of the last report to the day such report is made. The copy of such report shall be kept by the pawnbroker for his permanent records.


Every pawnbroker shall, upon request, during the ordinary business hours, submit and exhibit the records required by section 17-7, to the reasonable inspection of police officers and permit any of such officers to make a copy inspection of any of such officers any goods personal property, bonds, notes or other securities that may be so received by him.


Any pawnbroker who shall have accepted, obtained or bought any property, bonds, notes or other securities or goods, either new or secondhand, from any person, not knowing the same to have been stolen or illegally obtained, shall deliver the same into the hands of the lawful owner when such owner shall have made a reasonably accurate and certain identification by means of number or description in the presence of the investigating officer.


It shall be unlawful for any pawnbroker to transact any such business with any person under the age of nineteen years.


A. The Wyoming Consumer Credit Code, Sections 40-14-101, et. Seq., as the same may be amended from time to time is hereby incorporated by this reference and all transactions shall comply with said Code, a copy of which is on file in the office of the town clerk.

B. Interest rates or any transaction shall not exceed thirty-six per cent (36%) annual percentage rate (APR).

C. Violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable by section 1-5.


Every person who buys, sells, exchanges or deals in personal property that has been previously used, broken or disfigured shall be considered a secondhand dealer; provided, that merchants who deal in new furniture, dishes or other regular household furnishings and accept such articles for credit on the purchase price of new or used articles sold contemporaneously which are of similar character to the goods so exchanged shall not be considered secondhand dealers for he purposes of this article.


8.30.140 - LICENSES

No person shall conduct any business as a secondhand dealer in the town without obtaining a license therefore, except holders of a pawnbroker’s license. The fee for such license shall be $35.00 per year or such other amount the town council shall determine, from time to time, by resolution.


Every dealer licensed under this article shall keep at his place of business an accurate detailed record of every article purchased by him, exclusive of household furnishings. Such record shall include the date of purchase, name of seller, amount paid and a description of the article. Such records shall be clean and legible, and a copy thereof delivered to the town Marshall or chief of police before noon of each business day.


Every secondhand dealer shall, upon request, during ordinary business hours, submit and exhibit the records required by section 17-14 to the reasonable inspection of the town Marshall or chief of police or any regular police officer of the town and permit any of such officers to make a copy thereof. He shall also, upon request, exhibit for the inspection of such officers any personal property or merchandise, that may be so received by him.


Any secondhand dealer who shall have accepted, obtained or purchased any new or secondhand personal property or merchandise from any person, not knowing the same to have been stolen or illegally obtained, shall deliver the same into the hands of the lawful owner when such owner shall have made a reasonably accurate and certain identification by means of number or description in the presence of the investigating officer.


No person shall carry on or engage in the business of keeping a junk shop, or what is commonly called a junk shop, or carry on or engage in purchasing, selling, bartering, exchanging or other dealings in or the storage of rags, old rope, paper or bagging, old iron, brass, copper, tin, lead or other old metals, rubber, empty bottles or other junk without first obtaining a license therefore from the town.


The application for a junk dealer’s license shall be in writing, shall be signed by the applicant and shall contain a description of the premises where the business to be licenses is located.

8.30.200 – LICENSES: FEE

The fee for licenses required by this article shall be $35.00 per year or such other amount as the town council may determine, from to time, by resolution.



The place of business, storehouse or yards and the articles, things, goods, wares or merchandise therein, of any person engaged in a business mentioned in section 17-17 shall, at all reasonable hours, be open to inspection by the police officers or other authorized and agents of the town.


No owner, proprietor or keeper of a junk shop and no person dealing in junk shall expose for sale or sell any article within ten days of the time the same shall have been purchased or until the same shall have been upon the premises where the same are offered or exposed for sale or sold for a period of at least ten days.

8.30.230 – REGISTER

Every owner, proprietor or keeper of a junk shop and every person dealing in junk shall provide and keep a book in which shall be written the date and time of every purchase, a description of the article purchased and the name and residence of the person from whom the article was purchased; except, that this section shall not apply to the purchasing of rags, paper or bagging or empty bottles.




9.05 NATURAL GAS 120

9.05.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code

9.05.020 Inspector and Inspections

9.05.030 Plumbing Permit Inspection Fees

9.05.040 Penalties for Violation


9.10.010 Utility Company and Franchise Fees

9.10.020 Electric Power and Light Company

9.10.030 Public Utility Gas Company

9.10.040 Community Television Systems

9.10.050 Telephone Franchise


9.15.010 Definitions

9.15.020 Adoption of Additional Regulations

9.15.030 Powers and Duties of Administrative Official

9.15.040 Permit Required for Alteration of Service Lines

9.15.050 Separate Service Line Required for Each Property; Plumbing Fixtures to be Connected by Property Owner Upon Notice

9.15.060 Sand and Grease Traps Required for Establishments Having Wash or Grease Racks

9.15.070 Depositing Injurious Material into System

Sewer Connections:

9.15.080 Required for Occupied Land Within Three Hundred Feet of Public Sewer; Exceptions

9.15.090 Connections to be Made Before Paving Adjacent Streets

9.15.100 Permit: Required

9.15.110 Application

9.15.120 Permit: Contents, Fees

9.15.130 Permit: Types Issued

9.15.140 Plumbing to be Inspected Before Connections are Made

9.15.145 Capping of Sewer Access Points Required

Installation and Repair of Sewer System:

9.15.150 Service Lines: Dimensions and Material Requirements

9.15.160 Service Lines: Backfilling of Trenches

9.15.170 Service Lines: Maintenance of Inside.

9.15.180 Service Lines: Property Owner Responsible for Cost of Installing, Repairing, etc.

9.15.190 Service Lines: Method and Specifications for Making Connections to Sewer Mains

9.15.200 Extent of Town’s Participation in Bearing Cost of Larger Mains


9.15.210 Sub-divider to Install Mains After Approval of Plans and Inspection; Exception

9.15.220 Sub-divider to Pay Costs of Construction of Mains, etc.; Mains to be Extended to Farthest Points of Upgrade

9.15.230 Construction of Service in Subdivisions: Undeveloped Areas

9.15.240 Extension of Sewer to Serve Property Within Town Not Part of a Subdivision

9.15.250 Non-gravity Lines: Pumping Stations, Generally

9.15.260 Non-gravity Lines: Force Mains Serving Areas Not Otherwise Able to Enter Sewer Utility

9.15.270 Non-gravity Lines: Tie into Gravity Lines

9.15.280 Extension of service Outside Town: Authority of Town Council

9.15.290 Extension of Service Outside Town: Findings Prerequisite to Agreement

Service Charges:

9.15.300 Establishment; Billing Procedures

9.15.310 Service Outside Town Limits

9.15.320 Metering of Water from Private Sources

9.15.330 Charges to be Included on Water Bill

9.15.340 Place of Payment; Due Date of Bills

9.15.350 Liability of Property Owner of Service


9.20.010 Definitions

9.20.020 Reservation of Rights by the Town

9.20.030 Promulgation of Rules and Regulation by the Town Council

9.20.040 Agreement to Rules and Regulations Prerequisite to Commencement of Service

9.20.050 Water Employee; Appointment; Duties; Records and Reports

9.20.060 Damaging Utility’s Property, Equipment, etc.

9.20.070 Trespass or Interference with Utility’s Property, etc.

9.20.080 Depositing Material in Utility Which Will Obstruct, Pollute, etc., Water

9.20.090 Emergencies

9.20.100 Prohibited Uses of Water for Water Utility

9.20.110 Private Water Wells

9.20.120 Discontinuance of Service: Failure to Pay Charges


9.20.130 Only Town Employees Authorized to Turn on Water to Premises; Exceptions

9.20.140 Unauthorized Taps, Compliance with Permit; Costs

9.20.150 Permit Required

9.20.160 Permit: Types Issued

9.20.170 Permit : Application

9.20.180 Permit: Issuance; Contents

9.20.190 Connection Fee

9.20.200 All Plumbing to be Inspected and Approved

Service Lines:

9.20.210 Installation: Written Permission Prerequisite; to be by Licensed Plumber; Inspection

9.20.220 Installation: Costs Generally


9.20.230 Material Specifications

9.20.240 Minimum Size

9.20.250 Required Depth

9.20.260 Replacement Where Materials Unsuitable

9.20.270 Approval of Replacement Services

9.20.280 Extension to More than One Property

9.20.290 Maintenance

9.20.300 Disconnecting Service from Premises

Mains, Generally:

9.20.310 Shutting Water off From Street Mains to Make Connection, Extension, etc.

9.20.320 Minimum Size


9.20.330 Advance Payment of Minimum Charge for One Billing Period Required

9.20.340 Rates Within Corporate Limits

9.20.350 Bills, Notices, etc., Effective Upon Mailing

9.20.360 Where Payable; Due Date

9.20.370 Liability of Property Owner for Service

9.20.380 Disconnection or Reconnection to Premises

Installations and Extension for Construction of Water System:

9.20.390 Construction of Water Mains in Subdivisions, Main Extension Contract Required

9.20.400 Sub-divider to Install Mains After Approval of Plans and Inspection; Exception

9.20.410 Sub-divider to Pay Costs of Construction of Mains, etc., Mains to be extended to farthest Points of Upgrade

9.20.420 Construction of Services in Subdivision, Undeveloped Areas

9.20.430 Extension of Main to Serve Property Within Town not Part of a Subdivision

9.20.440 Extension of Service outside Town, Authority of Town Council

9.20.450 Extension of Service outside Town, Findings Prerequisite to


9.30.010 Definitions

9.30.020 Rate Reduction Committee

9.30.030 Town Council Review

9.30.040 Appeal

9.30.050 Renewal




There is hereby adopted by reference, under authority of Section 15-1-103, Wyoming Statutes (1997) and amendments thereto, by the Town of LaBarge, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations on the installation, alteration and maintenance of all interior natural gas plumbing, including permits and penalties, that certain plumbing code known as the Uniform Plumbing Code recommended by the International Conference of Building Officials, being particularly the 1997 edition thereof and the whole thereof, as the same from time to time may be amended, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, a copy of which has been and is now on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this section shall take effect, the provisions thereof and all subsequent amendments thereto shall be controlling the interior installation of natural gas plumbing therein contained within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge.


Under this chapter the Town Building Inspector, or other persons or person designated by the Mayor and Town Council shall be the inspector and shall have supervision of all inspections and the application and enforcement of the rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the application and enforcement thereof, in accordance with its intent and purpose.


For issuing each permit $3.00

For each water heater and/or vent $2.00

For each natural gas appliance $2.00


A. Any person found violating any provision of this chapter shall be served by the Town with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.

B. Any person, who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for above, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



A. The Grantee of any franchise, including natural gas, telephone service, electrical service, or cable television, in the Town of LaBarge, or any other person, partnership, venture, corporation, or association which provides utility service in the Town of LaBarge other than those either owned,


operated or run by the Town of LaBarge, hereinafter collectively referred to as grantee, shall pay a tax equal to one percent (1%) of the gross revenue derived from customers within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge during each calendar year.

B. “Gross Revenue” as used herein shall be construed to mean any revenue of the grantee derived from the sale and use of natural gas, telephone service, electrical service, cable television or other service of a utility within the Town of LaBarge, after adjustment for write-off of the un-collectible accounts and corrections of bills theretofore rendered.

C. Within 45 days after the close of each quarter in each calendar year, the grantee shall file with the Town Clerk a report of the gross revenues for the quarter. The report shall contain a statement of gross revenues and any deductions made because of adjustments or corrections, together with a computation of the tax to be paid. Coincidentally with the filing of the report, the grantee shall pay to the Town Clerk the amount of the tax thus computed. Within 30 days after the filing of the report, or within such reasonable additional time as he may request, the Town Clerk shall examine the report, determine the accuracy of the amount reported, and, if he/she finds any errors, report them to the grantee for correction. If the tax as paid is found deficient, the grantee shall promptly remit the difference, and if the tax as paid is found excessive, the Town shall promptly refund the difference. The records of the grantee pertaining to such report shall be open for inspection by the Town Council or its representative at all reasonable hours for the purpose of verifying the report.

D. The tax as provided herein, shall be in lieu of all other license taxes, occupational taxes and franchise taxes. However, the tax shall not be deemed to preclude the assessment of general property taxes or special assessments for local improvements.


A. There is hereby granted to Pacific Power Corporation of Wyoming, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter called the “Grantee”), the right and authority, for a term of twenty five (25) years, to construct, maintain and operate in the present and future streets, alleys, and public places in the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming, electric light and power lines, together with all the necessary or desirable appurtenances (including underground conduits, poles, towers, wires, transmission lines, and telegraph and telephone lines, for its own use), for the purpose of supplying electricity to said Town, the inhabitants thereof, and persons and corporations beyond the limits thereof for light, heat, power, and other purposes.

B. Poles and towers shall be so erected as to interfere as little as possible with traffic over said streets and alleys. All lines shall be constructed in accordance with established practices with respect to electrical construction in accordance with established practices with respect to electrical construction. When said Grantee shall make any excavations, dig any ditch, trench or hole, or in any manner interfere with any street, alley, sidewalk, cross walk or pavement, such street, alley, cross walk or pavement shall be restored to good order and conditions as soon as possible, under the then circumstances, by Grantee, its successors and assigns.

C. The Town shall in no way be liable or responsible for any accident or damage that may occur in the construction, operation or maintenance by the Grantee of its lines and appurtenances hereunder, and the acceptance of this franchise shall be deemed an agreement on the part of said Grantee, its successors and assigns, to indemnify said Town and hold it harmless against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage or expense which may accrue to said Town by reasons of


neglect, default or misconduct of the Grantee in the construction, operation or maintenance of its lines and appurtenances hereunder.

D. In consideration for the rights and privileges granted herein, the Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall throughout the term thereof pay to the Town of LaBarge, each third month, one per cent (1%) of the gross receipts received as monthly service charge, less those charges deemed un-collectible, from users within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming. This provision shall not apply to any amount received in aid of construction.

E. The Grantee shall file its written acceptance of this franchise with the Clerk of the Town Council of the Town within thirty (30) days after its passage. Any rights and privileges herein granted shall be null and void unless such acceptance is so filed.


A. There is hereby granted to Questar Gas Company, a Utah corporation (“Grantee”), the right and authority, during the term of the franchise granted by this Ordinance, to construct, maintain, and operate a distribution system for furnishing natural and manufactured gas to all consumers, public and private, within the Town of LaBarge. For such purpose, Grantee has the right to erect or construct, equip, and maintain along, over, or under present or future streets, alleys, and other public places a system of underground mains and other apparatus and facilities as are reasonably necessary for supplying gas service in accordance with this franchise.

1. Terms. The franchise is granted for term of 25 years commencing with the date on which it is accepted. Thereafter the franchise will continue in effect, in the absence of an express objection by either of the parties, in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance until new or modified terms and conditions may be negotiated and adopted as mutually acceptable to Grantor and Grantee.

2. Grantee will file a written acceptance of the franchise with the Grantor within 90 days after the date of this Ordinance, declaring its acceptance of the franchise and its intention to be bound by the terms and conditions of the franchise.

B. Conditions: Construction and Maintenance of Facilities.

All mains, pipes, laterals, and related apparatus and facilities shall be laid so as to interfere as little as reasonably possible with traffic over the streets and alleys, Grantee shall comply with all reasonable and valid ordinances and regulations that are or may be prescribed by Grantor with respect to the construction and maintenance of all facilities as long as such ordinances or regulations do not conflict with or prejudice the rights of Grantee as provided by applicable statutory or constitutional law, this Ordinance, or the tariffs approved by the regulatory body having jurisdiction over Grantee (“Commission’).

C. Conditions: Terms of Service.

Grantee shall furnish gas services without preference or discrimination among customers of the same service class at reasonable rates, in accordance with all applicable tariffs of Grantee approved by and on file with Commission, including revisions made during the term of this Ordinance, and in conformity with applicable constitutional and statutory requirements. Grantee may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations in the conduct of its business and may require applicants for gas service to execute a gas service agreement as a condition for receiving service. Grantee shall have the right to contract with each customer regarding the installation of


main and service pipelines and the control of the main and service pipes from their connection with the supply lines of the Grantee in the streets to and including the meter located on the customer’s premises. To secure safe and reliable service to the customer, and in the public interest, Grantee shall have the right to prescribe the sizes and kinds of pipes and related facilities to be used by the customer in conveying gas on his premises and shall have the right to refuse service to any customer who neglects or refuses to comply with the rules of the Grantee prescribing such conditions.

D. Conditions: Indemnification.

In the event of injury to any person or damage to any property by reason of the negligence of Grantee in the construction, operation, or maintenance of Grantee’s gas distribution system, Grantee shall indemnify Grantor and hold it harmless from liability.

E. Consideration.

In consideration of the franchise granted herein, Grantee shall pay to Grantor the sum of $50.00 with ninety (90) days after the date of this Ordinance and shall prove natural gas services within the Town in accordance with the terms of this franchise. The Grantee shall throughout the term thereof pay to the Town of LaBarge, each third month, one percent (1%) of the gross receipts received as monthly service charge, less those changes deemed un-collectible, from users within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming.

F. Assignment of Franchise.

Grantee and its successors or assigns shall have the rights to assign this franchise with all the rights provided in it. Upon written notice to Grantor of such assignments, Grantee’s successors or assigns, whether individuals or corporations, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges granted and shall assume all the obligations and duties provided in this franchise.


A. This is hereby granted to Mallard Cable, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns, to build, construct, operate and maintain a cable television system in the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming and setting forth conditions accompanying the granting of this franchise; making certain acts unlawful and providing penalties, therefore.

B. Definitions.

For the purpose of this Ordinance, and when not inconsistent with the context, words used herein in the present tense include the future; works in the plural include the singular, and vice versa; the word “shall” is always mandatory. The captions supplied herein for each section are for convenience only. Said captions have no force of law, are not part of the section, and are not to be used in construing the language of the section. The following terms and phrases, as used herein, shall be given the meaning set forth below:

Town: The Town of LaBarge, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Wyoming.

Grantee: Mallard Cablevision, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, duly authorized to do business in the State of Wyoming, and it is the grantee of rights under this franchise.

Town Council: The Town Council of the Town of LaBarge, or its designated representative.


Federal Communications Commission: or “FCC,” is the present Federal agency of that name as constituting by the Communications Act of 1934, or any successor agency created by the United States Congress.

Person: any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.

Gross Revenues: shall include all receipts derived by Grantee from regular subscriber monthly service charges in connection with the carriage of broadcast signals and Federal Communications Commission mandated non-broadcast services within the Town, and the net receipts from “ancillary” or “auxiliary” services, which include, but are not limited to, advertising, leased channels, and programming supplied on a per program or per channel basis, if any; but shall not include any refunds or credits made to subscribers or any taxes (not including real or personal property taxes) imposed upon the services furnished by Grantee. Nor shall it include revenue from installations, disconnections, and re-installation charges.

Regular Subscriber Services: shall include the carriage of broadcast signals and FCC mandated non-broadcast services, but shall not include “ancillary” or “auxiliary” services, which include, but are not limited to, advertising, leased channels, and programming supplied on a per program or per channel charge basis, if any.

Net Revenue from Ancillary or Auxiliary Service: shall include the gross receipts from such services, less the costs of rent, royalties or other similar charges incurred in providing such services.

C. Grant of Authority.

There is hereby granted by the Town to Grantee the right and privilege to improve, operate and maintain in, upon, along, across, above, over or under the streets, alleys, public utility easements, public ways and public places now laid out or dedicated and all extensions thereof and additions thereto in the Town, all poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes and other conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation in the Town of a cable television system for the transmission of television signals and all other signals permitted by the FCC, either separately or upon or in conjunction with any public utility maintaining the same in the Town, with all of the necessary and desirable appliances and appurtenances pertaining thereto. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this franchise and grant shall and does hereby include the right in, over, under and upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utility easements and public grounds and places in the Town to install, erect, operate or in any way acquire the use of, as by leasing or licensing, all lines and equipment necessary to a cable television system and the right to make connections to subscribers and the right to repair, replace, enlarge and extend said lines, equipment and connections. The rights herein granted for the purposes herein set forth shall not be exclusive, and the Town reserves the right to grant a similar use of said streets, alleys, public utility easements, public ways and places to any person at any time during the period of this franchise; to require the granting of additional CATV franchises if, in the opinion of the Town Council, it is in the public interest to restrict such franchises to one or more.

D. Police Power.


Grantee shall at all times during the term of this franchise be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power of the Town. The right is hereby reserved to the Town to adopt, in addition to the provisions herein contained and any other existing applicable ordinances, such additional applicable ordinances as it shall find necessary in the exercise of its police power; provided, however, that such additional ordinances shall be reasonable, shall not conflict with or alter in any manner the rights granted herein, and shall not conflict with the laws of the State of Wyoming, the laws of the United States of America, or the rules, regulations, and policies of the FCC.

E. Indemnification.

Grantee shall save the Town harmless from all loss sustained by the Town on account of any suit, judgment, execution, claim of demand whatsoever against the Town resulting from negligence on the part of the Grantee in the improving, operation or maintenance of its cable television system in the Town; and for this purpose Grantee shall carry property damage and personal injury insurance with some responsible company or companies qualified to do business in the State of Wyoming. The amounts of such insurance to be carried for liability due to property damage shall be $1000,000.00 as to any one occurrence; and against liability due to injury to or death of person, $500,000.00 as to any one person and $1,000,000.00 as to any one occurrence. The Town shall be named as an additional insured on all liability policies. The Town shall notify Grantee, in writing, within fifteen (15) days after the presentation of any claims or demand, either by suit or otherwise, made against the Town on account of any negligence as aforesaid on the part of the Grantee. Where any such claim or demand against the Town is made by suit or other legal action, written notice thereof shall be given by the Town to Grantee, not less than ten (10) days prior to the date upon which an answer to such demand is made upon the Town, whichever notice period yields Grantee the larger amount of time within to prepare an answer.

F. Construction and Maintenance.

1. All structures, line and equipment erected by Grantee within the Town shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys, public utility easements and other public ways and places and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners, and Grantee shall comply with all reasonable, proper and lawful ordinances of the Town now or hereafter in force. Existing poles, posts, conduits, and other such structures of any electric power system, telephone company, or other public utility located in the Town shall be made available to Grantee for leasing or licensing upon reasonable terms and rates and shall be used to the extent practicable in order to minimize interference with travel and to avoid unnecessary duplications of facilities. The Town shall actively assist Grantee to the fullest extent necessary in obtaining reasonable joint pole or conduit use agreements form the owners of existing poles or conduits. To the extent that existing poles, posts, conduits, and other such structures are not available, or are not available under reasonable limitations upon the use of Grantee’s cable television system, Grantee shall have the right to purchase, lease, or in any other manner acquire land, right-of-way, or public utility easements upon or under which to erect and maintain its own poles, conduits, and other such structures as may be necessary for the improving and maintenance of its cable television system.

2. All service lines shall be underground in those areas of the municipality where either public utilities providing telephone or electric service are underground at the time of installation. In areas where telephone and electric utility facilities are above ground at the time of installation, the Grantee may install its


services above ground. If, subsequently, the electric utility facilities or others go underground, then in that event and to that extent the affected facilities of the Grantee also shall go underground simultaneously.

a. In case of any disturbance by Grantee of pavement, sidewalk, driveway, or other surfacing, Grantee shall, at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by the Town, replace and restore all paving, sidewalk, driveway or surface so disturbed in as good condition as before said work was commenced.

b. The Grantee shall deliver to the Grantor a bond, letter of credit, or cash in the amount of $2,000.00 guaranteeing performance of the work described in subparagraph (B) (1) above. When all work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Town, the bond or letter of credit or cash shall be released.

3. In the event that at any time during the period of this franchise the Town shall lawfully elect to alter or change any street, alley, public utility easement, or other public way requiring the relocation of Grantee’s facilities, then in such event, Grantee, upon reasonable notice by the Town, shall remove, relay and relocate the same at its own expense; provided, however, that where public funds are available for such relocation pursuant to law, Grantee shall not be required to pay the cost.

4. Grantee shall, on the request of any person holding a building-moving permit issued by the Town, temporarily raise or lower its lines to permit the moving of the building. The expense of such temporary removal shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and Grantee shall have the authority to require such payment in advance.

5. Grantee shall have the authority to trim trees upon and overhanging all streets, alleys, public utility easements, sidewalks and public places of the Town so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming into contact with Grantee’s facilities.

6. All poles, lines, structures and other facilities of Grantee in, on, over, and under the streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utility easements and public grounds or places of the Town shall be kept by Grantee at all times in a safe and substantial condition.

7. Grantee shall incorporate into its cable communication system a capability which will permit the Town in times of emergency to override the audio portions of at least one channel. Grantee shall designate a channel, which will be used for emergency broadcasts.

8. Grantee shall furnish connections to the nearest property line of all public schools within the limits of the Town, to the Town library, and, upon request, to the Town Hall, and shall provide regular subscription service without any monthly service charge to the schools or Town; provided, however, that all wiring within any buildings contemplated within this section shall be done by the municipality or school district which owns the building.


9. All construction shall be in compliance with the LaBarge Building and Electrical Codes.

G. Commencement of Construction.

The Grantee shall commence construction within sex (6) months from the effective date of this ordinance and shall complete construction within twelve (12) months from the date construction is commenced. However, the Grantee will not be held liable for the completion as hereinabove set forth when delayed by any action of the Grantor, or when it is prevented from doing so by circumstances beyond its control such as unavailability of materials, acts of nature, or civil strife.

H. FCC Rules Applicable.

This franchise is governed by and subject to all applicable rules, regulations and policies of the Federal Communication Commission, specifically including Part 76, and by the laws of the State of Wyoming. Should there by any modifications of the provisions of Part 76 of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission that are inconsistent with this franchise, the Town and Grantee agree that this franchise shall be appropriately amended within one (1) year after the effective date of the FCC’s adoption of the modification or upon renewal of this franchise, whichever occurs first.

I. Franchise Term.

This franchise shall take effect and be in full force from and after acceptance of Grantee as provided in Section 16, and the same shall continue in full force and effect for a term of 20 years; provided, however, that should FCC authorization be necessary in connection with implementation or continuation of the cable television service contemplated by this franchise, then the term shall begin upon the effective date of such FCC authorization.

J. Renewal Procedure.

At or before the expiration of the term of the grant, the Grantee may be considered by the Town for renewal of the grant for an extended term of 10 years. In determining at its option whether to grant the Grantee’s application for an extended term, due consideration shall be given to Grantee’s performance during the initial basic term, with such consideration pertaining to, but not being limited to; the extent to which the state of the cable TV art shall have been improved, progressed, or otherwise changed, and whether and to what extent Grantee proposes to provide services to subscribers in conformity therewith; and whether and to what extent Grantee shall have performed in accordance with the requirements recited elsewhere herein pertaining to receipt of inquiries, requests, and complaints.

K. Local Office and Complaint Procedure.

The Grantee shall maintain a local business office or agent within the LaBarge/Kemmerer, Wyoming area, for receiving, via non-toll telephone calls, inquiries or complaints regarding quality of service, equipment, malfunctions, billing disputes and similar matters. Inquiries or complaints shall be received during normal business hours, Monday through Friday and excepting holidays proclaimed by national, state or local governmental authority. Complaints for other than regular working hours may be made to a separate telephone maintained for the purpose, which shall be listed in the telephone directory, or the same telephone number may be used, at the option of the Grantee. All complaints and inquiries will be investigated and responded to or acted upon as promptly as practical, and unless prevented by circumstances beyond grantee’s control, within three (3) business days after receipt of the same. The company shall maintain a maintenance service log indicating the date and time complaints are received and resolved, and the nature of the complaint and resolution. This record shall be made available for reasonable inspection by the Grantor.


L. Forfeiture.

In addition to all other rights and powers pertaining to the Town by virtue of this authority or otherwise, the Town reserves the right to terminate and cancel this authority and all rights and privileges of the Grantee hereunder in the event that the Grantee:

1. Violates any provision of this authority or any rule, order, or determination of the Town Council made pursuant to this authority, except where such violation, other than of provisions concerning transfer of authority without prior Town approval, is without fault or through excusable neglect;

2. Become insolvent, unable, or unwilling to pay its debts, or is adjudged bankrupt;

3. Attempts to dispose of any of the facilities or property of its CATV system in violation of this term of this authority;

4. Attempts to evade any of the provisions of this authority or practices any fraud or deceit upon the Town;

5. Fails to begin or complete construction, and/or fails to provide services as otherwise required hereby;

6. Fails to restore system-wide service following 72 consecutive hours of interrupted service, except where prior approval of such interruption shall have been obtained from the Town, or in the event that any such action is caused by acts of God, national emergency, war, strikes, or other actions beyond the control of the Grantee.

7. Any termination proceedings initiated by the Town shall occur only after thirty (30) days written notice to Grantee. The Grantee shall have an opportunity to respond to such a claim at a public hearing held in this matter. Grantee shall be a necessary party to all public hearings regarding operations or termination of said franchises.

8. Providing that the Town Council may, in its discretion and upon a finding of violation or failure to comply, impose a lesser penalty than forfeiture of this franchise or excuse the violation or failure to comply upon a showing by Grantee of mitigating circumstances.

9. In the event that forfeiture is imposed upon Grantee, it shall be afforded a period of six (6) months within which to sell, transfer, or convey this cable television system to a qualified purchaser at fair market value. During this six (6) month period, which shall run from the effective date of the final order or decision imposing forfeiture, including any appeal. Grantee shall have the right to operate this cable television system pursuant to the provisions of this franchise.

10. At the expiration of such six (6) month period the Town shall have the right, if a sale and transfer has not been completed, to require the Grantee to remove at its own expense all portions of the CATV system from all public ways within the Town.


M. Surrender Right.

Grantee may surrender this franchise at any time upon filing with the Town Clerk of the Town a written notice of its intention to do so at least three (3) months before the surrender date. On the surrender date specified in the notice, all of the rights and privileges and all of the obligations, duties and liabilities of Grantee in connection with this franchise shall terminate.

N. Transfer.

All of the rights and privileges and all of the obligations, duties and liabilities created by this franchise shall pass to and be binding upon the successors of the Town and the successors and assigns of Grantee; and the same shall not be assigned or transferred without the written approval of the Town Council, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that this section shall not prevent the assignment or hypothecation of the franchise by Grantee as security for debt without such approval; and provided further, that transfers or assignments of this franchise between any parent or subsidiary corporation or between entities which at least fifty percent (50%) of the beneficial ownership is held by the same person, persons, or entities shall be permitted without prior approval of the Town Council.

O. Franchise Fee.

In consideration of the terms of this franchise, Grantee agrees to pay the Town a sum of money equal to one percent (1%) of Grantee’s gross revenues within the corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge, payable quarterly, throughout the term hereof

P. Receiver Sales Prohibited.

As a condition of this franchise, Grantee agrees that it shall not engage in the business of sales or repair of television receivers owned by its subscribers; nor shall it be responsible for the operating conditions of said receivers; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not apply to converters, decoders, home interactive terminals and other such devices as may be used in furnishing any programming or service via Grantee’s cable television system.

Q. Acceptance.

This Ordinance shall become effective when accepted by Grantee and shall then be and become a valid and binding contract between the Town and Grantee; provided, however, that this Ordinance shall be void unless Grantee shall, within ninety (90) days after final passage of this Ordinance, file with the Town Clerk of the Town a written acceptance of this Ordinance and the franchise herein granted, agreeing that it will refrain from doing all of the things prohibited by this Ordinance.

R. Unlawful Acts.

1. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of Grantee’s cable television system for the purpose of enabling himself or others to receive any television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sounds, or any other information or intelligence transmitted over Grantee’s cable system without payment to Grantee or its lessee.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owners, to willfully tamper with, remove, or injure any cable, wires, or other equipment used for the distribution of television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sounds, or any other information or intelligence transmitted over Grantee’s cable system.


3. It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both, for any person to violate any of the provisions of this section.

S. Severability.

If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Federal or State court of administrative or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, specifically including the Federal Communications Commission, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.

T. Amendments.

It shall be the policy of the Grantor to liberally amend this franchise, upon application of the Grantee, only when necessary to enable the Grantee to take advantage of any developments in the field of transmission of television and radio signals or other electronic impulses for communications which will afford it an opportunity to more effectively, efficiently or economically serve it subscribers. However, this shall not in any way be construed to require the Grantor to make any such amendments.


A. There is hereby granted to Union Telephone Company, Inc., herein called “Union” or “Company”, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wyoming, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Ordinance, to construct, erect, renew, repair, maintain and operate in, upon, along, across, under and over the streets, alleys, and other public ways of the Town of LaBarge for a period of ten (10) years from and after its acceptance by Union (and thereafter until terminated by at least six (6) months written notice either by the Town of LaBarge to the Company or by the Company to the Town), Union’s lines, poles, anchors, wires, cables, conduit, vaults, laterals, and other fixtures and equipment, and to use said property for the transmission of sound and signals, or other means of communication by means of electricity (including telephone, television, computer, facsimile transmission and voice mail).

1. In the event at least six (6) months written notice shall be given by the Town of LaBarge to the Company, or by the Company to the Town of LaBarge of its desire to terminate the permission and authority granted by this Ordinance, the permission an authority granted by this Ordinance shall thereupon expire in accordance with such notice. Whereupon, this Ordinance shall be null and void and of no effect whatsoever and all rights and privileges granted by this Ordinance shall be at an end.

B. The Location of said lines, poles, anchors, wires, cable, conduit, vaults, laterals and other fixtures and equipment, and the construction thereof, or any change or extension (or the removal thereof), in case said removal shall necessitate the substantial disturbance of any street, alley, or other public way shall be subject to the approval of the Governing Body of the Town of LaBarge.

1. The Company shall place on file with the Town Clerk plans showing the location and character of each pole and each conduit to be erected or laid, and the number of ducts in each conduit and the location of manholes or other openings to gain access to said conduit; and no pole, conduit, vault or anchor shall be erected, constructed, or laid upon or any street, alley or other public


way or any such tunnel, manner and place of laying, constructing or erecting the said conduit, pole, valet or anchor.

2. The Company agrees that in all cases (except as hereinafter expressly otherwise provided) where the Town shall change the grade or width of any street, alley, or other public way, the Company will, promptly and at its own expense, unless otherwise by Ordinance provided, change or move its structures so as to conform thereto, and all sidewalks, parkways or pavements disturbed by the Company shall be restored by it to a good condition, and in the event that any such sidewalk, parkway or pavement shall become uneven, unsettled, or otherwise require repairing because of such disturbance by the Company, then the company shall promptly, upon receipt of notice from the Town so to do, cause said sidewalk, parkway or pavement to be repaired or restored to a good condition.

C. The permission and authority herein granted are upon the express condition that the Company, as consideration therefore, and as compensation for the use herein granted of town streets, alleys and other public ways, shall pay into the Town Treasury (in addition to all other compensation provided for in this Ordinance) the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) upon Union’s acceptance of this Ordinance, and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) on or before the anniversary of the initial payment in each succeeding year, which the parties mutually acknowledge to be in good and sufficient consideration.

1. The Company shall, within thirty (30) days after demand, pay to the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming, the cost of publishing this Ordinance.

D. This franchise is contingent for its existence and continuance upon a certificate of authority from the Public Service Commission of the State of Wyoming.

E. The Company shall at its own expense, indemnify and save harmless the Town from any and all damages, judgment, cost, and expenses of every kind, which may arise or result by reason of or in consequence of the acts or neglect of the Company, its agent or servants.

F. In the event that the Company shall default in the observance or performance of any one or more of the agreements duties or obligations imposed upon it by any of the provisions and conditions of this Ordinance, and if any such default or defaults shall continue for a period of six (6) months (exclusive of all times during which the Company may be delayed or interfered with, without its connivance, by unavoidable accidents, acts of God, labor strikes, or the orders or judgment of any commission or court entered in any suit or proceeding brought without is connivance) after written notice thereof to the Company from the Town, stating the alleged default on the part of the Company, then and in each and every such case, the Town, in entitled to terminate the grant made to the Company in and by this Ordinance, and all rights and privileges of the Company under this Ordinance shall thereupon be at an end.

1. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason declared to be illegal, invalid, unconstitutional or void, all other sections thereof not so held shall be and remain in full force and effect.

G. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, upon Union filing with the Clerk of the Town within thirty (30) days after the passage and approval of this Ordinance, Union’s written and unconditional acceptance thereof, provided that all the rights and privileges granted to the Company hereunder may pass to its legal successor or successors organized under the law of the state acquiring of any corporation organized under the


laws of the state acquiring the plan and property of the Company, or that part thereof located in the Town, subject to all there terms and conditions of this Ordinance, and provided that said successor or successors or said assignee shall have filed with the Clerk its acceptance of said terms and conditions.

1. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and shall constitute a binding contract between the Town of LaBarge and the Company when the provisions hereof shall have been accepted in writing by the Company and such acceptance filed with the Town Clerk.

H. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, if any such ordinances do in fact exist.

I. That the Company agrees to pay to the Town of LaBarge a franchise fee of one percent (1%) on gross sales in quarterly payments.


9.15.010 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to then by this section:

Sewer Service Line: the sewer line running from the town sewer main to the structure or property to be served.

Sewer Utility: all sanitary sewers, sewage treatment works, equipment, material and supplies used by the town municipality to collect and dispose of sewage from property in the town and property served by town sewers outside the town; provided, that a sewer service line shall be regarded as the property of the owner of such structure or property served.


The administrative official may, from time to time, promulgate such rules and regulations as he considers necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter; provided, that such rules and regulations shall not the inconsistent with this chapter.


The administrative official shall cause to be inspected all openings made in any sewer and all connections made to the sewer utility. He shall take such action, as he deems necessary to prevent injury or damage to the sewer utility and to prevent interference with the free flow of sewage.


It shall be unlawful to extend any sewer service line or to change, enlarge or alter the use of any sewer service line connected to the sewer utility without first obtaining a permit, therefore.


No such permit shall be issued to property situated outside the town limits, except under such terms and conditions, as the town council shall provide.


Each Property shall be served by its own sewer service line. All plumbing fixtures in any building or structure on and land adjoining to or abutting on or near any street or alley or other place through which there is a public or private sewer connected with the sanitary sewer utility of the town shall be connected by the owner of the property or his agent or other persons having charge of or receiving the rent or being the tenant of the same, with such public or private sewer upon notice from the town. Such notice shall be served upon the owner of such property by registered or certified mail to his last known address; provided, that this section shall not be construed as prohibiting a single service line to serve a single structure under one roof occupying more than one property.


All service stations, garages, and similar places having wash or grease tacks connected with the sewer utility shall be provided with a sand and grease trap of suitable size and construction.


It shall be unlawful to throw or deposit or cause or permit to be deposited in any vessel or receptacle connected with the sewer utility any petroleum products, volatiles, acids, highly alkaline solutions or any other matter whatsoever which shall be in any way injurious to the system or the treatment process at the treatment plant or which shall in any way cause undue maintenance of the system or the sewage plant.



All occupied lots or parts of lots or land in the town within three hundred (300) feet or less of the public sewer of the town shall be connected by private drain connections with the public sewer, in the manner as provided in this chapter, and no privy vault or cesspool shall be maintained, kept or continued thereon. If the owner of the property coming within the purview or this section neglects or refuses to make such connection, the town council shall notify such owner or his agent to make or cause such connections to be made. The owner or his agent shall comply with such notice within thirty (30) days from the service of such notice. Failure to comply with such notice shall be unlawful and every such 30 days’ neglect, after service of such notice, shall constitute a separate offense; provided, that where the drainage is such that it is impossible or impracticable to make such sewer connection, this section shall not apply.



Before any street or alley is paved, the owners or all property abutting thereon where a sanitary sewer is laid shall make proper sewer connection with such sanitary sewer, whether the immediate use thereof is required or not. Until used, such connecting sewers shall be supplied with a proper cap or covering sufficient to prevent the escape of sewer gas.


No person shall make any connection to or uncover or open any towns sewer without first obtaining a permit therefore from the town administrative official.

9.15.110 – APPLICATION

Any person desiring to make any connection to the sewer utility shall make written application to the administrative official for a permit. All such applications must contain a description of the property to be connected, the kind and size of the service line and the kinds or fixtures to be served.


The permit shall state the name and address of the person making the connection or excavation, the property to be served, the location of the tap to the town sewer main and the size of the tap. No permit shall be issued unless the fees prescribed by the town are tendered with the application for a permit. Such fees shall be as are established from time to time by the town council.


A. The following types or permits shall be issued for connecting to the sewer utility:

1. Permits to run a sewer line from the sewer main to the property line of the property to be served;

2. Permits to run a sewer service line from the sewer main to the structure or building to be served;

3. Permits to run a sewer from the stubbed-in service at the property line to the building or other structure to be served;

4. Permits to connect a sewer service line to the sewer utility to serve property outside the town limits; provided, that no permit shall be issued to connect with the sewer utility to serve property lying outside the town except with the express consent of the town council and under such terms and conditions as the town council may by resolution prescribe

5. Permits to renew any of the sewer service lines provided for in this section.


All plumbing shall be subject to inspection by the administrative official or his authorized agent, in order to ascertain whether the requirements of this chapter have been or are being complied with. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause any plumbing within or outside the town to be


connected with the sewer utility of the town until such plumbing shall have been inspected and approved and a certificate or tag of approval issued by the town.


Whenever a building with sewer service is destroyed or removed, it is the duty of the property owner to cap and plug the sewer access pipe(s) with watertight and secure caps designed and sufficient to prevent air, water, and other materials from entering the sewer system.



The size of any sewer service line shall not be less than four inches nor more than six inches in diameter inside of the pipe and shall be formed of food, hard and sound vitrified clay or cast-iron or PVC plastic pipe with root resistant joints or such pipe and materials as may be approved by the administrative officials.


Backfilling of sewer line trenches shall be hard packed with care and well rammed to prevent the slightest settling of the trenches.


The inside of every sewer service line connected with the sewer utility shall be left smooth and perfectly clean throughout its entire length and the ends of all lines not to be immediately used shall be securely guarded against the introduction of earth, sand or other foreign materials by bricks and cement or other watertight and impervious material.


The cost of installing the sewer service line shall be paid by the property owner. The owners of the property served by a sewer service line shall be responsible for repairing or replacing such sewer service line when, in the opinion of the administrative official, such line has become inoperative due to stoppages, crushing, settlement or any other defect.


Whenever a sewer connection shall be made, the required trench shall be opened an ample width to permit easy inspection and the removal of all rubbish. It there is no junction piece in the sewer a “T” saddle of the size specified in the permit required, therefore. After making the opening, which shall be done with great care so as to not injure the sewer, all rubbish shall be made with “Y” branches or “T” saddle and long radius eighth bends. The interior of each length of pipe and the inside of the last joint shall be made perfectly clean before the next joint is laid. All joints of vitrified clay pipe shall be ser in an approved mastic type joint filler. Slip on type joints of a type approved by the town shall be acceptable. The “T” saddle may be inserted into the sewer and set even with


the inside of the sewer on a bed or mortar and the opening around the pipe carefully repaired and well plastered with an approved mastic type repaired and well plastered with an approved mastic type joint filler. In connecting pipe with pipe, a “Y” junction or “T” saddle shall be used and the main sewer left in as good a condition as before the work was done. When a connection is made to a sewer main, the service line shall not be connected thereto until the connection has been inspected and approved by the town.


A. Except in such instances where a single sewer district, subdivision or development under one ownership shall require a main greater than eight inches in diameter, the town shall participate in the cost of installing larger sized mains. The extent of the town’s participation shall be based on the following percentages of the total cost of sewers greater than eight inches in diameter:

1. For ten-inch mains, the percentage of the town’s participation shall be fifteen percent (15%);

2. For twelve-inch mains, the percentage of the town’s participation shall be twenty-five percent (25%);

3. For fifteen-inch mains, the percentage of the town’s participation shall be thirty-five percent (35%);

4. For eighteen-inch mains, the percentage of the town’s participation shall be forty-five percent (45%);

5. For mains larger than eighteen inches in diameter, the extent of the town’s participation shall be determined by the town council

6. In those instances where a district, subdivision or development under one ownership is of such size that entire cost of such oversize main shall be paid by the district of sub-divider.


The sub-divider shall install the mains in his subdivision by contract upon approval of the plans and specifications by the town, execution of sewer extension contacts and town inspection of actual construction; provided, that the town may elect to install the mains, in which case the sub-divider shall deposit with the town the estimated costs. The town shall then proceed to construct the sewer under contract. If at any time the actual cost exceeds the amount deposited, the sub-divider shall immediately deposit sufficient funds to complete the work.


The sub-divider shall pay the costs of construction of all sewer mains and appurtenances to, in and through his sub-division except as otherwise provided in this chapter. Sewer mains shall always be extended to the farthest points upgrade in a platted sub-division so that the system may be perpetuated.



When a sub-divider finds it necessary to construct a sewer through undeveloped areas to serve his platted sub-division, the entire cost of such sewer line shall be paid by the sub-divider unless the oversize main provisions are applicable. At the time of annexation or as the property abutting such sewer is developed and connections are made to the sewer, the town may collect a charge per front foot based upon the original construction costs and if so collected shall reimburse the original sub-divider to the extent of the collections so made; provided, that in no event shall such reimbursement exceed the total cost of the sewer. A sub-divider’s right to reimburse under the provisions of this section shall terminate fifteen (15) years after execution of the sewer extension contract.


Extension of sewer to serve property within the town, but not a part of the subdivision shall be financed by special assessment against the benefited property or under such terms and conditions, as the town council shall provide.


When pumping stations are required, the cost of constructing such stations shall be the responsibility of the property served thereby. In those instances where it appears that more than one subdivision may be served by the pump station, the town may require a larger capacity than that necessary to serve the initial development. Where such larger capacity is required the additional costs may be paid by the sewer or sub-dividers connected to lines served by the pump station. Such charges shall be paid prior to the time any connections are made.


Force mains required to serve an area not otherwise able to enter the town’s sewerage system shall be constructed at the expense of the owners of the property to be served thereby.


In those instances where pumping stations and force mains are required, the sewerage system shall be designed so as to permit an eventual connection into a gravity system with a minimum of expense. Where practicable, easements shall be provided, and lines contracted to tie into the gravity system. The town may require deposits, where deemed necessary, from the property owners requiring such force system to insure the eventual construction of gravity lines.


The town council may in its sole discretion enter into agreements with customers shoes lands lie outside the corporate limits of the town, to extend the town’s sewer system for the use, needs and requirements of such customers.



A. Before the town council shall enter into any agreement for the extension of the town’s sewer system to customers outside the town limits, it shall find that:

1. The extension of sewer service is economically feasible;

2. The property to be served is readily adaptable to and can be made to conform, within a reasonable time to be fixed by the town council, to the then existing ordinances of the town which relate to subdivision, platting, zoning and construction of improvements;

3. The property to be served is not currently contiguous to the town limits and cannot therefore be annexed to the town pursuant to the laws of the state, but that such property can reasonably be expected to be annexable to the town within the foreseeable future;

4. Such extension would help promote the orderly growth and development of the town;

5. Such extension would help promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the town;

6. Such extension would help promote ecological and esthetic considerations in the growth and development of the town. Such extension is generally in the best interests of the citizens of the town.



A. Charges for use of the town’s sewer system shall be as set, from time to time, by the town council by resolution. A copy of the ordinance establishing such charges shall be maintained on file in the office of the town clerk whether it shall be available for inspection by the public during the normal office hours of the town clerk.

B. Billing and collection procedures may be established by the town employees charged with the collection of such sewer service charges; provided, that such procedures are approved by the town council.


The charge for sewer service outside the town shall be double that for service within the town, unless otherwise provided by the town council.



The administrative official may require that water used from private wells, which enters the sanitary sewer system, shall be metered or he may otherwise determine the method to be used to establish the rate to be charged for sewer service.


Sewer charges shall be included on the water bill.


All charges for sewer services provided in this chapter shall be due and payable at the office of the town treasurer or by mail to the town hall on the tenth of the month following the date of the bill.


The owner of every building, premises or lot or house shall be liable for all sewer system services used upon his premises, which liability may be enforced by the town by action at law to enforce payment. In case the tenant in possession of any premises or buildings shall pay the sewer charges, it shall relieve the landowner from such obligations, but the town shall not be required to look to any person whatsoever other than the owner for the payment of sewer charges. No change of ownership or occupation shall affect the application of this section.

9.15.360 – SEWER TAP FEES

This shall be paid for making a sewer service line connection to the sewer utility the following charges; as the same may from time to time be amended by resolution of the Town Council;

4” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$ 250.00

6” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$1,000.00

8” Service Line, Inside Diameter……….$3,000.00


9.20.010 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

Water Service Line: the line running from the Town water main to the structure or property to

be served.

Water Utility: all water and water rights, waterworks and appurtenances thereto, machinery, equipment and supplies used by the Town to supply consumers with water; provided, that the water service line from the mainline to the structure or


property served shall be regarded as the property of the owner of such structure or property served.


The use of water under the provisions of this ordinance shall not constitute of be deemed to be a relinquishment of any water or water right by the Town and the Town reserves the full right to determine all matters in connection with the control and use of such water.


The Town Council may, from title to time, promulgate such rules and regulations by resolution, as it considers necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter; provided, that such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with this ordinance.


No person may be served with water from the water utility unless he agrees to all the ordinances, rules and regulation of the Town pertaining to the use of such water.


A. The Town Council may hire a Town water utility employee to operate the water utility under the direction and supervision of the Town Council. Said employee shall have the employment rights, only, of a regular Town employee.

B. Said employee under the direction and supervision of the mayor and council, shall have the general management, control and supervision of the water utility and sewer system of the Town.

C. Said employee shall execute orders for all plumbing work and inspect all plumbing work under the supervision of the Town engineer; keep an accurate up-to-date record of all tapping; keep an accurate list of all tools, materials and supplies pertaining to the water utility.

D. Said employee shall keep such records and prepare such reports concerning the water utility as the Town Council directs.


It shall be unlawful to in any way to purposely, knowingly, recklessly or negligently damage any property, equipment or appliance constituting or being part of the water utility, either directly or indirectly, including by neglecting to prevent the accumulation of ice in and around any water bearing equipment connected to the utility. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00, as well as restitution to the town for the cost of repairing said property, equipment or appliance.



It shall be unlawful to trespass upon the property of the water utility or tap any water mains without authorization, or make any connection therewith or in any manner interfere with the water utility or the property, equipment, pipes, valves or any other appliances of the water utility or change or alter the position of any valve or appliance regulating the flow of water in any pipeline A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00.


It shall be unlawful for any person to cast, place, dump or deposit in any part of the water utility any oil, gasoline or other petroleum product or by-product, or any substance or material which will in any manner injure or obstruct the same or any material or substance that would tend to contaminate or pollute the water or obstruct the flow of the water. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00.

9.20.090 – EMERGENCIES

In the event of a major fire or other emergency that should require the immediate curtailment of the use of water from the water utility, the Town Council shall have the authority to make such temporary restrictions as the Town Council shall deem necessary for the protection of the public.


A. It shall be unlawful for any person to use water from the Water Utility for the following purposes:

1. The use of water from the water utility for commercial agricultural purposes is prohibited.

2. No person having water service shall permit any other person to take or use water from his water service for use on property not connected to the water utility.

B. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00.


A. Upon application to and upon consent from the Public Works Director and the Town Council, which may set a fee by Resolution of that body, a private water well may be placed and operated within the Town of LaBarge, so long as:

1. The well is constructed, placed and operated in a lawful manner consistent with the applicable statutes, rules, and regulations promulgated by the State Engineer or other such lawful body or agency; and

2. The well water is in no way connected to or likely to contaminate the municipal water systems of the Town; and

3. Is solely used for outdoor watering of vegetation and agricultural purposes on one lot, and is not used, stored, or resold off the subject properties or for any commercial purpose; and


4. Will not and does not cause or exacerbate erosion within the town; and

5. No well is dug or maintained within twenty-five (25) feet of any Town water or sewer main.

A violation of any provision herein constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $750.00 fine to which may be added costs and restitution. The imposition of any such fine shall not bar the institution of appropriate legal actions or proceedings by the town to restrain, correct, or abate the violation nor shall the institution of such legal actions or proceedings be deemed a bar to the imposition of such fine. Each day of violation of this ordinance may constitute a separate offense.

B. All properties containing a well within the Town of LaBarge shall be subject to periodic and/or random inspection by Town personnel or Town designees to ensure compliance with this Ordinance and State regulations regarding use of such private water wells.

C. All properties containing a well within the Town of LaBarge shall install a Double-Check Valve Backflow Prevention Device, on any and all connections between the Town Water Supply and the property owner’s side of any water meter at the owner’s expense. Such Backflow Prevention Device shall be installed and maintained as per the regulations of the Wyoming Division of Water Quality.

D. On all properties containing an existing well at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, a Backflow Prevention Device, as per Section C above, shall be installed no later than the next occasion that the necessary section of the connection to the Town’s water supply is uncovered for maintenance and/or repair purposes.


In case any water user shall fail to pay all charges and fines as prescribed by this chapter, the Town shall shut off the water from the premises, building, house or lot, and water shall not be turned on again until all charges and fines are paid, together with the charge for shutting off and turning on the water; provided, that the Town shall not shut off the water until the owner shall have been given seven (7) days’ notice in writing, by regular mail, mailed to his mailing address as shown on the records of the water utility.



It shall be unlawful for any person, other than an employee of the Town in the course of his employment, to turn on water to any premises, lot, building or house when the water has been shut off pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance; provided, however that this section shall not be construed to prevent any plumber or contractor from admitting water to test pipes or to restore service after repairs. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00.



A. It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the Town to tap or connect to any part of the water utility. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00.

B. All taps or connections shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit issued, therefore.

C. All taps or connections to any part of the water utility shall be made at the expense of the person making such tap or connection.


Any person desiring to make a connection to the water utility or to use water there from, shall make written application to the Town for a permit to do so and shall not make such connection without such permit.


A. There shall be two types of permits to make connections with the water utility of the Town:

1. A permit for the purpose of connecting a water service line from a main of the water service line from a main of the water utility to the property to be served, for the purpose of taking and using water for normal Town purposes; that is, domestic commercial or industrial;

2. A permit to connect an enlarged tap to the water utility for the purpose of taking and using water for normal Town purposes; this is, domestic, commercial or industrial.


The application for a permit to make connection to the water utility shall state the name of the person to whom the permit is to be issued, the size of the tap, corporation cock and water service lien, the location thereof, the premises upon which water is to be used and the purpose for which the water is to be used.


Permits required by this ordinance shall be issued by the Town and shall state the name of the person to whom the permit is issued, the date of the permit, the size of the tap, corporation cock and water service line, the premises upon which the water is to be used, and the purpose for which the water is to be used.


A. There shall be paid for making a connection to the water utility the following charges, as the same may from time to time be amended to ordinance of the LaBarge Town Council:

½” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$ 750.00

1” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$ 1,125.00

1 ½” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$ 1,500.00


2” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$ 2,250.00

4” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$15,000.00

6” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$22,500.00

8” Service Line, Inside Diameter ……….$30,000.00


All plumbing shall be subject to inspection by the Town or its authorized agents in order to ascertain whether the requirements of this ordinance have been or are being complied with. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause any plumbing within or outside the Town limits to be connected with the water utility of the Town until such plumbing shall have been inspected and approved and a certificate or tag or approval issued by the Town. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $750.00.



A. No service lines shall be installed without having first obtained written permission from the town.

B. No person other than a plumber licensed by the Town shall install a water service line, including a meter vault and a meter riser.

C. All water service line installations shall, before being covered, be inspected by the Town of LaBarge. A request to inspect the installed water service line shall be made by the plumber, contractor, owner or other person in charge of such installation no less than thirty-six (36) hours before and nor more than forty-eight (48) hours before covering of such a line.


Any service line from a main to a structure to be served shall be installed by the water user at his expense.


All service lines from the water main line to the property valve shall be of C.W. Poly, 200# rating, minimum. Corporation cocks, water risers, and service lines shall be of the size as specified by the Town. Curb stops as specified by the Town, buried five and one- half feet, shall be used and a minimum curb box top section shall be one and one-half feet and shall be one and one-half inch in diameter.

9.20.240 – MINIMUM SIZE

The water service line from the street main to the water distribution system of the building to be served with water shall be of sufficient size to furnish an adequate peak demand and in no event shall it be less than three-fourths (3/4) inch nominal diameter. Peak demand requirements shall be determined in each case by the Town engineer pursuant to applicable engineering standards.



All service lines shall be laid seven feet below the established grade of the street from the water main to the meter vault. When the main is greater or less depth, the service line shall be brought to the required depth as soon as possible after leaving the tap.


Service lines made of materials other than cast iron or copper shall be replaced by copper, cast iron, Schedule 40 PVC or suitable materials authorized for such use by the Town of LaBarge, when in the opinion of the Town of LaBarge, such lines have become so disintegrated as to be unfit for further use. The water utility shall assume the cost of replacement of the service line between the main and the curb stop, and the property owner shall assume the cost of replacement of the water service line between the curb stop and the distribution system of the building served. When such lines have been replaced with copper, cast iron or Schedule 40 PVC or better lines as set forth in this article, the water utility shall assume the maintenance of the service line between the water main and the curb stop or meter riser.


New services to replace existing services shall not be approved by the Town and water turned on until old service lines are dug up and the corporation cock shut off at the main.


Each property shall be served by its own service line, and no connection with the water utility shall be made by extending the service line from one property to another property. In cases where service lines were extended from one property to a different property prior to adoption of this section, the continued use of such extension shall be permitted until replacement made to the water main at the expense of the owner of the property served by such extension and the extended service line shall be discontinued; provided, that this section shall not be construed as prohibiting a single service line to serve a single structure under one roof occupying more than one property.

9.20.290 – MAINTENANCE

The owner of any property connecting to the water utility shall be responsible for the maintenance of the water service line from the main line to the structure being served and shall keep this line in good condition at his expense. He shall, at his expense, at all times keep all pipes, fixtures and appliance on his property tight and in good working order so as to prevent waste of water.


When a water user desires to disconnect his premises from the water utility, he shall not be permitted to take up that portion of the service line between the main and the curb stop or meter vault, nor shall he be permitted to take up the meter vault, but, at his expense, the water shall be shut off of the corporation cock and all appliances from the water main to and including the meter vault shall remain in the ground and become the property of the Town.




Water may be shut off from any street main when necessary to repair the main or to make any connections or extensions of the water mains or to perform any other work necessary to maintain the water utility.

9.20.320 – MINIMUM SIZE

The size of the main required to serve any part of the Town shall be determined by the Town. No main less than six inches in diameter shall be placed in the water distribution system.



A new water user, upon application for water service, shall pay in advance the minimum charge for one billing person, which shall be credited upon termination of service.


The charge for water use inside the corporate limits of the Town shall be in the amount that the Town council shall determine by resolution.


Billing for water service and any other notices relating to the water utility shall be effective upon mailing such billing or notice to the address of the property owner as shown on the records of the Town water utility.


All charges for the use of water as provided for in this article are due and payable at the office of the Town clerk. All charges are due the tenth of the month following the date of the bill; delinquent bills will be charged an addition ten per cent (10%).


The owner of every building, Premises, lot or house shall be liable for all water delivered to or taken from and used upon his premises, which liability may be enforced by the Town by action at law or equity to enforce payment. In case the tenant in possession of any premises or buildings shall pay the water charges, it shall relieve the landowner from such obligations, but the Town shall not be required to look to any person whatsoever other than the landowner for the payment of water charges. No change of ownership of occupation shall affect the application of this section.



The Town shall set by Resolution fees for the connection, reconnection and disconnection of water service. Such fees may take into account the record of payment of the water user.



No water mains shall be constructed in a platted subdivision until the sub-divider and the Town has executed a water main extension contract.


The sub-divider shall install the mains in his subdivision by contract, upon approval of the plans and specifications by the Town, execution of the water main extension contract and Town inspection of actual construction; provided, that the Town may elect to install the mains, in which case the sub-divider shall deposit with the Town the estimated cost of the water main construction, plus engineering and administrative costs. The Town shall then proceed to construct the water mains under contract. If at any time the actual cost exceeds the amount deposited, the sub-divider shall immediately deposit sufficient funds to complete the work.


The sub-divider shall pay the costs of construction of all water mains and appurtenances to, in and through his subdivision, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. Water mains shall always be extended to the farthest points upgrade in a platted subdivision so that the system may be perpetuated.


When a Sub-divider finds it necessary to construct a water main through undeveloped areas to serve his platted subdivision, the entire cost of such water line shall be paid by the sub-divider. At the time of annexation or as the property abutting such line is developed and connections are made to the line, the Town may collect a charge per front foot based upon the original sub-divider to the extent of the collections so made; provided, that in no event shall such reimbursement exceed the total cost of the line. A sub-divider’s right to reimbursement under the provisions of this section shall terminate fifteen years after execution of the water main extension contract.


Extension of water mains to serve property within the Town, but not a part of a subdivision shall be financed by special assessment against the benefited property or under such terms and conditions as the Town Council shall provide.



The Town Council may in its sole discretion enter into agreements with customers whose lands lie outside the corporate limits, to extend the Town’s water system for the use, needs and requirements of such customers.


A. Before the Town Council shall enter into any agreement for the extension of the Town’s water system to customers outside the corporate limits, it shall find that:

1. The extension of water service is economically feasible;

2. The property to be served is readily adaptable to and can be made to conform, within a reasonable time to be fixed by the Town Council, to the then existing ordinances of the Town, which relate to subdivision, planning, zoning and construction of improvements;

3. The property to be served is not currently contiguous to the Town limits and cannot therefore be annexed to the Town pursuant to the laws of the state, but that such property can reasonably be expected to be annexable to the Town within the foreseeable future;

4. Such extension would help promote the orderly growth and development of the town;

5. Such extension would help promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the town;

6. Such extension would help promote ecological and aesthetic considerations in the growth and development of the town;

7. Such extension is economically feasible;

8. Such extension is generally in the best interests of the town.


9.30.010 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

User: any person or entity assessed a Utility Fee.


Utility Fee: any fee or assessment assessed pursuant to Title 9 of the Code of the Town of LaBarge, Wyoming.


A. The Mayor shall appoint a standing special committee, pursuant to Ordinance 1.25.020 and 1.25.030, consisting of no less than three members made up from the Town's users, who shall meet from time to time to consider applications from users for reduced utility fees. The members of this standing special committee shall serve indefinitely at the Mayor's pleasure, and any vacancy in the standing special committee shall be appointed pursuant to Ordinance 1.25.020 and 1.25.030.

B. Any user requesting a reduction in utility fees shall submit a request to the Rate Reduction Committee in writing. Such request must contain the following information:

1. Name of requesting user;

2. Address of requesting user;

3. A clearly stated reason why such a request should be granted with supporting documentation (i.e., if the request is based on limited income, documentary evidence of any and all income);

4. A proposed utility fee to be paid by the user;

5. The user's signature.

C. The Rate Reduction Committee may request additional information from the applicant user deemed prudent to the Committee's consideration. Failure to provide such information, or to adequately explain its absence, is sufficient ground for denial of that user's request.

D. The Rate Reduction Committee shall review each application for good cause in granting the reduction. Should the Committee, by majority vote, find good cause to grant the reduction in any or all utility fees, the Committee shall recommend such reduction, along with a recommended reduced utility fee rate, to the Town Council, in writing, within 10 days of the meeting wherein the Committee made such determination.

E. Should the Committee not find good cause to grant the reduction in any or all utility fees, the Committee shall inform the applicant user, either verbally or in writing, within 10 days of the meeting wherein the Committee made such determination.


A. During the regular meeting of the Town Council, the Town Council shall review all rate reductions recommended by the Rate Reduction Committee for approval. At that time, the Town Council shall approve or disapprove the request. Should the Council approve the rate reduction, the Council should state at what rate the user should be assessed and when date the reduced rate shall begin being assessed against that user.


B. In all matters concerning applications pursuant to this Chapter, the decisions of the Council shall be final, notwithstanding 9.30.050. The granting of a reduced utility rate is a privilege, and not a right established by the Town.

9.30.040 – APPEAL

Should the Rate Reduction Committee not find good cause to grant the reduction, the applicant user shall have thirty (30) days to appeal that decision to the Town Council in writing. The written appeal shall, with specificity, why the determination made by the Rate Reduction Committee was erroneous. The Town Council shall consider the appeal during the regular meeting of the Town Council. The Town Council may act in any way it deems prudent pursuant to the appeal, including granting the reduced rate, denying the application, or remanding the application back to the Rate Reduction Committee for further review.

9.30.050 – RENEWAL

A. Any and all reduced utility rates granted under this Chapter shall be reviewed annually. The Rate Reduction Committee shall meet and recommend to the Town Council whether or not any and all rate reduction should be renewed, cancelled or modified. In considering renewals, the Rate Reduction Committee shall be permitted to require applicants to submit or resubmit information or documents.

B. No user applicant may request a utility rate reduction more than one per year per location





10.05.010 Title

10.05.020 Short Title

10.05.030 Authority

10.05.040 Purpose

10.05.050 Interpretation

10.05.060 Conflict

10.05.070 Definitions

10.05.080 Powers

10.05.090 Membership, Term, Vacancies

10.05.100 Qualifications of Commission Members

10.05.110 Organization

10.05.120 Finances

10.05.130 Meetings


10.10.010 Enforcement Responsibility

10.10.020 Enforcement Agent

10.10.030 Enforcement and Penalties


10.15.010 Zoning Map and Boundaries

10.15.020 Establishment of Districts


10.20.010 Applicability

10.20.020 Nonconforming Use

10.20.030 Premises to be Clean and Orderly

10.20.040 Conditional Use Permit

10.20.050 Appeals

10.20.060 Stays

10.20.070 Legal Action

10.20.080 Liability for Damages

10.20.090 Building Permits

10.20.100 Licensing

10.20.110 Building Size

10.20.120 Building Age

10.20.130 Building Materials and Construction Requirements


10.25.010 Purpose

10.25.020 Permitted Uses

10.25.030 Conditional Uses

10.25.040 Lot and Yard Requirements



10.30.010 Purpose

10.30.020 Permitted Uses

10.30.030 Conditional Uses

10.30.040 Lot and Yard Requirements

10.30.050 Accessory Building


10.35.010 Construction Standards: HUD

10.35.020 Foundation Standards

10.35.030 Anchoring Standards

10.35.040 Wheels and Hitches

10.35.050 Minimum Construction Standards

10.35.060 Lot Standards

10.35.070 Accessory Buildings in R-2 Districts

10.35.080 Accessory Buildings: Other

10.40 MOBILE HOMES 172

10.40.010 Purpose

10.40.020 Minimum Lot Area

10.40.030 Permitted Uses

10.40.040 Special Uses

10.40.050 Minimum HUD Standards

10.40.060 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.45.010 Purpose

10.45.020 Permitted Uses

10.45.030 Conditional Uses

10.45.040 Definitions

10.45.050 Plans and Specifications

10.45.060 Permits

10.45.070 Inspection of Mobile Home Parks

10.45.080 General Provisions Which Apply to Mobile Home Parks

10.45.090 Water Supply Sampling

10.45.100 Registration of Occupants


10.50.010 Purpose

10.50.020 Permitted Uses

10.50.030 Conditional Uses

10.50.040 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.55.010 Purpose

10.55.020 Conditional Uses

10.55.030 Lot and Yard Requirements


10.60.010 Purpose

10.60.02 Permitted Uses

10.65 VARIANCES 180

10.65.010 Intent and Purpose

10.65.020 Responsibility of Applicant

10.65.030 Public Hearing

10.65.040 Conditions and Variance


10.65.050 Responsibility of the Town Council

10.65.060 Appeals

10.65.070 Revocation of Variances


10.70.010 Purpose

10.70.020 Garages

10.70.030 Accessory Buildings

10.70.040 Occupancy of Garages and Accessory Buildings

10.70.050 Driveways and Approaches

10.75 SIGNS 184

10.75.010 Purpose and Intent

10.75.020 Signs, Generally

10.80 FLOODS 185

10.80.010 General

10.80.020 Purpose

10.80.030 Method of Reducing Flood Losses

10.80.040 Definitions

10.80.050 General Provisions

10.80.060 Permit Requirements

10.80.070 Flood Damage Prevention Superintendent

10.80.080 Appeal Board

10.80.090 Rules and Regulations

10.80.100 Variances

10.80.110 Federal Insurance

10.80.120 Flood Hazard Reduction


10.85.010 Definitions

10.85.020 Conformity to Provisions

10.85.030 Division, Generally

10.85.040 Design Standards: Applicability

10.85.050 Design Standards

10.85.060 Conformity to Provisions

10.85.070 Subsequent to Approval

10.85.080 Procedures: Generally

10.85.090 Procedures: Pre-Preliminary Sketch

10.85.100 Procedures: Preliminary Plat

10.85.110 Procedures: Hearing

10.85.120 Approval or Disapproval by Planning Commission

10.85.130 Town Council Action

10.85.140 Procedure: Final Plat

10.85.150 Procedure: Final Plat Approval or Disapproval

10.85.160 Review by Municipal Engineer or Attorney

10.85.170 Procedure: Town Council Action

10.85.180 Procedure: Recording of Final Plat

10.85.190 Procedure: Additions, Erasures, etc., After Approval by Town Council

10.85.200 Sanctions and Fines Against Non-Approved Subdivision; Injunctions

10.85.210 Variances

10.85.220 Interpretation


10.85.230 Appeals

10.85.240 Amendment

10.85.250 Separability



10.05.020 – SHORT TITLE

This title shall be known, cited and referenced to as the zoning title of the Town.

10.05.030 – AUTHORITY

This title is adopted pursuant to and in accordance with the authority vested in the Town council of the Town and by the provisions of Section 15-1-103 Wyoming Statutes Sections 15-1-501 through 15-1-512 Wyoming Statutes, and 15-1-601 through 15-1-611 Wyoming Statutes, as amended.

10.05.040 – PURPOSE

This title is designed and enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of present and future inhabitants of the Town including among other things, the lessening of congestion in town or roads, securing safety from fire and other dangers, providing light and air, classification of land and distribution of land development and utilization, protection of the tax base and property values, economic growth, protection of both residential and nonresidential development, to promote the most appropriate use of land an orderly and centralized growth of the Town.


In interpreting and applying the provisions of this title, the requirements contained herein are the minimum requirements for the purpose set forth.

10.05.060 – CONFLICT

This title shall not nullify the more restrictive provisions of other ordinances or laws, but shall prevail notwithstanding such provisions, which are less restrictive.

10.05.070 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this title, certain words, terms and phrases shall be defined to have same meaning as set forth in this section. Where apparently inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural and the plural the singular. The word “shall” is always mandatory and not directory. The word “may” is permissive.

Accessory Building: a building customarily incidental to, and located on the same lot occupied by, the main building.

Agriculture: the tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, horticulture, gardening, ranching and the keeping of domestic animals and fowl excepting household pets. Agricultural land shall include buildings and structures required for agricultural purposes.


Alley: a public thoroughfare twenty feet or 6.10 meters or less in width, which affords only a secondary access to an abutting property.

Building: any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, for the housing or enclosure of persons, animals or movable possessions.

Building Height: the vertical distance from the grade to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the mean height level between ridge and eaves of a gable, hip or gamble roof

Building Permit: a written warrant or license granting a landowner approval for proposed construction, reconstruction or alteration of buildings or structures.

Double-Wide Mobile / Manufactured Home: a mobile or manufactured home no less than twenty-eight (28) feet in width, with minimum interior dimensions in excess of one thousand four hundred (1400) square feet.

Dwelling Unit: a building arranged, intended or designed to be occupied by one or more families living independently of each other upon the premises.

Family: one or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, occupying a dwelling unit and living as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from renters, roomers or as a group occupying a hotel or motel, as defined in this chapter.

Floodway: the area through which the main body of flood water flows.

Floodway Fringe Area: the area immediately adjacent to the floodway; characterized by a large volume of water moving slower than the main floodway, often dry until subject to flooding.

Floor Area: the total horizontal living area of a building measured on the outside walls of each story.

Garage: an accessory building designed or used for the storage of not more than four automobiles owned and used by the occupants of the building to which it is an accessory.

Grade, Ground Level: the average of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of a building. For buildings adjoining one street only, the elevation of the ground at the center that wall adjoining the street shall be considered grade. For buildings adjoining more than one street, grade is average of the elevation of the ground at the center of all walls adjoining the streets. All walls approximately parallel to and more than five feet (1 .52m) from a street line are to be considered as adjoining a street.

Home Occupation: any use conducted entirely within a dwelling carried on primarily by the inhabitants living there and which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character of the dwelling; provided, however, there shall no uses allowed classified as industrial.


Hospital: any building or portion thereof used for the diagnosis, treatment or for the accommodation and medical care of sick, injured or infirm persons and including sanitariums, but not clinics, rest homes and convalescent homes.

Hotel: a building or part thereof which has a common entrance, common heating system, and may include a general dining room, and which contains seven or more living and sleeping rooms designed to be occupied by individuals or groups of individuals for compensation.

Household Pets: animals ordinarily permitted in the house and kept for company or pleasure, such dogs, cats and canaries, but not including a sufficient number of dogs to constitute a kennel.

Indirect Lighting: a source of illumination, which is enclosed in a manner, which prevents all unscreened light from being seen.

Industrial Park: a group of non-nuisance industrial plants on a single parcel of land, or on separate parcels continuously arranged so as to form planned development of industrial sites, building or buildings.

Junkyard: any place, establishment or business maintained, used or operated for storing, keeping, buying or selling of junk or for maintenance or operation of automobile graveyards.

Lot: a parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a main building or group of buildings (main and accessory), together with such yards, open space, lot width and lot areas as required by this title and having frontage upon a street. Except for a group of dwellings, not more than one dwelling structure shall occupy any one lot.

Lot Area: the total area within the property lines of the lot, excluding adjacent streets.

Lot Corner: a lot, abutting on two intersecting or intercepting streets, where interior angle of intersection or interception does not exceed one hundred thirty-five degrees.

Lot Interior: a lot other than a corner lot.

Lot Line Back: the lot line opposite the front lot line.

Lot Line Front: the property line dividing a lot from a street. On a corner lot only one street line shall be considered as a front line and the short street frontage shall be considered the front line. Provided the shorter side is the logical front for a lot considering the location of other dwellings on the street. The appropriate front of a lot should a question arise.

Lot Line Side: any lot lines other than the front lot line or rear lot lines.


Lot Width: the distance parallel to the front lot line measured between side lot lines through that part of the building, structure or lot where the lot is narrowest.

Mobile Home: a transportable structure built on a chassis and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation as a dwelling unit when connected to public utility facilities and which is built in a factory in accordance with specifications set forth by the U.S. department of housing and urban development. Motorized homes, trailers or other camping or recreational vehicles are not considered mobile homes.

Mobile Park: an area designated for and/or occupied by more than two mobile homes or facilities delineated above, on units of space pre-designed type, which may be utilized for living purposes, either permanent, seasonal, or both, and each unit is on less than seven thousand square feet.

Open Space: unoccupied space within the incorporated limits, set aside for recreational use.

Parking Space: space within a building, lot or parking lot for the parking or storage of one automobile. The parking space shall not be less than ten feet by twenty (3.05 m x 6. 10 m) or two hundred square feet (18.6 sq. m) in area.

Permitted Uses: all uses permitted in a district, subject to the same use, density, sign, parking and spatial regulations applicable to that district.

Planning Commission: the planning and zoning commission of the Town.

Sign: any device used for visual communication to the general public and displayed out of doors, but not including any flag, badge, or ensign of any government agency.

Sign, Advertising: a sign, which directs attention to a use, product or commodity, or service not related to the premises.

Sign, Business: a sign, which directs attention to a use, conducted, product or commodity sold, or service performed on the premises.

Sign, Identification: a sign displayed to indicate the name or nature of buildings or other uses than commercial or industrial uses located upon the premises.

Sign, Name Plate: a sign indicating the name and/or occupations of a person or persons residing on the premises, or legally occupying the premises, or indicating a home occupation legally existing on the premises.

Sign, Property: a sign related to the property on which it is located and offering such property for sale or lease or advertising contemplated improvements or announcing the name of the builder, owner, designer or developer of the project, or warning against trespassing.


Sign, Public Information: a sign erected by a public or nonprofit agency, service club, etc., giving information to direct the public to both public and private facilities and major uses.

Sign, Temporary: shall include any sign, banner, pennant or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other light materials, with or without frames, intended to be used for short period of time only.

Site Plan: a graphic portrayal drawn to scale of all required elements including, but not limited to, existing and proposed buildings, utilities right-of ways, fencing, landscaping, and parking and loading areas.

Street: a public thoroughfare the surface of which is at least thirty (30) feet wide, which affords principal means of access to abutting property.

Structure: anything constructed or erected which requires location on the ground or is attached to something having a location on the ground. -

Use: the purpose for which land or building is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is or may be either occupied or maintained.

Yard Front: a space on the same lot with a building, between the front line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the front lot line, and extending across the full width of the lot.

Yard Rear: a space on the same lot with a building, between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps and chimneys) and the rear line of the lot and extending the full width of the lot.

Yard Side: a space on the same lot with a building, between the side line of the lot and extending from the front yard line to the rear line of the lot and extending the full width of the lot.

Zone: a synonym to district.

Zoning Map: the official map, which describes thereon the several zoning districts to which the regulations set forth in this title shall apply.

Zoning Officer: the duly constituted Town official designated to administer and enforce this zoning title.

10.05.080 – POWERS

The LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission may make reports and recommendations relating to the planning and development of the municipality to the Town Council. In general, the Planning and Zoning Commission has all the powers necessary to enable it to perform its functions in conjunction with the Town Council.



A. The LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of five (5) members, to be appointed by the Town Council.

B. The term of each appointed member shall be four (4) years, except that of the first appointed members, three (3) members shall be appointed for a four (4) year term and two (2) members shall be appointed for a three (3) year term.

C. Any member whom is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings shall be deemed removed from their position on the Commission. New members shall be appointed in January of each appropriate year. The Town Council may re-appoint members for additional terms. Vacancies occurring, other than through the expiration of term, shall be filled to serve out the un-expired term. These appointments will also be made by the Town Council after adequate public notice has been given, announcing a vacancy position needs to be filled.


All members of the LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission shall be qualified electors. Also, members shall have been residents within the Corporate limits of the Town of LaBarge for no less than six (6) months.

10.05.110 – ORGANIZATION

A. At the first meeting held in February of each year, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, director and secretary from among its members. The term for each office shall be one (1) year. Officers may be re-elected for additional terms.

B. The Director shall have general authority and responsibility for the administration of the rules and regulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission as granted by the Wyoming State Statutes.

C. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and in his/her absence, the vice chairman shall preside.

D. The Secretary shall attend Planning and Zoning meetings and keep an accurate record of all resolutions, transaction, findings and determinations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission, all of which should be available to the public.

E. The Zoning Officer shall have general authority and responsibility for the administration of the rules and regulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission as granted by the Wyoming State Statutes.

10.05.120 – FINANCES

The Planning and Zoning Commission shall serve without compensation except for reasonable expenses, which will be supported by receipts turned into the Town Hall Clerk.

10.05.130 – MEETINGS

A. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall meet monthly on the first Tuesday of each month and other times as necessary to conduct business. Public notice will also be given as per


the State of Wyoming’s Open Meeting requirements. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If any member has a financial gain or interest in any planning manner that may be reviewed by the Commission, he/she must state themselves and remove from voting on the concern that is before the Commission. As a matter of decorum, the said member should remove him/herself from the meeting entirely until such matter is decided upon.

B. Agenda type meetings will be held. Persons wishing to be on the agenda should notify the Town Clerk at least 48 hours in advance.

C. The Planning and Zoning Commission has the right of going into closed session if deemed necessary.

D. Each member of the Planning and Zoning Commission has the right to one (1) vote, unless there is a conflict of interest.

E. A minimum of three (3) members will be required to approve or disapprove a building, etc. permit.

F. The Planning and Zoning Commission may change a scheduled meeting and reschedule a meeting, but they must duly inform the public of such instance.



A. It shall be the responsibility of the Planning & Zoning Commission and its authorized agent to be known as the zoning officer to administer this zoning title.

B. It is unlawful to locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, maintain or use any building or use any land within the incorporated area of the Town of LaBarge without first obtaining authorization from the Town council or its authorized agent. No such authorization shall be issued unless the plans for the proposed building, structure or use, fully comply with this zoning title. The planning and zoning commission or their authorized agent shall act upon any application filed with it. They shall grant authorization in all cases where the proposed construction or use complies with all requirements of the zoning title and if it denies the authorization shall specify the reasons for such denial.


A. The planning and zoning commission, with the approval of the Town council, may appoint a zoning enforcement agent for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this title. This agent shall be designated as the zoning officer.

B. The zoning officer shall be the authority and responsibility to enter upon public and private premises and make inspection thereof at any reasonable time and for any proper purpose of enforcing this title. Further, upon reasonable cause or question as to proper compliance, to revoke


any authorization and issue cease and desist orders, requiring the cessation of any construction, alteration or use which is in violation of the provisions of this title.


A. It shall be the responsibility of the Town council and its authorized agent, the planning and zoning commission, to administer the zoning title.

B. No person shall locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change, maintain or use any building or use land in violation of this title or amend thereof.

C. The planning and zoning commission shall declare each violation a nuisance and order, in writing, correction of all conditions, which are found to be in violation of this title. All violations shall be corrected in thirty days after the written order is issued or in a longer period of time as indicated by the planning and zoning commission in the written order. Any violations not corrected within the specified period of time shall be prosecuted.

D. Any person who violates this title may be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, as set to the discrepancy of the planning and zoning commission. Each day’s continuance of such violation shall be deemed to be a separate offense. In addition to the fine, any other appropriate legal action authorized by the Town council may be employed against violators of the zoning title.



The boundaries and zoning or classifications of districts established are as shown on the official zoning map for the Town as adopted or amended after public hearings by the Town council. Such maps and all notations, references, data and other information shown thereon are, by reference, made a part of this title.


In order to carry out the provisions of this title there are created zoning district classifications as follows:

Low Density Residential District R-1

Medium Density Residential District R-2

Non-Complying Mobile Homes R-3

Mobile Park MHP

Commercial District C

Industrial District I

Public Ownership PO




A. Except as hereafter otherwise provided:

1. No building or structure or part thereof and no lot or land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, except in conformity with the use regulations herein prescribed. Any existing lawful use that does not conform to the use regulations of this title shall be deemed a nonconforming use;

2. No building or structure or part thereof shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged or rebuilt except in conformity with the lot dimensions, yard coverage, height and density regulations herein prescribed;

3. Any building or structure that does not conform to such regulation hereinafter as referred to the design standards of this title shall be deemed a nonconforming structure, no matter of the use for which it is put.


A. Normal maintenance and repairs of a building or other structure containing a nonconforming use is permitted; provided, it does not extend the floor are occupied by the nonconforming use.

B. Repairs and structural alterations may be made to a nonconforming building or to a building housing a nonconforming use, subject to approval by the planning and zoning commission.

C. A building or structure lacking sufficient automobile parking in connection therewith, as required by this title, may be altered or enlarged provided additional parking space is supplied to the meet the requirements of this title.

D. A building or structure or portion thereof occupied by a nonconforming use, which is, or hereafter becomes, vacant and remains unoccupied for a continuous period of one year., except for dwellings, shall not thereafter be occupied except by conforming use.

E. The occupancy of a building or structure by a nonconforming use, existing at the time this ordinance was codified may be continued.

F. A vacant building or structure may be occupied by a use for which the building or structure was designed or intended if so occupied within a period of one year after the use became nonconforming.

G. The nonconforming of a building or structure may not be changed except to a conforming use; but for which change is made, the use shall not be changed back.

H. The nonconforming use of land, existing at the time this ordinance came into effect may be continued, provided that no such nonconforming use of the land shall in any way be expanded or extended either on the same or adjoining property, and provided that if the land becomes abandoned or changed to a conforming use for a period of one year or more, any future use shall be in conformity with this title.

I. A nonconforming mobile home may be removed and replaced by another mobile home provided replacement occurs within a period of one year of the date on which the mobile home


was removed and meets the requirements of the Wyoming Standards Governing Mobile Home Guidelines.


A. It shall be the duty of every owner, manager, lessee, renter, tenant or occupant of any building, house, apartment, lot or other property to maintain said premises, including any adjacent publicly owned right-of way, as hereafter specified, in a clean and orderly condition at all times, permitting no accumulation of rubbish, trash, junk, garbage, litter, discard or unused building materials, furniture or appliances, automobile parts, inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicles or motor driven equipment, (unless such vehicles are completely screened from view and no more than three are stored on the premises), animal waste, or other debris.

B. It shall be the duty of every owner, manager, lessee, renter, tenant, or occupant of any building, house, apartment, lot or other property to cut, pull, remove or otherwise lawfully dispose of all unsightly weeds, wild grasses, noxious plants growing on said premises and right-of-way in a well maintained and attractive condition.

C. The imposed by this section to maintain adjacent publicly owned right-of-ways shall extend, in the case of paved roads, only to those portions of such rights-of-way between the adjacent property line and an imaginary line drawn parallel to said property at a distance of three feet.

D. Violations of the provisions of this section or failure to meet any duty imposed by this section shall constitute a misdemeanor offense. The imposition of any penalty for any violation will not excuse it or allow it to continue; and the violator shall be ordered to correct or remedy the violations or defects within a reasonable amount of time; each day thereafter that the prohibited condition is not corrected or remedied shall constitute a separate.


A. An approved conditional use permit shall be required for each conditional use listed in this title. No building permit or other permit or license shall be issued for a conditional use permit by any officer or employee of the Town unless a conditional use permit was approved by the planning and zoning and reviewed by the Town council.

B. Application.

Application for a conditional use permit shall be filled out at the Town hall, if possible, on forms provided by the Town of LaBarge for the specific purpose.

C. Development Plan.

The applicant for a condition use permit shall prepare a site plan of the proposed condition use, drawn to scale and showing all existing and proposed buildings, utility rights-of-way, fences, landscaping, automobile parking and loading areas and any other information the planning and zoning commission may deem necessary.

D. Fee.

The conditional use permit shall be five dollars.

E. Public Hearing and Notice.


Unless there is a major problem with the applicability and circumstance of a conditional use permit, there will be a public hearing and notice regarding such action as to the approval in which the Town Council and The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the matter in full.

F. Commission Action.

The planning and zoning commission may approve, modify and approve, or deny the conditional use application. In approving any conditional use permit, the planning and zoning shall impose regulations and conditions as are necessary, to protect the public welfare.

G. In approving a conditional use permit, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall find:

1. That the proposed use is necessary or desirable and will contribute to the general well-being of the community;

2. That the proposed use will comply with the regulations of this title;

3. That the use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity;

4. That the proposed use is in harmony with the intent of this title, the master plan and any other applicable ordinances of the Town.

H. Inspection.

The building inspector shall inspect the conditional use permit during the course of construction to ensure that it complies with the conditions of the permit.

I. Time Limit.

A conditional use permit shall be null and void one year after approval unless substantial ground work has been accomplished toward its completion.

J. Revocation.

A conditional use permit may be revoked upon failure to comply with the conditions, imposed with the original approval of the permit.

10.20.050 – APPEALS

Any decision of the planning and zoning commission which does not automatically go to the Town council, may be appealed by any person aggrieved or affected by any decision of the planning and zoning commission or their authorized agent. Such appeal must be made within ten days from the date of action being appealed by filing a notice of appeal with the Town council. The planning and zoning commission shall forthwith transmit to the Town council all papers constituting the record of the action being appealed.

10.20.060 – STAYS

An appeal of a decision by the planning and zoning commission or its authorized agent shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed, unless the planning and zoning commission or its authorized agent shall certify to the Town council, after notice of appeal has been filed with both of them, that the reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, the proceedings shall not be stayed other than by a restraining


order which may be granted by the Town Council of LaBarge or by a court of record on application or notice to the planning and zoning commission or its agent, and on due cause shown.

10.20.070 – LEGAL ACTION

In case any building or structure is, or is proposed to be erected, constructed, reconstructed altered, maintained or used, or land is proposed to be used in violation of any provision of this title, or any amendment thereof, the Town council and the attorney for the Town or any owner of real estate within the zoned areas, in addition to other remedies provided by law, may constitute injunction, mandates, abatement or any other appropriate action to prevent, enjoin, above or remove such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance or use.


This title shall not be construed to hold the Town of LaBarge responsible for any damage to persons or property for reason of the inspection or re-inspection authorized in this title or failure to inspect or re-inspect for reason of issuing authorization in the administration and enforcement of this title.


A. Building permit applications shall be filled out by the contractor, authorized agent, or owner of the land and submitted to the planning and zoning commission Such permit becomes null and void if work or construction does not commence within ninety days.

B. The applicant for a building permit shall prepare a site plan, except where the permit concerns interior or exterior changes with no alteration of the building’s dimensions. The site plan shall be drawn to scale and show all existing and proposed buildings, utility rights-of-way, fences, landscaping, automobile parking and loading areas and any other information required. No site plan shall be accepted wherein the primary ingress and egress of a lot shall be through an alleyway.

C. Proper Procedure for Building Permits.

Obtain forms from the Town Clerk for one of the following:

1. Building Permit Instructions and Forms

2. Building Permit for Accessory Building

3. Building Permit for Mobile / Manufactured Home

4. Building Permit for Signs

5. Building Permit for Fences

6. Application for Zoning Change

7. Application for Nonconforming Use

8. Application for Conditional Use

D. There shall be a fee of five dollars for each permit, with the exception of the fence permit, which only requires you understand the rules and regulations of height and setbacks stated in the area in which you reside.

E. If construction has started without the proper permits a diligent effort should be made by the zoning officer to obtain these permits. If all efforts fail an Officer of the Law should be asked to assist in halting the construction until proper permits are obtained, and fees paid.


F. A copy of the Approved Building Permit should be posted at the construction site.

10.20.100 – LICENSING

All officials and public employees of the Town of LaBarge, which are vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses, shall enforce the provision of this title. Any permit or license issued and used in conflict with the provisions of this title shall be null and void.

10.20.110 – BUILDING SIZE

Any residential building moved into or built within the town or shall be a minimum of fourteen feet (14') along the widest part of the structure's shortest axis and shall have a minimum of eight hundred twenty (820) square feet of livable floor space on one level. or a total livable floor space of one thousand two hundred (1,200) sq. feet.

10.20.120 – BUILDING AGE

Any building moved into the town to be placed on any lot or space, to be used with or without a permanent foundation, shall be no more than ten (10) years of age at the time of application. Construction or manufactured date of the building must be ten (10) years or less from time of application for placement in the town. Proof of construction or manufactured date must be provided at time of application.


A. The following are requirements for construction and materials of residential buildings moved into the town from another location or built on site:

1. Pitched Roof, Slope: The structure shall have a pitched roof, with a slope of not less than a nominal four inch (4") vertical rise for each twelve inches (12") of horizontal run; provided however, that singlewide mobile homes are exempted so long as all other applicable HUD building requirements are met;

2. Roofing Material: Roof material shall consist of no reflective material customarily used for conventional dwelling including, but not limited to, asbestos shingles, fiberglass shingles, shake shingles, wood shingles, composition shingles, or tile materials. Roof material shall not include flat or corrugated sheet metal, except for manufactured metal roof panels; and

3. Siding: Have siding material consisting of wood or wood products, stucco, brick, rock, horizontal lap steel or aluminum or horizontal lap vinyl; or

4. Other Materials or Methods: Utilize other conventionally constructed dwelling materials or methods not meeting the above listed conditions but approved by the town's designated representative;

5. Must comply with all other standards set forth in the General Building Guidelines for the Town of La Barge.



10.25.010 – PURPOSE

The purpose of the R-I District is to provide appropriate locations where low-density residential neighborhoods may be established, maintained and protected. The regulations also permit the establishment, with the proper controls, of churches, schools, libraries, parks and playgrounds. The regulations are intended to prohibit those uses that would be harmful to a single-family neighborhood.

10.25.020 – PERMITTED USES

A. The permitted uses in an R-1 district are:

1. One single-family dwelling unit, which may be a double-wide mobile / manufactured home;

2. One two-family dwelling unit with a common party wall;

3. Home occupations;

4. Parks and Playgrounds.


A. The conditional uses in an R-1 district are:

1. Churches and Public Libraries;

2. Educational institutions;

3. Hospitals, clinics, and day care centers;

4. Public utilities and facilities.


A. The lot and yard requirements for an R-l district are:

1. Minimum lot size, nine thousand square feet;

2. Minimum front setback, twenty-five feet;

3. Minimum side setback, ten feet;

4. Minimum rear setback, ten feet;

5. Maximum fence height on a corner lot shall be four feet high for twenty feet from the front lot line;

6. Maximum building height, thirty feet high;


7. Maximum accessory building height, other than an attached garage, shall be only fifteen-feet high;

B. Separation of an accessory building, other than an attached garage, from the main building shall be ten feet, twenty-five feet from the front lot line, five feet from the side lot line, five feet from the rear lot line, and fifteen feet from the street-side-side lot on a corner lot.


A. The double-wide mobile / manufactured home requirements for an R-l district are:

1. Minimum age: Five (5) years from the date of obtaining a building permit for the placement of the mobile/manufactured home;

2. Peaked roof: With a pitch of no less than 3-12;

3. Foundation: Permanent set on a concrete or cinderblock foundation with permanent anchors and no axles. The foundation shall be cement grade, or equal to or better grade, with no less than a four (4) by twelve (12) inch cement surface perimeter to support skirting, and then cinder block up to the home frame on piers. The foundation shall have a covered entryway to the underside of the mobile / manufactured home sufficient in dimensions to accommodate an adult person;

4. The siding shall be of vinyl grade, or equal to or better grade;

5. For a mobile home, the unit shall contain no less than four (4) piers of at least forty-two (42) inches in depth, installed below existing grade, with no more than twenty (20) feet between said piers.


10.30.010 – PURPOSE

The purpose of the R-2 District is to provide appropriate locations where medium density residential neighborhoods may be established, maintained and protected. The regulations also permit the establishment, with proper controls, of churches, schools, libraries, parks and playgrounds. The regulations are intended to prohibit those uses that would be harmful to a single-family neighborhood.

10.30.020 – PERMITTED USES

A. The permitted uses in an R-2 District are:

1. Single and two-family dwelling units with a common party wall;

2. Home occupations;

3. Parks and playgrounds.



A. The conditional uses in an R-2 District are:

1. Multiple dwellings;

2. Churches and libraries;

3. Educational institutions;

4. Hospitals, clinics, and day care centers;

5. Public utilities and facilities;

6. Parking lots for permitted or conditional uses;

7. Business in an accessory building;

8. Mobile or Manufactured Homes, meeting the HUD Standards as stated by the State of Wyoming. Directive no. 3280.703.


A. The lot and yard requirements for R-2 District are:

1. Minimum lot size, 5,000 square feet for one family, 8,000 square feet for two families;

2. Minimum front setback, fifteen feet;

3. Minimum side setback, five feet;

4. Minimum rear setback, one foot with an alley, five feet without an alley;

5. Maximum fence height on a corner lot shall be four feet high for fifteen off the corner;

6. Maximum building height is thirty feet (not to exceed two stories).


A. Other than attached garage:

1. Separation from main building shall be 10 feet;

2. Front of lot line shall be 15 feet;

3. Side yard shall be 5 feet;

4. Corner lot street side-side lot shall be 10 feet;

5. Rear shall be 5 feet.


6. Private garages and accessory buildings located at least 10 feet behind the main building may have a rear yard of 5 feet, provided that on a corner lot rearing the side yard of another lot, the minimum rear yard for all buildings shall be 10 feet.




Unit shall meet all HUD Mobile home construction standards.


A. The unit shall be placed on a permanent foundation. For a mobile home the unit shall meet all current minimum standards:

1. Minimum of 4 sets of 42” piers installed below existing grade cannot exceed a 20-foot span between span. 42” piers as per drawing.

2. 4” x 12” minimum cement perimeter to support skirting with 1/2” rebar as per drawing.

3. For a mobile home or manufactured home, the foundation will be of cement grade and then cinder block up to the home frame on piers.


The unit shall be bolted, welded or similarly attached to the foundation. It shall be anchored on all four corners.


Removal of all hitches and wheels is mandatory at the time of set up.


A. Unit minimum construction standards:

1. It cannot be less than fourteen feet wide;

2. Must have a pitched roof must have center ridge and 4/12 pitch minimum;

3. Exterior finish, siding and matching skirting:

a. Wood siding;

b. Masonry appearing siding;

c. Siding shall be directly compared to siding used on conventionally constructed homes.


10.35.060 – LOT STANDARDS

A. Unit shall be placed on a lot and meet all setbacks of this zoning district.

1. Minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet;

2. Minimum lot width, interior lots, shall be fifty feet;

3. Corner lots shall he large enough to meet all setback requirements.


Accessory buildings must be located ten feet from the main building in R-2 Districts, and five feet from the rear, ten feet from the street side-side lot on a corner, and five feet off the side otherwise.


A. Accessory Building, other than the attached garage:

1. Separation from main building shall be 10 feet;

2. Setback from the front of the lot line shall be 15 feet

3. Setback from the side yard shall be 5 feet;

4. Corner lot street side-side lot setback shall be 10 feet;

5. Rear setback shall be 5 feet from the lot line;

a. Private garages and accessory buildings located at least 10 feet behind the main building may have a rear yard of 5 feet provided that on a corner lot rearing the side yard of another lot, the minimum rear yard setback for all buildings shall be 10 feet.



10.40.010 – PURPOSE

In order to provide for medium density, of mobile homes that do not meet the standards of Zones I and 2, in the Town, therefore has been established an R-3 District to suit those needs.

10.40.020 – MINIMUM LOT AREA

A. Unit shall be placed on a lot and meet all setbacks of this zoning district.

1. Minimum lot area shall be 4,000 square feet

2. Minimum width shall be forty feet;

3. Corner lots shall be large enough to fit all setback requirements.


10.40.030 – PERMITTED USES

A. The permitted uses in R-3 are:

1. Single family, mobile/manufactured homes;

2. Public parks and playgrounds;

3. Customary accessory structures and uses.

B. Overhead power, cable TV, transmission, and telephone lines will be placed or permitted only on the side and rear yard lot lines.

10.40.040 – SPECIAL USES

A. The following uses are permitted upon written approval by the planning and zoning commission:

1. Day care centers;

2. Home occupations;

3. Public utilities and facilities.


For mobile homes, unit shall meet all HUD mobile home construction standards.


A. The lot and yard requirements for R-3 District are:

1. Main building 15 feet high, accessory building 10 feet high;

2. Main building shall be 15’(feet)from the front, 5’ (feet) from the side; corner or street side shall be 10’ (feet), and 5’ (feet) off the rear lot lines;

3. Accessory building shall be 15’ (feet) from the front, 1’ (foot) from the side; corner or street side shall be 10’ (feet), and 1’ (foot) off the rear lot line;

4. Fences shall be 4’ (feet) high in the front and may be 6’ (feet) high on the side and the rear.


10.45.010 – PURPOSE

This district is intended to allow for mobile homes in a planned environment. This section contains special development standards similar to the state. In addition to these regulations, all mobile home parks must comply with all applicable state standards and secure all necessary state approvals prior to requesting final approval by the Town of LaBarge.


10.45.020 – PERMITTED USES

A. The permitted uses for a mobile home park are:

1. Mobile homes in a mobile home park that comply with all of the provisions of these regulations and the subdivision regulations of the Town may have a home occupation.


Public utilities and facilities.

10.45.040 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purpose of this title:

Approved: acceptable to the health authority following his/her determination as to conformance with these standards and good public health practice.

Health Officer: as used in this title, means the administer of the Division of I-Health and Medical Services, Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services, or his/her authorized representative.

Mobile Home: a structure so constructed as to permit its being conveyed upon a public street or highway and constructed in such a manner as will permit year-round occupancy therefore as a dwelling. Such unit’s overall length shall be thirty feet or more. A structure having a flush toilet, bath or shower and all other home facilities.

Person: a person, firm, corporation or association.

Tent Trailer: a vehicle less than twenty feet in length with an expandable closure of canvas, fabric or metal constructed in such a manner that temporary facilities for sleeping or dwelling are provided.

Travel Trailer: a vehicle used and so constructed as to permitted its being used as a conveyance upon public streets and highways and duly licensable as such, made in such a manner as will permit occupancy thereof as a temporary or seasonal dwelling.

Truck Camper: any vehicle used or so constructed as to permit its being conveyed upon public streets and highways and duly licensed as such, constructed in such a manner that temporary facilities for dwelling or sleeping are provided upon the frame or bed of such vehicle. Such facilities may be either permanent or temporarily attached.

Unit Space: a designated plot of ground within a mobile home park for the accommodation of one unit of a pre-designed type.


A. No corporation, association, firm or person shall construct a mobile home park as defined in these standards without written approval of the Town and health officer. One copy of the


complete plans and specifications for the construction and operation of the proposed mobile home park shall be submitted to the Town for review in accordance with the Towns procedures and shall be submitted to the Division of Health and Medical Services, Environmental Surveillance and Control Services, Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services, Cheyenne, WY. At least forty-five days prior to the proposed date for bid letting or construction starts. All plans shall show the following:

1. The site area dimensions and boundaries of the site;

2. The number, location, size, and designated use of all unit spaces, plus designation of specific uses. Information related to recreation, solid waste disposal, insect and rodent control;

3. The location and width of surface materials of roadway and walkways;

4. The location of service buildings, if provided, plus any other structures (storage buildings, garbage and trash, etc.);

5. Proof of current approval or permit to construct the water supply system, sewage collection, and disposal system from the Department of Environmental Quality;

6. Plans and specifications of all other structures to be constructed or existing within the mobile home park;

7. Statement of compliance with the Town building, zoning and health approvals shall accompany the plans to the appropriate state agency. Construction shall not deviate from the submitted plans and specifications without additional review by the Town and state.

10.45.060 – PERMITS

A. It is unlawful for any person to operate a mobile home park in the Town who does not possess a valid Town permit and one from the health officer. Such a permit shall be posted in a conspicuous site. Only persons whom comply with the requirements of these standards shall be entitled to receive and retain this permit. Annual permits are issued by the state commencing each May 1St and shall remain in force until April 30th of the ensuing year. Such permits must be received to continue operating in the Town. The following actions will result in the loss or non-issuance of a permit:

1. Permits shall not be transferable from one person to another person or to a different location than the originally issued;

2. Issuance of permits. Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to operate a mobile home park shall make written application for a permit on forms provided by the Division of Health and Medical Services. Prior to issuance of the permit the mobile home park shall be inspected to determine compliance with the provisions of these standards. No permit shall be issued if the standards are not complied with;

3. The permit may be temporarily suspended by the health officer upon violation by the holder of the terms of these standards or revoked after an opportunity for a hearing by the health officer upon serious or repeated violations;


4. No mobile home park, following temporary suspension or no issuance of a permit for noncompliance of the standards, shall operate in excess of thirty days. If conditions indicate, special consideration may be granted a mobile home park that has indicated willingness and intent to achieve total compliance with the standards, a temporary permit may then be issued. Such temporary permit shall be for a specified time. No additional extension shall be granted for reasons of further noncompliance. NOTE: Special investigations may be initiated upon complaint and action may then be taken to abate potential and actual health hazards through the office of the county attorney;

5. After the receipt of a satisfactory application, accompanied by a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that the violated provision or provisions of these standards have been confirmed with, the health officer shall make a re-inspection, and thereafter as many additional re-inspections as he/she deem necessary to assure that the applicant is again complying with requirements; and, in case the findings dictate compliance, shall reinstate the permit.


At least once every 12 months, the health officer will inspect every mobile home park located within the Town. In the case of discovering a violation of any item of these standards, a second inspection after a lapse of time which he/she deems necessary for the defects to be remedied. If upon subsequent inspection of any mobile home park, the health officer finds violations have not been corrected which have previously been brought to the attention of the owner or operator, he shall then give a second notice in writing to the person to whom the permit was issued that upon any consecutive violation of the same item on a third inspection shall necessitate immediate suspension of the permit.


A. Mobile home park areas shall be graded and well drained.

B. The mobile home park shall be well lighted.

C. Each mobile unit shall have its boundaries clearly defined and contain a minimum of three thousand square feet. The minimum width of the unit shall be thirty feet.

D. Each unit shall abut upon a driveway not less than twenty-four feet in width which shall have unobstructed access to a public street or highway.

E. Mobile homes shall be located on unit space designated for such use.

F. Provision shall make for adequate all-weather walkways to each unit. Parking for at least one vehicle.

G. A sanitary station shall be provided within every mobile home park that provides units or facilities for travel trailers and truck campers.



Sampling for bacteriological (chemical examination required only once) examination shall be submitted regularly and routinely at the rate of not less than four times per year, while the mobile home park is operating. All mobile homes shall be connected to the Town water supply.


Every mobile home park owner or operator shall maintain a register containing a record of all mobile homes, travel trailers, and truck campers using the mobile home park. The register shall be kept current.


A. All mobile homes shall be connected to the town sewer system.

B. The storage, collection and disposal of refuse shall be in such a manner as to avoid creating an insect or rodent harborage, health hazard, or odor nuisance and shall be approved by the health officer.

C. Refuse containers shall be provided in adequate numbers with one hundred feet of each unit space and shall be provided with protection from animals, insects, and rodents.

D. Garbage shall be collected and disposed of a minimum of once a week and more often if needed.

E. Every mobile home park shall be kept free of rubbish and maintained in a sanitary condition at all times.

F. All harborages for rodents and insects shall be eliminated and prevented.

G. Flies and mosquitoes shall be controlled by active control measures.


This section applies only to temporary sleeping and living accommodations for seasonal work or recreation.


10 50.010 – PURPOSE

This district is intended for the purpose of grouping those retail, commercial, institutional and office uses necessary for a central business district serving a major trade area.

10.50.020 – PERMITTED USES


A. The following uses may be operated as permitted uses in the district, those uses not listed here shall not be permitted without receiving conditional use approval. The permitted uses are:

1. Retail neighborhood stores, including grocery stores, frozen food lockers, delicatessens, bakeries, ice cream shops, cafes, restaurants, barber shops, beauty parlors, shoe repair shops, drug stores, variety stores, jewelry stores, electrical appliance stores, radio stores, fix-it shops, art and photography stores, service stations, automobile supply shops, theaters, milliners, clothing stores, sporting goods, dry cleaning shops, dyeing shops, serve yourself laundries, telephone and telegraph exchange buildings, hardware stores, furniture stores, and other retail uses of a nature similar to those above specified. Stores for the conduct of retail or wholesale business, not including warehouses; provided that such stores do not give rise to dust, odor, noise, fumes, smoke, gas, wastes or to danger of explosion;

2. Dance halls, nightclubs, saloons, bowling alleys, pool and billiard rooms, enclosed shooting galleries and skating rinks;

3. Funeral establishments;

4. Dancing schools, music schools, business schools, and trade schools;

5. Pet shops, taxidermy shops, radio broadcasting stations, ice delivery stations, electrical shops, newspaper and printing shops, and other uses of a similar nature which do not give rise to dust, odor, noise, fumes, smoke; gas, or to danger of explosion.


A. The conditional uses allowed in the C commercial district are:

1. Churches and public libraries;

2. Educational institutions;

3. Hospitals, clinics and day care centers;

4. Public utilities and facilities;

5. Other general retail uses not listed as a permitted use;

6. One single-family dwelling wholly contained within the commercial structure or one mobile home exclusively for the use of the owner of the lot and structures or caretaker employed on the premises by the owner.


A. The lot and yard requirements for the C Commercial District are:

1. Minimum lot size, none;

2. Minimum front setback, none;

3. Minimum side setback, none;


4. Minimum rear setback, none;

5. Maximum building height, thirty feet, not to exceed two stories.


10.55.010 – PURPOSE

This district is intended to allow a compatible mixture of industrial uses, which do not require excessively intensive land coverage, generate large volumes of traffic or create obnoxious sounds, glare, dust or odors. There are no permitted uses within this district because of the small geographic area of the Town and the fact that any approved location for an industrial use would be adjacent to or near residential areas. All proposed industrial uses must be reviewed separately by the Town of LaBarge through the conditional use process.


A. The conditional uses which may be allowed in an I industrial district are:

1. Any use permitted in a commercial district;

2. The manufacture and maintenance of billboards and commercial advertising;

3. Foundry casting of light nonferrous metal not causing noxious fumes or odor;

4. Machine shop or other metal-working shop;

5. Concrete or cement products manufacture;

6. Restricted acetylene gas manufacture or bulk storage, provided all hazardous liquids are securely stored within the building;

7. Public garages, automobile trailer, airplane or boat sales rooms or lots, and commercial parking areas;

8. Veterinary hospitals;

9. Water hauling businesses, roustabout businesses, equipment rental and other oil-field-related industries;

10. Any other trade, industry, or use that would be injurious, hazardous, noxious or offensive to an extent equal to or greater than those enumerated herein.


A. The lot and yard requirements for I Industrial District are the same as in the commercial district.

1. Building height shall only be thirty feet high.



10.60.010 – PURPOSE

The purpose of the P0 Public Ownership District is to provide a coordinated land planning approach to the sale, rent, lease, purchase, management or alteration of publicly owned or operated property. Notwithstanding those public uses permitted elsewhere in this code, the P0 district is primarily concerned with although not limited to the enlightened planning of parks and recreation areas, public buildings and facilities, other capital improvements of a distinctively significant nature, and the coordination with other public agencies in their future land planning efforts.

10.60.020 – PERMITTED USES

A. The permitted uses in the P0 district are:

1. Public and private utility services;

2. Government services such as fire and police stations (jail), libraries, Town offices and post offices;

3. Education institutions;

4. Public owned and operated parks and recreational areas.



When practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships or results inconsistent with general intent and purpose of this ordinance occur through the strict application of the provisions here to the parcel, group of parcels or lot affected by a common problem, the planning and zoning commission, in its capacity of an advisory commission to the Town of LaBarge Council shall review all variance applications. The planning and zoning shall approve/disapprove all applications and recommend terms and conditions as it deems necessary and proper as may be in harmony with its general intent and purpose, so that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed, public safety and general welfare secured, and substantial justice done. The Town council shall act on the application and may accept the recommendations of the planning and zoning commission when making a decision to approve/disapprove the application.


A. Applications should be filed by the owner or authorized agent upon forms provided by the LaBarge Town Clerk. The application shall set forth and state fully the reasons and ground of the variance and shall contain such information as the planning and zoning shall prescribe. Accompanying the application shall be the following:


1. A map showing the property described in the application and adjoining properties and public streets and highways within a radius of 300 feet of the exterior boundaries;

2. A list of all the property owners whose name and addresses appear on the County tax roll as owning property within a distance of 300 feet of the exterior boundaries;

3. Photographs, drawings and other supporting documents as may be required by the planning and zoning commission.

B. Filing Fee.

An applicant must pay a fee, which will be established by the Town council.

C. Proof.

An applicant must have written proof from all property owners within 300 feet of the requested variance, including addresses, names, and whether they approve or disapprove of the requested variance.

10.65.030 – PUBLIC HEARING

A. The planning and zoning commission shall hold a public hearing upon the application of a variance. Which they will employ-the following factors to base their decision:

1. That because of the special circumstance or unusual hardships applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications;

2. That such conditions have been imposed upon the approval of the variance as will insure that the variances thereby authorized does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which it is located;

3. That approval of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property and improvements in the zone and vicinity in which the property is located;

4. That the approval of the variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan;

5. An onsite inspection shall have been made by the commission or its authorized representative.

B. The planning and zoning commission may approve a variance in whole or in part, by the findings of the hearing, if there is not enough information from said hearing the planning and zoning commission has the right to deny such application for the variance.

C. Every action taken by the planning and zoning commission must have a quorum present to vote on any issue brought before them.



A. The P&Z Commission in approving a variance, may set forth in its decision reasonable terms and conditions which it deems necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and to insure the intent and purpose of this ordinance.

B. Every variance from the provisions of this ordinance approved by the planning and zoning commission as authorized by this section, shall contain a condition thereon as follows:

“This variance hereby allowed is conditioned upon the privileges herein being utilized within 180 days after the effective date, and should the privileges authority hereby fail to be executed where some form of construction has not commenced within 180 days and is not diligently prosecuted to completion, this authority shall become null and void and any privilege or variance granted hereby shall lapse unless such variance has not been commenced by reason of delays caused by approval of plan, in which the planning and zoning may grant a reasonable extension of time; provided, however, that the P&Z may, in its discretion and with consent or upon request of the applicant for any cause grant an extension in addition to 180 days it has already provided. Such request shall be filed with the Town clerk prior to the 180-day deadline.”

C. If approved the planning and zoning commission shall notify the Town clerk and have the variance request put on the agenda of the next Town council meeting.

D. If disapproved the planning and zoning shall notify the Town clerk of its findings, reasons for disapproval, and request the applicant be notified. The applicant shall be informed of the right to approach the Town council with the application.


A. At the first public meeting after the P&Z meeting, the council will review all variances approved the P&Z and make the final decision on approving/disapproving the variance, taking into the recommendations of the P&Z and any other pertinent facts presented to them.

B. If an applicant approaches the Town Council with a variance application that has been denied by the P&Z, the council shall review the recommendation and hear any plea made by the applicant, then make a final decision of approval/disapproval.

10.65.060 – APPEALS

A. Written appeals may be presented to the Town council by the applicant for a variance or by any property owner located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the applicant’s property aggrieved by any determination of the variance or upon failure of the planning and zoning commission to make its determination on any application by or at the next P&Z meeting.

B. Appeal of a decision by the P&Z is to be made to the LaBarge Town Council. Appeals shall be in writing and to be filed at the office of the Town council, within ten working days after the decision of the planning and zoning commission.

C. The Town Council shall hold a public meeting as required by the state statutes.



A. A variance may be revoked or modified by the Town Council after a public hearing on any one or more of the following grounds:

1. That the approval was obtained by fraud;

2. That the use for such approval was granted is not being exercised within the time specified for the permit;

3. That use for such approval was granted for no longer exist or has ceased, or has been suspended for (1) one year or more;

4. That the permit granted is being, or recently has been exercised contrary to the terms or conditions of such approval, or in violation of any statute, resolution, law, or regulation;

5. The use for which the approval was granted has been so exercised as to be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or so as to constitute a nuisance.

B. Written notices of intention to revoke shall be mailed to the owners of the property and the occupants of the property not less than 15 days from the date of the public hearing.

C. In the event of revocation by the Town Council, the applicant may appeal in the same manner as an appeal from a denial of a variance in the first instance.


10.70.010 – PURPOSE

The purpose of this section is to give guidelines for the intent of citizens within the Town limits to construct a garage or accessory building.

10.70.020 – GARAGES

A. Minimum requirements for all garages shall be as follows:

1. The concrete pad shall have a depth of at least 4 inches of concrete with the requirement of 3000 psi. A 6-inch footer around the perimeter, with the exception of doorways, 1/2” anchor bolts every 4-foot minimum to secure against high wind velocity. The garage must be painted or sided to match the existing building.


An accessory building 10x20 or larger shall have a depth of at least 4 inches of concrete with the requirement of 3000 psi. A 6-inch footer around the perimeter, with the exception of doorways, 1/2” anchor bolts every 4-foot minimum to secure against high wind velocity. The accessory building must be painted or sided to match existing structures.



A. No person or persons shall permit any person or persons to own, rent, lease, reside or otherwise occupy any garage or accessory building including, but not limited to, any recreational vehicle, motor home, camper, tent or storage container. The owner of a premises may apply to the Town for one (1) fourteen (14) day permit allowing such temporary occupancy, which may be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon showing of good cause after notification to all neighbors within five hundred (500) feet.

B. An individual or immediate family which is the family exclusively occupying a lot may occupy a recreational vehicle, motor home or camper for a period up to six (6) months, with a temporary occupancy permit granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon showing of good cause after notification to all neighbors within five hundred (500) feet under the following circumstances:

1. The primary residence is under construction;

2. The primary residence is being renovated in such a way as to prevent the individual or immediate family from occupying the residence;

3. The primary residence has been destroyed or rendered uninhabitable due to damage from a fire or other catastrophe and the individual or family is actively attempting to rebuild or restore the premises.

C. In addition to constituting a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), the Town may enjoin and/or trespass violators from the subject property. Additionally, the owner of the premises and the occupier of any such accessory building may either or both be charged under this ordinance as separate offenses.


Driveways and approaches, including those designed for use as entrances into a garage or outbuilding, shall be oriented in such a manner as to be perpendicular to the street and the front of the business or residence, defined in this instance as the portion of the primary building on the lot facing the street. In the event that a residence or business is located on a corner lot, the front in this instance shall be defined as the face of the building which has the longest length of foundational linear feet facing a street.



The purpose and intent of this chapter is to establish a set of standards for the fabrication, erection and use of signs, symbols, markings, or advertising devices within the Town of LaBarge. These standards are designed and to protect and promote the health and safety of persons within the community and aid and assist in the promotion of business and industry by providing regulations which allow and encourage creativity, effectiveness, and flexibility in the design and use of such


a devise, and minimize the unreasonable restraint upon the needs of the community, while avoiding environmental visual blight.

10.75.020 – SIGNS, GENERALLY

The following regulations shall apply in an R-1 District, R-2 District and Mobile Home District:

A. An unlighted sign not exceeding 8 square feet, pertaining to the lease or sale of a property, a bulletin board erected on the premises of a church or other institution for the purpose of displaying a name and the activities of services therein, provided that such sign is set within 5 feet of the building lines and located so as not to create a traffic hazard.

The following regulation shall apply in Commercial and Industrial Districts:

B. Signs shall be placed on the sides or tops of buildings, unless they do not obstruct a walkway or view. Use caution from wind drift as to placement of signs. Any other placement of a sign shall be considered a conditional use and subject to review just as any other conditional use.


10.80.010 – GENERAL

The flood hazard areas of the Town of LaBarge are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare. These flood losses are caused by the accumulation of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards, which increase flood heights and velocities when inadequately anchored, may damage uses in other areas. Uses that are inadequately flood proofed, elevated or otherwise protected from flood damage also contribute to the flood loss.

10.80.020 – PURPOSE

A. It is the purpose of this ordinance to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by the provisions as follows:

1. To protect human life and health;

2. To minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects;

3. To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public;

4. To minimize prolonged business interruptions;

5. To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazards;


6. To help maintain a stable tax base by providing the second use and development of areas of special flood hazards so to minimize future flood blight areas;

7. To ensure that potential buyers are notified that property is in an area of special flood hazards;

8. To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazards assume responsibility for their actions.


A. In order to accomplish its purpose this ordinance includes methods and provisions for:

1. Restricting and prohibiting uses which are dangerous to health, safety, welfare and property due to water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities;

2. Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities, which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction;

3. Controlling the alteration of natural flood plains, stream channels and other natural barriers, which help accommodate or channel flood waters;

4. Controlling filling, grading, dredging and other development, which may increase, flood damage;

5. Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert floodwaters, or which may increase flood hazards in other areas.

10.80.040 – DEFINITIONS

A. Unless specifically defined below, words and phrases used in this CHAPTER shall be interpreted to give them the meaning they have in common with the context of THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM REGULATIONS and as such do not alter the meaning or intent of the entire ordinance.

Appeal: a request for a review of the flood damage superintendent’s interpretation of any provisions of this ordinance, or a request for a variance.

Appeal of Shallow Flooding: a designated AO or VO Zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map The base flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet, a clearly defined channel does not exist, the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate and velocity flow may be evident.

Area of Special Flood Hazard: the land in the flood plain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding any given year.

Base Flood: the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.


Development: any man-made change to improve or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations located within the flood areas.

Existing Mobile Park, or Mobile Home Subdivision: a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more mobile home lots for rent or sale for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lot on which the mobile home is to be located (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads, and the construction of streets) is completed before the effective date of this ordinance.

Flood, or Flooding: a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from:

1. The overflow of inland or tidal waters;

2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or run-off of surface waters from any source.

Flood Insurance Rate Map: the official map on which the Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the community.

Flood Insurance Study: the official report provided by the Federal insurance Administration that includes flood profiles the flood boundary-floodway map and the water surface elevation of the base flood.

Floodway: the channel of a river or other water course and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot.

Habitable Floor: any floor usable for living purposes, which includes working, sleeping, eating, cooking, recreation or a combination thereof. A floor used only for storage is not a “habitable floor”

New Construction: structures for which the “start of construction” commenced on or after the date of this ordinance.

New Mobile Home Park, or Mobile Home Subdivision: a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more mobile home lots for rent or sale for which the construction of facilities or serving the lot (including at a minimum, the install-ation of utilities, either final site grading or pouring of concrete pads, and the construction of streets) is completed on or after the effective date of this ordinance.

Start of Construction: the first placement of permanent construction on a site, such as the pouring of concrete pads or foundations beyond the state of excavation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, streets, walkways, excavation of basements, erection of temporary forms, accessory buildings not occupied as dwelling units or part of the main structure; it does include first permanent framing or assembly of a structure, pouring footers or affix-ing a mobile home to its permanent site.


Substantial Improvement: any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost that equals or exceeds fifty percent of the market value of the structure either:

1. Before the improvement or repair is started;

2. If the structure has been damaged and is being restored before the damage occurred. For the purpose of this definition “substantial improvement” is considered to occur when the first alteration of any part of the construction commences whether or not it affects the external dimensions.

This term does not include either:

3. Any project for the improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions.

4. Any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic Places.


A. This ordinance shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards within the jurisdiction of the Town of LaBarge.

B. The areas of special flood hazards identified by the Federal Insurance Administration in a scientific and engineering report entitled “The Flood Insurance Study for the Town of LaBarge, dated May 1977. The Flood Insurance Study is on file at the office of the Town clerk.

C. No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted or altered without full compliance of the terms of this ordinance and other applicable regulations.

D. This ordinance is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants or deed restrictions. However, where this ordinance and any other ordinance or easement, covenant or deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall apply.

E. In the interpretation and application of this ordinance all provisions shall be:

1. Considered as minimum requirements;

2. Liberally construed in favor of the governing body;

3. Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes.


A. A development permit shall be obtained before construction or development begins within any area of a special flood hazard established in this ordinance. Application for a development permit shall be made in the manner specified by the Flood Damage Prevention Superintendent and may include, but is not necessarily limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions and elevations of the area; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities and the location of the foregoing, specifically, the following information is required:


1. Elevation in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures;

2. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been flood proofed;

3. Certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the flood proofing methods for any nonresidential structure meet the flood proofing criteria of this ordinance;

4. Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development.


A. The Town Council of the Town of LaBarge shall appoint a qualified person to administer and implement this ordinance by granting or denying development permit applications in accordance with this ordinance. Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Permit review;

2. Review all development permits to determine that the permit requirements of this ordinance have been satisfied;

3. Review of all the development permits to determine that all necessary permits have been obtained from those federal, state and local government agencies from which prior approval is required;

4. Review of all development permits to determine if the proposed development adversely affects the flood carrying capacity of the area of special flood hazards. For the purpose of this ordinance, “adversely affects” means that the cumulative effects of the proposed development when combined with all other existing and anticipated development will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point;

5. When the base flood elevation data has not been provided in accordance with this ordinance, the Flood Damage Prevention Superintendent shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data available from a federal, state or other source, in order to administer this ordinance;

6. Obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to sea level) of the lowest habitable floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures.

B. For all new or substantially improved flood proofed structures:

1. Verify and record the actual elevation (in relation to sea level);

2. Maintain the flood proofing certifications required by this ordinance;

3. Maintain for public inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of this ordinance.


B. Notify adjacent communities and the State Water Superintendent prior to any alteration or relocation of water course and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administration.

1. Require that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocation portion of said water course so that the flood carrying capacity is not diminished.

2. Have interpretations where needed, as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and the actual field conditions). The person contesting the location of a boundary shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation.

10.80.080 – APPEAL BOARD

A. The Town Council shall act as the appeal board and shall hear and decide all issue concerning this the purposes of this ordinance.

B. If there is an alleged error in any requirement, decision or determination made by the Flood Prevention and Damage Superintendent in the enforcement of this ordinance, the Town Council will appeal and decide the determination.

C. Those who are aggrieved by the decision of the Flood Damage Prevention Board, or taxpayer, may appeal to the district court, as provided by the Wyoming Administration Procedures Act.


A. Upon consideration of the factors and the purposes of this ordinance, the Town Council may state such rules and regulations, not in conflict with this ordinance, as it deems necessary to further the purpose of this ordinance.

B. In passing upon applications for variances the Town Council shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors and standards specified in other sections of this ordinance and shall specifically consider:

1. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others;

2. The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage;

3. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner;

4. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community;

5. The necessity to the facility to the waterfront location, where applicable;

6. The availability of alterative locations for the proposed use, which are not subject to flooding or erosion damage;


7. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development;

8. The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and flood plain management program for the area;

9. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles;

10. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site;

11. The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions, including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, water systems, streets and bridges.

10.80.100 – VARIANCES

A. Generally, variances may be issued for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot of one-half (1/2) acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the base flood level, providing items in Rules and Regulations have been fully considered. As the lot size increases beyond the 1/2 acre, the technical justification required for issuing a variance increases.

B. Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result.

C. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief.

D. Variances shall only be upon:

1. A showing of good and efficient cause.

2. A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances.

E. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with the lowest floor elevation below the base flood elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with increased risk resulting from the reduced floor elevation.


The Flood Damage Prevention Superintendent shall maintain the records of all appeal actions and report any variances to the Federal Insurance Administration upon request.



A. In all areas of special flood hazards the following general standards shall be required:

1. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure.

2. All mobile homes shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse or lateral movement by providing over-the-top and frame ties to ground anchors. Specific requirements shall be that:

a. Over-the-top ties are provided at each end of the four (4) corners of the mobile home, with two (2) additional ties per side at intermediate locations with mobile homes less than fifty (50) feet long requiring one (1) additional tie per side;

b. Frame ties be provided at each corner of the mobile home with five (5) additional ties per side at intermediate points, with the mobile homes less than fifty (50) feet long requiring four (4) additional ties each side;

c. All components of the anchoring system must be capable of carrying a force of four thousand eight hundred (4,800) pounds;

d. Any additions to the mobile home must be similarly anchored.

3. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage and the methods and practices that minimize flood damage.

4. All new replacement water supply systems, sanitary sewage systems and on-site waste disposal systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood wafers into the systems or contamination from said systems into flood water during flooding situations.

5. All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.

6. All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.

7. All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage.

8. Base flood elevation data shall be provided for subdivision proposals and other proposed developments which contain at least fifty (50) lots or five (5) acres (whichever is less).

B. Specific standards: Residential.

In all areas of special flood hazards where base flood elevation data has been provided as set forth in Section 5 and Section 7 the following shall be required:

1. New construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest, including basement, elevated to or above base floor elevation.

2. New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other non-residential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including


basement, elevated to the level of the base flood elevation; or, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, and shall:

a. Be flood proofed so that below the base floor level of the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water;

b. Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy;

c. Be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the standards of this subsection are satisfied. Such certifications shall be provided to the official as set forth.

C. Specific Standards: Mobile Homes.

In all areas of special flood hazards where base floor elevation data has been provided as set forth in Section 5 and Section 7 the following shall be required:

1. Mobile Homes shall be anchored in accordance with Section 12.

2. For new mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions, for expansions of the above, where repair, reconstruction or improvement of the streets, utilities and pads equals or exceeds fifty (50) percent of value before repair etc. ‘has commenced and for mobile homes not in a park or subdivision, the requirement is as follows:

a. Stands or lots are elevated on compacted fill or on pilings so that the lowest floor of the mobile home will be at or above the base flood level.

b. Adequate surface drainage and access for a hauler are provided.

c. In the instance of elevation on pilings:

i. Lots are large enough to permit steps;

ii. Piling foundations are placed in stable soil no more than ten (10) feet apart;

iii. Reinforcement is provided for pilings more than six (6) feet above the ground level.

iv. No mobile home shall be placed in a floodway, except in an existing mobile home park or mobile home subdivision.

D. Located within areas of special flood hazard, established in this ordinance, there are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of floodwaters, which carry debris, potential projectiles and erosion potential the following provisions apply:

1. Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements and other development unless certification by a professional engineer or architect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase on flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge;

2. If the provisions of the above section are satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions.

E. Prohibit the placement of any mobile home, except in an existing mobile home park existing subdivision.



10.85.010 – DEFINITIONS

A. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them by this section:

Alley: a public or private way at the rear or side of the property permanently reserved as a means of secondary vehicular access to the abutting property, generally having less width than a street.

Block: an area of land within a subdivision, which area is entirely bounded by streets or highways, or the exterior boundary or boundaries of the subdivision.

Collector Street: a street, which carries traffic from minor streets to major arterial streets, including the principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets for circulation within such development.

Commission: the LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission.

Cul-de-sac: a dead-end street, which permanently terminates at a ping where a vehicular turn around point is provided.

Easement: a right to use a specified space on a lot or parcel of land for specified purposes such as for public utilities or other public uses.

Final Plat: the final map, drawing or chart on which the sub-divider’s plan of Subdivision is presented to the governing body through the commission for approval, and which, if approved, shall be submitted to the county clerk for recording.

Frontage: the line where a lot abuts a dedicated street or highway right-of-way line. Frontage is expressed in lineal feet and is measured along the right-of-way line.

Front Lot: the narrowest lot boundary abutting a street.

Governing Body: the LaBarge Town Council.

Half Street: a street normally parallel and contiguous to a property line and of lesser right-of-way than ultimately required.

Improvement: such work to occur and utilities, paving, traffic controls, Landscaping, or other betterments to be installed where agreed to be installed by the sub-divider on the land dedicated or to be dedicated for streets, highways, public ways, and easements or on existing public streets bordering on the land of the sub-divider or on non-public lands within or near the subdivision as are necessary for the general use of the lot or subdivision.


Lot: a parcel of real property with a separate and distinct number or other designation shown on a plat recorded in the office of the county records.

Master Plan: the comprehensive plan prepared by the commission and adopted by the governing body which indicates the general locations recommended for the various functional classes of public works, places and structures and for the general physical development of the municipality and includes any unit or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendment to such plan or parts thereof.

Municipality: The Town of LaBarge, Wyoming.

Official Map: the map established by the governing body showing the streets, highways and parks theretofore laid out, adopted and established by law and any amendments thereto adopted by the governing body or additions thereto resulting from the approval of subdivision plats by the governing body and the subsequent filing of such approved plats.

Performance Guarantee: any security which may be accepted by the town council in lieu of a requirement that certain improvements be made by the sub-divider before the plat is approved, including performance bonds, escrow agreement, and other similar collateral or surety agreements.

Permanent Monument: any structure of masonry or steel permanently placed on or in the ground, including those expressly placed for surveying reference.

Preliminary Plat: the initial map, drawing, or chart indicating the proposed layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the commission and the governing body for consideration.

Street: any public right-of-way dedicated for the purpose of moving vehicular traffic.

Street, Major Arterial: a thoroughfare ultimately designed for the movement of two or more lanes of moving traffic in each direction and designated as a major street by the comprehensive plan.

Street, Marginal Access: a minor street which is parallel and adjacent to arterial streets and which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.

Stub Street: a street, which temporarily terminates at the boundary of the subdivision with no permanent vehicular turn around area.

Subdivide: the act of creating a subdivision.

Sub-divider: any real property located within the incorporated land of the town of LaBarge, improved or unimproved, or a portion thereof shown on the last preceding tax roll as a unit or as contiguous units, which is divided for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, whether immediate or future, into three or more parcels, lots, or building sites.


Town: The Town of LaBarge.

Through Lots: lots which have street frontage on two opposite sides of the lot.


No final plat of land subdivision shall be approved and accepted unless it conforms to the provisions of this chapter.


A. The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into three (3) or more lots, plats, sites or other divisions of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development shall make the transaction subject to the provisions of this chapter whether a plat is recorded or not.

B. All plats of a subdivision of land within LaBarge, Wyoming shall be filed and recorded only after having first been reviewed and approved by the LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission and accepted and signed by the town council.

C. No building shall be erected on any lot nor shall a building permit be issued for a building unless the street giving access to the lot upon which such building is proposed to be placed shall have been constructed and approved by the LaBarge Planning and Zoning Commission and accepted by the town council as a part of an official subdivision.

D. No person shall subdivide any tract of land, which is located within the town of LaBarge, except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.


The design requirements of Section 13-5 shall apply to all subdivisions within the town of LaBarge unless extraordinary circumstances warrant a variance from such requirements and such a variance is approved by the commission and the town council under Section 216 hereof.


A. The general location and alignment of streets and lot size shall conform to the planning and zoning requirements of the town. Efforts shall be made to encourage good design practices, incorporating new ideas improving planning techniques, which vary from the typical grid street pattern, now commonly found in many older subdivisions. The topography and other found in many older subdivisions. The topography and other natural features of the site should be taken into consideration and plans developed in such a manner that these natural features benefit the total in such a manner that these natural features benefit the total development. This may be done by a curvilinear pattern, open spaces for recreation or pedestrian movement, or it may be accomplished by creating cluster or townhouse developments which permit greater user of open space and greater preservation of natural topographic and environmental features. The following design standards shall be applicable for all subdivisions:

1. The design and development of subdivisions shall preserve, insofar as it is possible, the natural terrain, natural drainage, existing topsoil and trees;


2. Streets shall bear a logical relationship to the topography and to the location of existing or platted streets in adjacent property;

3. Streets, utility rights-of-way and public open spaces shall conform to the official plans of the municipality for the extension and location of such public facilities;

4. The minimum width of streets shall be as follows:

Classification: Right-Of-Way, Width Roadway, Width

Major Arterial 100 Feet 68 Feet

Collector with Property Line Walk 80 Feet 52 Feet

Local Street with Property Line Walk 70 Feet 42 Feet

Local Street with Curb Walk 60 Feet 46 Feet

5. Where a subdivision adjoins or contains an existing or proposed major arterial highway or street on which traffic volumes and vehicular speeds warrant special safety features, marginal access streets at least thirty (30) feet in width shall be required;

6. Dead-end street shall be not more than four hundred (400) feet in length, with a minimum outside radius of fifty (50) feet at the closed end;

7. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles;

8. Full width streets shall always be platted;

9. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall not be allowed;

10. Street names shall not duplicate an existing street name unless the said street is an extension of the existing street. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the commission and shall be named in a manner, which will not duplicate or be confused with existing street names;

11. Lots shall be at least as large as required by the minimum standards contained in the zoning regulations; except that in no event shall any interior lot be less than fifty (50) feet in width nor shall any corner lot be less than sixty (60) feet in width in residential areas;

12. Lot lines shall be at right angles to the street line or at right angles to the tangent of the curb of the street line;

13. Reversed corner lots and through lots shall not be permitted;

14. All lots shall front on a public street or highway;


15. No lot shall be platted in areas subject to flooding unless adequate flood protection measures are taken;

16. Blocks for residential use shall be more than four hundred fifty (450) feet in length and less than nine hundred (900) feet in length;

17. Major drainage ditches and irrigation ditches shall not be permitted on public streets or highways except to cross such public streets or highways;

18. Alleys shall be at least twenty (20) feet in width and open at both ends in business districts. Alleys at least twenty (20) feet in width shall ordinarily be required in all residential districts. Where alleys are not required, easements shall be granted or reserved at least ten (10) feet in width on each side of all rear lot lines and alongside lot lines where necessary for utility installation and maintenance;

19. Should the master plan of the municipality contain proposals for drainage rights-of-way, school sites, parks, playgrounds or other public tracts within a proposed subdivision, before approving the subdivision, the governing body upon recommendation of the planning commission may require that the drainage rights-of-way, school sites, parks, playgrounds or other public tracts shown on the master plan be shown in locations and sizes suitable for their intended uses upon the proposed subdivision plan. Upon recommendation of the commission, the governing body may require reservation of the location and extent of drainage rights-of-way, school sites, parks, playgrounds or other public tracts shown on the master plan.

a. Such reservation shall be for a period of two (2) years after the approval of the final plat or such further time as may be agreed to by the sub-divider;

b. At the end of the two (2) year period or any extension thereof, the governing body or school board shall have entered into a contract to purchase or instituted condemnation proceedings according to law for such drainage rights-of-way, school sites, parks, playgrounds or other public tracts shown on the master plan; otherwise, the sub-divider shall no longer be bound by the reservation. This provision shall not apply to the streets and roads or drainage rights-of-way required for final approval of any plat and deemed essential to the public welfare.

20. All telephone, television, and electrical power lines shall be placed underground, in streets, alleys or easements in an approved manner;

21. Improvements which the sub-divider shall make at the cost of the sub-divider prior to acceptance and approval of the final plat by the town council shall be:

a. Monuments:

Permanent survey monuments shall be set at locations specified by the municipal engineer; provided, that ordinarily such monuments shall not be more than thirteen hundred twenty (1320) feet, nor less than six hundred sixty (660) feet apart. In addition, one-inch galvanized pipe with at least three (3) feet burial from the ground surface to the bottom of the pipe shall be set at all lot corners.

b. Sewers:


Public water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer mains and laterals with connections to existing mains or laterals shall be installed in accordance with design and construction requirements established by the town engineer.

c. Surface Improvements:

Surface improvements, including sidewalks, curbs and gutter, culverts, bridges, pavement of streets and alleys, street signs, fire hydrants and other required improvements shall be constructed by the sub-divider in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the town engineer and after construction shall be subject to inspection and approval by the town engineer.

B. Whenever the town shall require paving consistent with the requirements of collector of major arterial streets, and when in the governing body’s discretion, funds are available for the purpose, the governing body shall participate in the cost of such required paving with the sub-divider, on the following basis:

Excavation Base and Sub-divider’s Share: Municipality’s Share:

Asphalt Surface

Collector Street 88% 12%

Major Arterial Street 66% 34%

C. Requests for town participation shall be made in writing on or before the April 1st prior to the budget year in which such participation is requested. The request shall be accompanied by plans, specifications and estimated costs of the streets for which participation is requested, which shall be approved by the town engineer.

D. The town’s participation shall not exceed five hundred (500) dollars unless the contract for which participation is requested is let for public bid. The town council shall review the bid and the qualification of the bidder and may refuse participation in the bid for any reason.

E. The town treasurer shall not be required to disburse any monies in connection with participation hereunder until ninety days after the commencement of any regular budget year.

F. Nothing hereunder shall be construed to waive any other requirements to be performed by the sub-divider under this section, preliminary to acceptance of a final plat of any subdivision of land.

G. All required improvements shall be completed in accordance with grades officially approved by the town.

H. Before the governing body shall accept a final plat of a subdivision, the sub-divider or owner shall have laid out and constructed all improvements specified by the governing body for completion at such time; or in lieu thereof;

I. The sub-divider or owner shall have entered into a written agreement with the town, wherein the sub-divider shall agree to make such improvements and when required by the governing body, shall have deposited a bond with sufficient sureties thereon approved by the town, guaranteeing his faithful performance of his covenants therein made; or

J. Shall have deposited sufficient funds in escrow with the municipality to cover the costs of such improvements:


1. The bonds or funds guaranteeing the performance of the sub-divider’s covenants shall be in an amount at least equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the then current cost of performing the covenants therein made by the sub-divider;

2. If the agreement requires the sub-divider to construct off-site improvements and the governing body shall find that other properties shall be benefited by such improvements, the agreement shall contain a provision that the town shall not permit the owners of property so benefited to avail themselves of the improvements, until they shall have reimbursed the sub-divider, on an equitable basis to be determined by the governing body, for their pro-rata share shall be required unless the sub-divisor shall have furnished the town engineer with the certified statement of the original cost of the improvements within thirty (30) days after completion thereof; and provided that the sub-divider’s right to reimbursement shall terminate not later than fifteen (15) years form the date of completion of the specific improvement for which reimbursement is sought.


No plat of any subdivision shall be accepted by the town until it shall have been approved in the manner prescribed in this chapter and also shall be in compliance with the laws of the State of Wyoming.


No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made in any plat of a subdivision after approval has been given by the governing body and endorsed in writing on the plat, unless such plat is first resubmitted to the planning commission and approved by the governing body.


A. The following outline shall be followed in order to obtain a systematic review and approval or disapproval of a proposed subdivision. The commission may delegate the initial contact and review responsibilities to an authorized representative. The Developer Shall:

1. Analyze the proposed development concepts for conformity;

2. Prepare a pre-preliminary sketch (optional);

3. Prepare a preliminary plat with a vicinity map;

4. Submit an application and preliminary plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission;

5. Appear at a hearing on the application and preliminary plat;

6. After approval of a preliminary plat, prepare a final plat with all corrections or changes recommended in preliminary plat review;

7. Obtain all required certifications, dedications, etc.;


8. Submit a final plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission;

9. Submit a final plat to the town council;

10. Appear at the final hearing on the application;

11. Record approved final plat, properly executed.


If the sub-divider chooses, he may submit a sketch map to the commission (or their designated representative) for their review and comments prior to making application for commission review of the preliminary plat. The sketch map should be prepared in a manner which generally defines the layout of streets, lots, and location of any public uses, map to resolve any major points of disagreement with the commission before the sub-divider goes to the expense of designing and drawing the preliminary plat. No action is required of the Commission other than to review the sketch plan and offer comments appropriate to the sub-divider.


A. The sub-divider or his representative shall file three (3) copies of the preliminary plat with the municipal clerk for presentation to the planning commission two (2) weeks prior to a regular planning commission meeting. The preliminary plat shall be considered officially filed with the planning commission on the date of the planning commission meeting at which such plat is presented.

B. The preliminary plat of a subdivision shall be prepared by an engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Wyoming.

C. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:

1. The proposed name of the sub-division;

2. The location of the subdivision as a part of some larger subdivision or tract of land and, by reference to permanent survey monuments, with a tie to a section corner or a quarter-section corner;

3. The names and addresses of the sub-dividers and owners, the designer of the subdivision, the engineer of surveyor and a reasonably accurate designation of the owners of adjacent un-subdivided property;

4. The location and principal dimensions for all existing or recorded section lines, streets, alleys, easements, water courses, public utilities, and other important existing features within and adjacent to the tract to be subdivided;

5. The location and principal dimensions for all proposed streets, alleys, easements, lot lines and areas to be reserved for public use;

6. The date of preparation, scale (not less than two hundred (200) feet to the inch) and north sign (designation as true north);


7. Contours at municipal datum at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet where the slope is less than ten percent (10%) and not more than five (5) feet where the slope is more than ten percent (10%);

8. The acreage of the land to be subdivided.


A. The planning and zoning commission shall notify the sub-divider of the time and place of hearing before the planning commission on the preliminary plat not less than three (3) days before the date fixed for the hearing.

B. Notice of the hearing, in the form of a first class letter, shall be mailed to the owners of un-subdivided land immediately adjoining the area proposed to be platted, as shown on the preliminary subdivision plan.

C. Notice of the hearing shall also be given to public and private utility offices serving the area and to the public school district.

D. Reasonable efforts shall be made in notifying the persons designated in this section of the hearing; however, failure to contact all adjoining landowners and utility and school officials shall not invalidate the hearing procedure.


A. Within twenty (20) days of the hearing on the preliminary plat for a subdivision, the planning and zoning commission shall act in accordance with one of the following:

1. Approve the preliminary plat whereby the chairman of the planning commission shall affix his signature to the plat;

2. Approve the preliminary plat subject to modification whereby the chairman of the planning commission shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action;

3. Disapprove the preliminary plat whereby the chairman of the planning commission shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action.

B. In any case, a notation of the action taken, and requisite reasons therefore shall be entered in the records of the planning commission, and the town council shall be promptly apprised of such action.


A. Within thirty (30) days after the planning commission recommendation is formerly presented to the governing body, the governing body shall act in accordance with the one of the following:

1. Approve the preliminary plat whereby the mayor shall affix his signature to the plat;


2. Approve the preliminary plat with modifications whereby the mayor shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action;

3. Disapprove the preliminary plat whereby the mayor shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action.


A. All drawings of a final plat shall conform to the provisions of Section 34-12-101 et seq. of the Wyoming statutes and amendments thereto.

B. The final plat shall be accompanied by the engineering drawings, constructions plans, agreements or bonds as may be specified by the governing body in accordance with the provisions of section 105 (u) (4) (b) of this chapter.

C. The final plat shall incorporate all changes or modification required by the governing body.

D. The final plat shall contain all of the information required for the preliminary plat, except contour lines, plus the following:

1. Accurate dimensions for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundary streets, alleys, easements, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public use and other important features;

2. An identification of all lots and blocks, names of streets and street addresses for each lot;

3. A good and sufficient dedication of all of the streets, alleys, easements, parks and other public areas as shown on the plat to the public;

4. A Certification by a State of Wyoming licensed surveyor or engineer as to the accuracy of the survey and drafting of the plat;

5. Certifications for approval of the plat by the planning commission and approval of the plat by the governing body.


A. After the sub-divider is notified of approval of the preliminary plat by the governing body, if he desires to proceed, he shall file three (3) copies of the final plat with the municipal clerk at least two (2) weeks prior to the regular meeting of the planning and zoning commission.

B. The final plat shall be considered officially filed on the date of the planning commission meeting at which such plat is formally presented.

C. The planning and zoning commission shall act on the final plat within thirty (30) days of the official filing date, unless the time is extended by agreement with the sub-divider or his agent.

D. The planning and zoning commission shall recommend to the governing body approval or disapproval of the final plat.


1. If recommended for approval, the chairman of the planning and zoning commission shall affix his signature to the final plat;

2. If recommended for disapproval, the chairman of the planning and zoning commission shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action;

3. In any case, a notation of the action taken and requisite reasons therefore shall be entered in the records of the planning and zoning commission and governing body shall promptly be notified of any such action.


Subsequent to the commission’s recommended approval of the final plat and prior to the submission of the final plat to the governing body, any engineering design plans and any subdivision improvement agreement or bond as described in section 105 (u) (4) (b) of this chapter shall be reviewed by the town engineer and town attorney accordingly.


A. The governing body shall act on the final plat within thirty (30) days after the plat is formally presented to the governing body.

B. If no action is taken by the governing body within thirty (30) days or a longer period as may have been agreed upon, the final plat shall be deemed approved.

C. If the final plat is approved and all necessary subdivision agreement forms, bonds and engineering plans are also approved; the mayor shall affix his signature to the plat.

D. If disapproved, the mayor shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action.


A. The sub-divider shall record the approved final plat in the office of the county recorder within thirty (30) days after the date of approval, otherwise approval shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.

B. Immediately upon recording the approved final plat, the sub-divider shall furnish the municipal engineer with three (3) black and white prints of the final plat as officially recorded.


In no case shall additions, corrections, erasures or modifications of any kind be made to the final plat other than signatures required after the final plat has been approved by the town council.



A. Any owner or agent of an owner who sells, transfers, agrees to sell or negotiates to sell land in an unapproved subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each lot so sold, transferred or agreed to be sold. Each day of violation is a separate offense. Description of the lots in the unapproved subdivision by metes and bounds in the transfer shall not exempt the owner from being fined.

B. The town may enjoin any transfer or sale of such land by injunction and may recover the penalty in a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction.

C. The Town of LaBarge shall withhold all public street improvements and services of any nature including maintenance, from all areas which have not been accepted by the town council in the manner prescribed in this chapter and by other official actions of the town council.

10.85.210 – VARIANCES

The town council may authorize variances from these regulations in cases where, due to exceptional topographical conditions or other conditions peculiar to the site, and variance shall not be granted if it would be detrimental to the public good or impair the intent and purpose of this chapter. The conditions of any variance authorized shall be stated in writing in the minutes of the council with the justifications set forth.


A. In the interpretation and application of the provisions of this chapter the following regulations shall govern:

1. Provisions and Minimum Requirements.

In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be regarded as the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of LaBarge. This chapter shall therefore be regarded as remedial and shall be liberally construed to further its underlying purposes.

2. Application of Overlapping Regulations.

Whenever both a provision of this chapter and any provision in this code or other law, ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation of any kind contain any restrictions recovering any of the same subject matter, whatever restrictions are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements shall govern.

10.82.230 – APPEALS

Any sub-divider, aggrieved by the action of any board or administrative personnel of the Town of LaBarge in carrying out any provisions of this chapter, may, if they so desire, file with the town council, an appeal in accordance with the LaBarge Town Code.

10.85.240 – AMENDMENT

From time to time the town council may amend this chapter. Any such amendment shall not be made or become effective unless the same shall have been either proposed by or submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the approval, disapproval or recommendations of the board of adjustments. If such amendment were disapproved by the board, within thirty (30) days’


notice of the time and place of said hearing shall be given by at least one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of LaBarge.

10.85.250 – SEPARABILITY

It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that the several provisions of this chapter shall be severable and if any term or provision of this chapter shall, to any extent, be found invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this chapter, or the application of such term or provision to persons or invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and be enforced to the fullest extent.





11.01.005 Creation

11.01.010 Recreation Board



11.01.005 – CREATION

The Town Council for the Town of LaBarge may, at its discretion, create Boards and Commissions for any purpose allowed under the Laws of the State of Wyoming. Such Board or Commission shall not exceed powers delegated to that Board or Commission by the Town Council. Any action or decision of a Board or Commission created herein may be overturned, modified or ratified by the Town Council, which shall act as the appellate body of any created Board or Commission. Any permanent Board or Commission shall be created by Ordinance. Otherwise, a temporary or ad hoc body created herein may be created by Resolution.


Herein is created a Recreation Board of the Town of LaBarge, which shall consist of no less than three (3) and not more than seven (7) residents of the Town of LaBarge, the number and members thereof to be appointed by the Mayor confirmed by the majority of a quorum of the Town Council. The Recreation Board shall have the authority to create, plan, organize, manage, and seek funding for recreational activities and facilities within the Town of LaBarge. This Board shall meet as needed, with posted meeting dates published no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of such meeting, except for cases of emergency.